My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 203: I just love that little security guard

"Let's go." Lin Ruochu was also very puzzled. Based on her knowledge of the Jinling City shopping mall, she had never heard of Qinghui Company, but this was not a place of doubt, and she left with people.

Wu Tingyu and others also followed Lin Ruochu, Xu Qingmo followed, Yu Youyou.


"and many more……"

The former employees who were indifferent at this time were shaken again. They chose to stay because Ji Xiaoru said that Lin Group would cooperate with Feng Fei Group, but now Feng Fei Group suddenly withdraws its capital, and they lose their determination to stay. Seeing Lin Ruochu leaving, his heart wanted to catch up again.

However, Lin Ruochu had already seen through these wall grasses and ignored them, but just took the former unswerving employees out of the conference hall.

In the entire conference hall, only the collapsed Ji Xiaoru and a group of regrettable employees were left.

The shareholders in the first row are also dying, one by one, staring at Ji Xiaoru and Zheng Ronghe poorly. The reason they support Zheng Ronghe and Ji Xiaoru is because Zheng Ronghe promises to cooperate with Fengfei Group. Now It was because Ji Xiaoru crowded out Lin Ruochu, and Feng Fei Group withdrew its capital. This is what Zheng Ronghe himself threw at the opportunity, and also threw the ducks that these shareholders came to his lips.


Zheng Ronghe didn't take it easy, he fell down from the wheelchair directly, and threw himself at Ji Xiaoru's feet.

Ji Xiaoru stared at Zheng Ronghe with a dull look, but didn't help, and said in his mouth, "It's over, everything is over."

Outside Lin's Building, Lin Ruochu, Shen Wanqing and Dong Yan were walking in front, followed by a large number of employees.

The employees did not speak. They looked at Lin Ruochu silently. They firmly believed that their choice was correct.

Lin Ruochu turned his head and looked at these people who believed in himself unconditionally, and said loudly, "Do you still want to follow me Lin Ruochu?"

"Yes! Follow President Lin."

"I will always follow President Lin."

"Mr. Lin will go where I am."

"I hope Mr. Lin will keep it."

"To tell you the truth, I have plans to build a new company, but the specific plan has not yet come out, so if you want to follow me, you may have to wait for a short time." Lin Ruochu said.

"How long?" Someone asked, after all, they also had to feed their families, and they were incapable and unpaid for too long.

"One week, at the latest one week, I will set up the company's original framework, and then you can come to me." Lin Ruochu said, "I have nothing here, but I can guarantee that I will give you a fair and just Promotion system. "

"One week!" Everyone was relieved. They thought they would have to wait for a few months before it was a week. It was a vacation.

"Mr. Lin doesn't need to say much, we are all aware of your abilities. Since we are standing here now, it is to trust that you will not ignore us."

"Well, then everyone will go home now. Within one week at the latest, I will inform you and build our new company together!" Lin Ruochu said.

"Okay!" Everyone agreed, and left in twos and threes.

"Isn't it said in the contract that the new company can be set for tomorrow?" Shen Wanqing waited for someone to leave before asking.

"There must always be a reserve period." Lin Ruochu said, "Moreover, I don't know what our new company is now. They say they can do nothing, but the company name must be given to them."

The three women talked for a while, and met tomorrow to go to Lin Ruochu's villa to plan a new company, and finally separated.

After Shen Wanqing and Dong Yan left together, Lin Ruochu turned to look coldly and stared at Xu Qingmo.

"What did you do?" Lin Ruochu said coldly.

Xu Qingmo shrugged, saying he didn't know.

"Do you know what corporate law is?" Lin Ruochu was a little bit angry and I could change jobs, but if I pulled the employees of the original company away like this, it would be a violation of the company law. This is unfair competition! "

"No, no, this is not wrong." Xu Qingmo shook his head and said, "I asked you, did you pull those people?"

"No." Lin Ruochu said honestly.

"That's all right." Xu Qingmo laughed. "This doesn't violate any company law."

"I didn't pull anyone, but you pulled it. Don't tell me that these people resign together and it has nothing to do with you." Lin Ruochu stared at Xu Qingmo.

"I just accidentally said a few more words. One didn't intimidate them, and the other didn't seduce them. This was all voluntary." Xu Qingmo said roguely.

"That's not OK. Your behavior is pulling people." Lin Ruochu became angry and Xu Qingmo did not admit that he had done something wrong.

"Okay, okay, even if I pull people, what does that have to do with you?" Xu Qingmo said.

"Why didn't it matter ..." Lin Ruochu said halfway, and suddenly stopped his voice, yeah, Xu Qingmo and her are no longer friends with men and women. Xu Qingmo originally had a relationship with her superiors at the Lin Group, but now she also Gone.

"Look, right, I'm not an employee of your new company either. I just talked a little bit about the news I happened to know, and then they resigned and followed you, which only shows that Lin has great personal charm and leads you. The employees abandoned the dark and cast the light. "Xu Qingmo laughed.

Xu Qingmo Yue said that Lin Ruochu's face became more and more severe. In the end, he couldn't help it. He reached out and pushed Xu Qingmo: "The Lin Group is also my hard work. I can give it to others, but I can't watch it collapse. Do you understand? "

Xu Qingmo looked at some of the hysterical Lin Ruochu, no longer frivolous, and said seriously, "I know, I know you don't want the Lin Group to collapse, and I also know that my behavior is actually a violation of the company law, but I know better that Man, your start will be difficult. "

Lin Ruochu was a little stunned, and was shocked by Xu Qingmo's sincere tone. He looked at Xu Qingmo stingily.

"I don't want you to struggle, I don't want you to work so hard, so even if I break the law, I will pull you." Xu Qingmo stared at Lin Ruochu, "I want you to be happy."

"You ..." Lin Ruochu was frightened by Xu Qingmo's words, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

"Now that you are no longer in the Lin Group, there are not so many people staring at you to restrict you. You can do whatever you want, so be happy and stop condensing yourself into an iceberg." Xu Qingmo flashed in his eyes The pitiful light couldn't help but walked to Lin Ruochu's body, then stretched out his hand, and placed it on Lin Ruochu's shoulders.

"Slap!" Lin Ruoxu slapped Xu Qingmo's palm with a slap, and backed up again and again, "What are you talking about, I am me, not someone else."

"No, you are Xiaochu, the one who bathed in my house, cooked for me, and slept with me!" Xu Qingmo cried loudly.

"Don't say it!" Lin Ruochu's voice was cold. "The person you said is not me, and she can't come back."

After speaking, Lin Ruochu no longer looked at Xu Qingmo and turned directly into the underground garage.

Xu Qingmo was standing on the street, his hands stretched forward, but it fell on Yiren's shoulders.

"Ah, it still failed." Xu Qingmo sighed.

After coming out of the conference hall, Lin Ruochu has obviously changed a bit. When talking to those employees, his mood has clearly fluctuated, and he is no longer the high-ranking female CEO of the iceberg.

This gave Xu Qingmo the illusion that with any effort, Lin Ruochu would unload the ice layer outside her and show her true side.

But now it seems that Xu Qingmo is too rushed. Lin Ruochu has adapted to that layer of ice. If she suddenly removes it, she will feel insecure and completely unsuited. Therefore, she opened Xu Qingmo's hand and chose to run into the garage. Facing Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo exhaled heavily, Xiaochu, Xiaochu, how long do you have to come back?

After a few minutes, Xu Qingmo felt something was wrong. After Lin Ruochu walked into the underground garage, it had been so long and he hadn't driven out yet?


Xu Qingmo stepped into the underground garage.

"why why!"

"Am I not good enough for you? When we hold this company together, we are so good, everyone says we are a pair! But why don't you accept my confession."

"Colleagues? Do you just treat me as your colleague? What am I to do? My heart for you is completely useless?"

"Okay, maybe I wasn't good enough at the beginning. I went to Yujing to exercise for a few years, and now I'm back, but you still don't accept me, but you will be hostile to me for a little security?"

"What is he? How can you treat him so well? I don't allow it! I don't allow you to do this!"

"Why? Why is this?"

"Okay, you don't like me, okay, then I will destroy you! Don't you like to be the president? I'm going to squeeze you out of the position of the president. Don't you stand high all day long? Then I will drive you out of the company, let you fall into the dust, and see if you will be so proud! "

"But why? Why are you still so cold up to now? You haven't looked at me right now?"

When Xu Qingmo came to the garage, he heard Ji Hsiaoru's hysterical roar. Hurrying to look at it, Lin Ruochu was blocked by Ji Hsiaoru between the two cars.

"I didn't hostile to you from beginning to end, nor did I like you. Before Yujing, I regarded you as a respectable colleague. After Yujing, I thought you would become better, but you changed, changed You just have to use all kinds of means, there is no such courage as before, I am disappointed with you ... "Lin Ruochu calmly said.

"Disappointed? Why are you disappointed with me! Why am I so good? Why don't you look down? Where am I bad? Did you have another man? Ah?" Ji Xiaoru interrupted Lin Ruochu, "said! You Is there a man? Is that the little security guard? Is it him? "

Ji Xiaoru said, constantly approaching Lin Ruochu, even reaching out his hands to catch Lin Ruochu.

Lin Ruochu retreated to the wall, and he could not retreat. He could only say, "Yes, you are right! I like him, and you are not worth mentioning to him!"

"Why can't I compare to that stinky security guard?" Ji Xiaoru was going to catch Lin Ruochu. When he heard Lin Ruochu's words, he suddenly collapsed and yelled suddenly.

When Xu Qingmo was outside, he was dizzy when he heard this sentence.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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