My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 252: Squat on the subway

At the entrance of the hospital, Lin Ruochu said, "You don't have to go up."

"Ah?" Xu Qingmo was surprised.

"Well, you don't need to go up." Lin Ruochu said, suddenly a little embarrassed, and bowed his head.

Xu Qingmo understood a bit, Lin Ruochu didn't want him to see Song Yinzhang.

"Well, then I'll go elsewhere." Xu Qingmo shrugged.

"Um." Lin Ruochu whispered, and then ran to the hospital.

Xu Qingmo touched his nose. Lin Ruochu had a tendency to be jealous. This was good news for him.

Xu Qingmo didn't think about returning to the company, he got on the subway and was going home.

It happened that a group had a concert nearby. When Xu Qingmo went up, there was no one, and the next stop was full.

Amongst the crowd, a pregnant woman came up, and Xu Qingmo quickly gave up his seat. This year, pregnant women also came to see the concert. It was crazy.

Listening to the opinions of the people around, or any foreign combination, even the lights must be specially made, otherwise they are not worthy of their fans, not worthy of going to the concert.

Xu Qingmo almost laughed. He didn't like this foreign combination, but even more sadly, these Chinese people have nothing to like about the stars, but the brain residual powder is just too unreasonable.

When the foreign group's brain residual powder, they still have a sense of superiority. What would not sing their songs is not worthy of going to a concert, and what ca n’t be performed without a special crown lamp is really unreasonable.

It is precisely because Huaxia has so many brain residual powders that those foreign stars can come to China unbridled and use poor performances to make money.

Not only Xu Qingmo, a middle-aged man beside him didn't understand these brain powder, could not help but persuade the pregnant woman: "Don't run around when you are pregnant, don't come near this occasion of the concert, otherwise The child is bad. "

I didn't expect that the pregnant woman was immediately smashed, and said with a serious face: "Do you know? They are going to join the army, this is the last time they have joined the concert, and the next time is six years later, and they have not gone It ’s so considerate of other fans to come to my country specifically for our country, how could I not go. "

The middle-aged man sighed: "At that time, I thought there were many young people in our country, and it was more profitable to have a concert."

"Who are you and how can you stigmatize them so much? Do you know how hard they train? Do you know how many years they have been trainees? Do you know how much sweat they have shed for today? You are not allowed to say theirs Bad words! "

Talking, this pregnant woman even had to reach out to tear the middle-aged person, and the middle-aged person had to let go.

Xu Qingmo also shook her head. This kind of brain powder is really unreasonable, but she has pitiful children in her stomach.

Xu Qingmo couldn't stand the brain residual powder and retreated to a corner.

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo felt a figure squeeze into his arms.

Xu Qingmo hesitated. Although the subway was very crowded, it wasn't so. Is it a thief?

Xu Qingmo immediately noticed his pocket, and now there is a thief who hits him.

However, to the surprise of Xu Qingmo, the figure in his arms was just twisting and grinding, and did not mean to steal things.

Could it be that this is a female hooligan, who is specially devoted to robbery?

Xu Qingmo was surprised, and then started looking at this bold girl.

The girl is back to Xu Qingmo, so Xu Qingmo can't see her face, but looking at her figure, she is tall among the girls. Her head is up to the tip of Xu Qingmo's nose, she is dressed very clean, and her lower body is denim shorts, revealing a pair of long Beautiful legs and a white blouse on the upper body. Because the bust is magnificent, the clothes look like a hood on the body, and the already slim waistline is slimmer. If you peek up from below, the scenery must be good.

The girl shuffled her hair and made a slight curl at the ends. She wanted to be a young and beautiful college student.

Just why college students rely on themselves like this.

Xu Qingmo slowly reached out her hand and put it on the girl's waist.

The girl's body froze, and then she was not surprised, but twisted and happily opened.

Xu Qingmo smiled. If there is any advantage, it is the turtle king bastard. You can't put it in your feet. You just put your hand on the girl's waist as if you were holding the railing.

I have to say that the girl's waist is very soft but also very flexible and feels great.

At the next stop, there were a lot fewer people on the subway, not as crowded as before.

When Xu Qingmo pushed the girl in front of her, she finally had a chance to see her face.

The girl was pushed by Xu Qingmo and turned around, facing Xu Qingmo, revealing her face.

At a glance, Xu Qingmo was surprised.

Not because the girl is ugly, but because Xu Qingmo knew the girl.

Meng Qinglou! Leng Qiutong's sister!

Xu Qingmo was surprised. In the past, Meng Qinglou seduce himself in various ways, but he has not been dressed like this student yet, and he did not recognize it all at once.

But after recognizing it, Xu Qingmo understood why she wanted to solicit herself on the subway.

In this dream building, except for the first time he wanted to take medicine, every other time he met, he tried to seduce him. The specific purpose was not clear, and Xu Qingmo was not fooled.

"It's you!" Xu Qingmo said.

"Why, can't it be me?" Meng Qinglou glanced under Xu Qingmo with his eyes. "Did you just enjoy it?"

"What purpose do you have?" Xu Qingmo said impatiently. He just broke through and improved his strength a lot. He has no such fears about this mysterious dream building. If she doesn't know what to do, she won't mind taking good lessons. She had a meal.

"What do you say?"

At this time, a large number of people crowded into the subway, and Meng Qinglou rushed into Xu Qingmo's arms, like a couple, and said with a smile.

"Are you going to avenge Leng Qiutong?" Xu Qingmo said his guess.

"Now that you know what else to ask?" Meng Qinglou also admitted.

"First, I didn't know what to do with Leng Qiutong. I heard she had a chance to make a breakthrough before returning to the mountain. So, I am still her benefactor." Xu Qingmo said, "Second, even if I hurt She, it ’s not such a law of revenge. "

Xu Qingmo felt the dream Qinglou in her arms deliberately put his hands behind his back, and then pressed his chest against Xu Qingmo's chest.

"Don't you like it?" Meng Qinglou put out her tongue and licked her red lips.

"Did you know that you were playing with fire?" Xu Qingmo whispered. He was also a man, and Meng Qinglou was a beauty. It was impossible to say that he had no reaction at all.

"I know, you come to burn me, burn me to death." Meng Qinglou stared at Xu Qingmo with a wink.

"Ah! Don't crowd!" There were more people on the subway, and the crowd suddenly crowded.

Meng Qinglou was so hard pressed on Xu Qingmo's chest that this was not intentional, but that the crowd behind her was too crazy.

However, Meng Qinglou became even more proud, burying his head in Xu Qingmo's chest, raised his head, looked at Xu Qingmo, his red lips were delicate and dazzling, provocative, and could not wait to bite.

Xu Qingmo almost didn't hold back. Hurrying to look at the nose and nose, look at the heart, calm down.

The crowd raged again, one of Meng Qinglou did not stand still, reached out and grabbed Xu Qingmo's arm, then suddenly he pinched and squeezed Xu Qingmo's arm again.

There is something in Xu Qingmo's arm, that is, the Emei water spunlace, which was tucked in his sleeve by him, and he was going to take it back.

Meng Qinglou was squeezed into Xu Qingmo's arms, touching Xu Qingmo's arm with his arms, touching Emei through the clothes to stab water.

Xu Qingmo doesn't matter. Mengqing Tower is also a person who practices martial arts. Emei's spunlace let her know that there is nothing.

Only at this moment, Meng Qinglou lowered her head, and as she touched Emei's spunlace every inch, her face became more and more complicated.

Finally, Meng Qinglou retracted, looked up at Xu Qingmo again, and said, "Your martial arts have improved."

Xu Qingmo froze, then nodded, all of them are Xi Wu, so close, she also pinched Meng Qinglou for so long, she knew it was normal to break through the bottleneck.

However, this is also due to Xu Qingmo's own reasons. He broke through, was not stable, and was familiar with this brand new realm. He couldn't hide well, so he was discovered by Meng Qinglou.

Meng Qinglou saw Xu Qingmo nodded, her eyes became more complicated, then she didn't speak, she went short and squatted down.

Xu Qingmo was startled. With so many people on the subway, what did Meng Qinglou squat down, and quickly reached out to catch Meng Qinglou, and touched Meng Qinglou's head.

Meng Qinglou squatted in front of Xu Qingmo. Because the crowd was behind, she had to go forward, so she could only squat between Xu Qingmo's legs, and then she raised her head.

"No ... she wants it!"

Xu Qingmo was shocked. Although she knew that Meng Qinglou was bold, she did not expect that Meng Qinglou would be so bold. But on the subway, there were still so many people. Wasn't she afraid to be found?

Xu Qingmo wanted to stop, it was too late, and he was wrapped in tenderness and moisture.

Xu Qingmo was flirtatious. He was teased by Meng Qinglou and could restrain himself, but at this point, if he could restrain himself, he would not be a man.

After three stops like this, there were fewer people on the subway, and Meng Qinglou also stood up again, licking his lips with his tongue, and no longer treated Xu Qingmo, just standing beside Xu Qingmo, like a well-behaved little Girlfriend.

Xu Qingmo stretched out her hand and grasped Meng Qinglou's hand tightly, for fear she would run away.

Xu Qingmo exerted a lot of force, and Meng Qinglou's wrists all had a pain, but she didn't say anything, but she lowered her head, her hair drooped, covering her eyes and the expression in her eyes.

When the subway arrived, Xu Qingmo pulled Mengqinglou all the way back to Chaoyang Community, and then walked into his own small building and into his bedroom. Then threw Mengqing Tower directly on the bed, took out the Emei water spunlace in the sleeve, and nailed it to the wall with a shake, and the whole person fell on the bed.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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