My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 210: Business suit

"Palin sauce?" After hearing Li Xueli's words, Zhang Zhihao immediately shifted his attention and no longer made Xu Qingmo more difficult. He turned around and discussed with Li Xueli. The rest of Luo Xiaoxiao's friends also spoke out. It seems that Palin The sauce is still topical in their hearts.

Li Xueli smiled apologetically to Xu Qingmo, then turned and talked to Zhang Zhihao, intending to take him back to the circle over there.

"As soon as you said it, I remembered that I hadn't seen Palin Sauce live for several days. It turned out that she was going to enter the showbiz industry, but I was her true fan."

"Parin sauce is really beautiful, and her acting skills are good. If she doesn't have a figure, the key dance is also great. If she enters the performing arts circle, she must be even hotter than the Han Yi."

"Palin sauce is good, but Han Yi is not bad. They are the hottest newcomers recently," said another.

When Xu Qingmo heard Han Yiren, her eyes brightened, but she did not expect that she had already reached this point and became the hottest newcomer.

The corner of Xu Qingmo's mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Palin sauce, but we in Jinling City, we naturally support Palin sauce, and that Han Yi is really good. It is said that it is going to replace Li Qingshi and become the first of the four little flowers."

"You are so funny, Li Qingshi is the head of the Four Little Flower Dans in Jinling City, and Han Yi people are not our Jinling people. How can they become the head of the Four Little Hua Dans in Jinling City?"

"Well, I remember it wrong. Li Qingshi is also good. I like her eyes as if I can talk."

"You say, what if you could bring Palin sauce and Li Qingshi at the wedding?" One person suggested.

"I wipe, the cliff is hot, but the two of them are okay elsewhere. In our city of Jinling, they are not worse than second-tier stars. That is not something ordinary people can ask for." Zhang Zhihao said.

"Oh, you can't invite Zhang Zhihao?" Said a girl. "Aren't you rich?"

"You don't understand. People at their level can't be hired if they have the money. It's because you get that level that they will be rewarded." Zhang Zhihao said.

"It turns out there are things you can't do for Zhang Zhihao." The girl smiled.

"Well, I can't do it, but my cousin can do it. Do you know the Liyun Club?" Zhang Zhihao proudly said.

"Lianyun Club? I know, what is known as the most luxurious club in Jinling City? That's not what ordinary people can go in. Those who can go there for entertainment are rich or expensive, and it is said that those female stars also like to go there." One boy said.

"Bingo, you're right. Only those who hold membership cards can enter, and you can meet young girls in it. My cousin only went public this year, and got the membership card of the club. I borrowed it, and I could go in and take a look. A few days ago, there was a gossip news that Palin Sauce and Li Qingshi also went to Lianyun Club. I will see them both soon! "

"Really!" Everyone looked envious.

Xu Qingmo listened to them and couldn't help but slap their tongues. It turned out that Li Qingshi and Palin sauce were so popular among the young people in Jinling City, just like goddesses, but before them, they were flattering.

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo's phone rang. Xu Qingmo saw that it was a strange phone.

"Hey?" Xu Qingmo picked up and said, "are you?"

"Xu Shao, don't remember me? It seems you didn't save my mobile phone number." Palin sauce's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Oh, it's you. I'm busy for a while, I haven't saved yet, I will save it immediately." Xu Qingmo said.

"Xu Shao is a noble person who forgets things and can still remember me, but it is my honor." Palin sauce smiled. "Yes, Xu Shao, what activities do you have tonight, a new resort has been newly built next to Jinling City. , There is a hot spring in it, or should I and you bring you a bubble hot spring. "

"Aha, hot spring, but I have something tonight and can't get away." Xu Qingmo said.

"Well, love poems keep asking you to come out to you." Palin sauce said a little disappointed. "Can I ask suddenly? Otherwise, it's not easy to explain the love poems, what are you doing tonight, Xu Shao?"

"A friend got married," Xu Qingmo said.

"Your friend? Do you need me and Love Poet to hold a game?" Palin sauce immediately said.

In the eyes of Palin sauce, Xu Qingmo is a young man. His friends are naturally not ordinary people, and the guests who entertain them are naturally very expensive. It would be great if he and Li Qingshi could meet some people in the past.

"Haha, don't use it. The two of you are so famous. I'm afraid you're here. This wedding is messed up." Xu Qingmo said.

"Xu Shao, you're really joking. Well, you must find me when you have time." Palin sauce said, "I can call love poems anytime, anywhere."

"Yeah, definitely." Xu Qingmo hung up the phone and found Zhang Fengshuo staring at himself in surprise.

"Xu Shao, who called you? Is it Yang Zihan?"

"No." Xu Qingmo shook his head.

"Who is that? The sound is very nice." Zhang Fengshuo also had a little gossip.

"Oh, Palin sauce." Xu Qing Mo said.

"Palin sauce!" Zhang Fengshuo was surprised and yelled.

"Huh?" Zhang Zhihao's people also heard it, and immediately cast their eyes together, staring at Xu Qingmo and Zhang Fengshuo.

"What did you just say? Palin sauce called you?" Zhang Zhihao walked over first and stared at Xu Qingmo.

"Um." Xu Qingmo nodded faintly.

"What awesomeness are you playing!" Zhang Zhihao shouted. "Palin sauce can you also seduce? Do you even say that Palin sauce and Ni are calling?"

"That is, you can brag, don't blow it, who is Palin sauce? Will they know you?"

"Don't you just watch Parin sauce live broadcast a few times, and you think Parin sauce is also something you know?"

"A young security guard who lost her job also dares to imagine that she knows Palin Sauce, and also said she called you. Don't you say that Li Qingshi also knows you, and will he date you?"

Immediately after starting a job, Xu Qingmo was almost responsible.

Xu Qingmo nodded gently. "You're right, Palin Sauce just called and said she and Li Qingshi wanted to ask me to go to the hot spring, but I refused."

"How dare you say that!" Zhang Zhihao was so angry that when he looked at the mobile phone in Xu Qingmo's hand, he suddenly sneered. "You holding this broken mobile phone, dare you think Palin Sauce will call you?"

"Let me see, what brand is this? I don't know, the cottage."

"It's so thick, it must be a cottage."

"A little security guard, what kind of mobile phone can he buy, he is not enough to grow four kidneys."

The crowd grabbed Xu Qingmo's mobile phone, and while mocking, Zhang Zhihao looked at Xu Qingmo's clothes again.

"What kind of suit is this? Let's rent it on the street."

"Even if it's not rented, it's worth at least one hundred and eighty dollars. What good clothes can he buy."

"Not necessarily. Maybe it is worth a few hundred dollars. After all, he was a security guard before. Maybe this is what his company assigned him. As for why he lost his job and wore this clothes in the end ……Ha ha."

The crowd looked at Xu Qingmo with a smirk, as if he was fired for stealing clothes.

"Wait!" Suddenly Li Xueli stepped out of a few ridiculous boys, came to Xu Qingmo, and looked at his suit. "This dress is quite expensive!"

"Can I touch it?" Li Xueli asked Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo shrugged and signaled casually.

Li Xueli stretched out her finger and touched Xu Qingmo's shoulder a few times, and then determined: "This kind of material is definitely not cheap, no, you can't describe it as cheap, but it is expensive!"

"Li Xueli, didn't you read it wrong? Just his clothes?" Zhang Zhihao dismissed, then raised his chest again, "look at my clothes."

"You have Armani's latest model with a price of 75,000." Li Xueli just scratched a suit on Zhang Zhihao's body. "I learn clothing design, don't question my vision."

Zhang Zhihao proudly said, "Yes! Seventy-five thousand dollars, but now I ca n’t buy it because I have money. I bought this set from my cousin's channel in Paris, France. You have a good vision. How could clothes exceed three hundred. "

"This dress is not any one on the market." Li Xueli carefully looked at Xu Qingmo's suit.

"Of course you don't know the miscellaneous brand." Zhang Zhihao said.

"... This is a customized version!" Li Xueli suddenly said, "This is definitely a customized version! So it will not be the same as any on the market."

"Customization? How is it possible? Li Xueli, have you read it wrong? He was looking for an aunt at a street clothing store at most. It's normal that you haven't seen that style." Zhang Zhihao said.

"Even if his clothes are designed by an unknown designer, this material alone is more than 100,000!" Li Xueli said without raising her head, and then said carefully to Xu Qingmo, "Can you raise your arms?"

Xu Qingmo raised her hand gently, and Li Xueli immediately stepped up to study the buttons on Xu Qingmo's cuffs carefully.

"More than 100,000?" Zhang Zhihao almost dropped his eyes. "No ..."

"This is ... oh my god!" Li Xueli seemed to have discovered a new continent. The whole person suddenly rose up, then covered his mouth with both hands, staring at Xu Qingmo in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Everyone curious.

"Louis! This is designed by Louis! Louis, the most famous costume designer in France!" Li Xueli looked dizzy, staring at Xu Qingmo's clothes, just like staring at the treasures handed down from the world.

"Louis! French designer!" Zhang Zhihao was shocked when he heard the name, but he didn't believe it even more. "Surely you read it wrong. Can he afford a custom suit? Or Louis suit?"

"No, I can't read it wrong. Louis' unique button design is like his signature. I learned this in my four years of college. How could I admit it!" Li Xueli's eyes are full of Xu Qingmo's clothes, I want to reach out and touch, but I dare not.

"Boy, you said how did you get your clothes? Make it clear!" Zhang Zhihao was impatient and stared at Xu Qingmo fiercely.

Xu Qingmo nosed quietly, and then said innocently: "This is what I bought when I was discounted online, ninety-nine packages, not Louis, it may be high imitation, after all, high imitation on the Internet is still very powerful."

"That's it. It must be a high imitation. Huaxia's high imitation technology is first-class. How could it be designed by Louis himself?" Zhang Zhihao was happy. "

"The material is wrong, and I know all the works in Louis, and I have never seen this one." Li Xueli shook her head, and then eagerly looked at Xu Qingmo. "Can you tell me which website you bought it from?" I'm going to buy one too. "

Xu Qingmo had a headache and simply took off his suit jacket on the spot and handed it to Li Xueli: "I forgot where I bought it. If you like it, I will give it to you."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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