My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 235: Song Yin

There is no way in the world, and there are ways when more people walk.

Last time, this trail was just beginning to take shape, but at this time it has completely become a trail. It seems that many tourists have walked along the trail recently.

Song Yinzhang and Lin Ruochu listened at the fork. Song Qingyin in the back came up and pointed at the trail, saying, "Let's go this one."

When he said that, he went in first, Yun Shu quickly rushed to catch up, and Song Yinzhang did not object, but said, "Life always has to take different paths to see different scenery."

Lin Ruochu and Song Yinzhang also walked in. Xu Qingmo was naturally indifferent. The fire blue sword and snake had been thrown off the cliff by him. This road should not have existed otherwise, otherwise the scenic area would not be allowed to be trampled down this way. No fencing is established.

The last time Xia Xiaotong wore a chiffon skirt, which made Xu Qingmo look enjoyable. Song Yinzhang is the same today, but unfortunately, the sun at this time is not the sun of the other time, and the direction is not right, so Xu Qingmo cannot see the scenery of Song Yinzhang.

It was only when she was on the stone steps and the back skirt was tight that she could glimpse the round and full arc.

In this group of people, Song Yinzhang and Lin Ruochu are undoubtedly the two leading women, so the two of them are tired and naturally want to rest. There is just a stream next to them, so they sit on the stone next to the stream and expand further. Conversation, while Song Qingyin hasn't enjoyed it yet, pulling Yun Shu to take pictures elsewhere.

Xu Qingmo couldn't help but say, "There may be snakes nearby, so you better pay attention."

"Ah!" Song Qingyin was shocked when Xu Qingmo said this.

"It's okay, with me, even if there is a snake, my cousin will be fine." Yun Shu retorted immediately.

"Yeah, you're intentionally scaring me." Song Qingyin glared at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo swaggered and asked for nothing, but there should be no fire blue swords and snakes, go with them.

Lin Ruochu and Song Yinzhang sat upstream, Lin Ruochu sat upright, but the older Song Yinzhang was like a young girl. At first, he only put his hands into the stream, and later he couldn't help taking off his shoes and inserting his feet in. , Feeling the scour of the stream, smiling brightly.

Xu Qingmo was a little further downstream, sat down with a stone, and was not interested in the content of the conversation between the two, but looked around.

Qiu Ming Shan is surrounded by mountains, and the surrounding peaks are all no lower than it. However, only Qiu Ming Shan is full of maple trees and has no meaning impurities, so it can become a tourist attraction.

Thinking of snake kiss flowers and fire blue sword snakes, Xu Qingmo pinched his chin. Snake kiss flowers are said to be very harsh on the growth environment. At first, the biologist who had tried to artificially cultivate snake kiss flowers has not been successful, and finally concluded that the snake The growth environment of kiss flower may also be related to feng shui.

Could it be that Qiumingshan is here? What's so special about Feng Shui?

Xu Qingmo stood up and looked at him, but unfortunately he didn't understand Feng Shui and couldn't understand anything.

"Ah, my shoes!" Just then, Song Yinzhang cried.

Xu Qingmo looked up and saw that Song Yinzhang's shoes on the side of the stream slipped into the stream, was washed down by the stream, and left Song Yinzhang all at once, leaving her out of reach.

"Mr. Xu, please." Song Yinzhang looked at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo nodded, then stretched out a hand, picked up the shoes flowing in front of him, and walked up to Song Yinzhang.

Song Yinzhang hurriedly stood up, picked up her hands, and said, "Thank you."

But at this time Song Yinzhang was wearing shoes with only one foot, and one foot was bare. He was using his toes to point to the smooth pebbles, and he was unstable. He fell over and fell into the stream.

"Be careful!" Lin Ruochu was next to Song Yinzhang, and quickly reached out to catch Song Yinzhang.

However, Lin Ruochu's high-heeled shoes were also unstable when he stepped on the cobblestones, and Song Yinzhang also led him into the stream.

Then, the two beauties fell into the creek in front of Xu Qingmo.

Save Song Yinzhang, who is closer to himself on the left, or Lin Ruochu, who is farther to the right?

And two people are one after the other, just like Xu Qingmo stand by, Song Yinzhang will first Lin Ruochu fall into the stream.

Xu Qingmo did not hesitate, while stepping into the stream, he reached out to the landlord Lin Ruochu, waited for the landlord Lin Ruochu, and then held Song Yinzhang here.

Wen Xiangnuanyu, two beautiful women were choked by Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo just stepped into the stream with one foot, holding a beauty in each hand. I felt it, and then Xu Qingmo lifted the two upright.

"Yeah." As soon as Song Yinzhang landed, he nervously stretched his hands behind his back, even forgetting to say thank you.

"My back is wet." Song Yinzhang said a little embarrassed.

Just now Song Yinzhang fell first, but Xu Qingmo saved her later, so it was a little too late. Song Yinzhang's back was wet, but the main reason was because Song Yinzhang's body was too good and his hips were too warped, so he touched the small The stream was wet.

Song Yinzhang's entire dress, except for the skirt corner, had only her hips wet, which made her very embarrassed. She covered her hands with her hands and was afraid to turn around.

Lin Ruochu complained about Xu Qingmo, "Why didn't Mrs. Song get embarrassed first."

Xu Qingmo touched her nose and said truthfully, "My first reaction is to save you."

Lin Ruochu opened his mouth and did not speak, a flash of redness flashed on his face.

Song Yinzhang looked at the two enviously, and then said, "If you don't blame Mr. Xu at the beginning, protecting you has become his instinct."

"Surround it, now the sun is good, and it will dry in a moment." Xu Qingmo took off his coat and handed it to Song Yinzhang.

"Thank you." Song Yinzhang took the jacket and tied the sleeves to her waist, which covered the wet marks on the back and reduced her embarrassment. "

Because Song Yinzhang ’s skirt was wet, she could n’t sit down. All three stood in the sun. Song Yinzhang gently moved the coat on her waist to expose her buttocks to the sun. Xu Qingmo and Lin Ruochu were in Song Yinzhang. In front of him, so we can't see the wet place of Song Yinzhang.

After this incident, Song Yinzhang was okay with Lin Ruochu, but Xu Qingmo was a man, so she was a little embarrassed, and she was not as comfortable as before, and she was always avoiding the feeling of Xu Qingmo's eyes.

Xu Qingmo knew he was in trouble and took a step back.

"Cousin! Cousin ..."

Yun Shu's shout came from a distance, and then the three of Xu Qingmo saw him running from the depths of the jungle, sweating angrily.

"Aunt Song, do you see the soft tone?" Yun Shu asked Song Yinzhang anxiously.

Song Yinzhang was covering up well in front of his nephew, and could not see that she was wet behind her.

"No, didn't Qingyin take pictures with you?" Song Yinzhang said.

"Yeah, but we just saw a good-looking bird. She asked me to take a picture. I chased the bird and took a few pictures. Very quickly, it was less than a minute, but when I will go back to find her. And found her missing. "Yun Shu said.

"Is she hiding? She likes to play tricks the most." Song Yinzhang said.

"I yelled around for a long time and didn't hear her answer. I thought she would come back to you, so I ran over to ask." Yun Shu said.

"Call?" Lin Ruochu asked.

"I've been calling, but nobody answered." Yun Shu looked at the cell phone in his hand.

"Don't worry, she must be nearby, let's find it." Song Yinzhang said, and then moved the coat around his waist to cover the wet marks on the back of his ass.

Xu Qingmo and Lin Ruochu naturally had to help find it.

The three followed Yunshu to the depths of the jungle. The shade was deep and the sun was split into a bunch of projections. It was a bit of a mood. No wonder Song Qingyin would come here to take pictures.

"Cousin was separated from me here." Yun Shu said.

"We scattered around to find each other, and later gathered here to keep in touch with each other." Lin Ruochu proposed.

The four exchanged their numbers, and then separated into four directions.

Although it is a dense forest here, after all, it is a scenic area, and there can be no beasts, so except for Yun Shu, the other three are not very nervous, and Xu Qingmo is as comfortable as walking.

Xu Qingmo was looking for, while also paying attention to whether there were snake kiss flowers, he is now more interested in fire blue sword snake.

After walking for a while, nothing was found. Xu Qingmo changed direction and continued to search.

There is a large stone in front, exposed to the sun, Xu Qingmo is going to climb up and look around.

However, Xu Qingmo just approached and came under the boulder. He was about to climb up, but suddenly found that someone had come up from the other side.

Xu Qingmo looked up and saw only a piece of white, with black coming out, and a pair of jade hands stretched out, pinching the white chiffon and pulling it out, separating the wet white and black, making the black more vague It's even more tempting.

Song Yinzhang!

Song Yinzhang also came on top of this boulder, probably because the sun was good here, so she wanted to dry her clothes, but she didn't notice that Xu Qingmo came from the other direction, and it was just below her.

Xu Qingmo is embarrassed now. Would you like to speak out?

At this time, Song Yinzhang was probably trying to get a quicker sunburn. He actually curled his buttocks to Xu Qingmo's side, and swung left and right. This is to look down and look for Song Qingyin.

In this moment, black and white were soaked together, which seemed very tempting, and Xu Qingmo saw some intentions.

Moreover, Song Yinzhang is still a mature woman, with style and style. Such an action may be a bit ashamed on others, but it is an infinite seduce on her.

Xu Qingmo stood under the boulder, and just looked at Song Yinzhang above, rubbing his buttocks, doing the shameful movement of swinging left and right.

This time Xu Qingmo has made up his mind. Don't say anything. Don't let Song Yinzhang know how she looks at her and don't know what will happen. Maybe she won't cooperate with Qinghui Group when she is angry. Worth the gain.

Xu Qing was squatting underneath the boulder. In his position, Song Yinzhang above could not be seen unless he deliberately scared the stone around.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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