When Tang Yan and Chen Yue saw Yang Chaoyue’s face slightly red due to nervousness, they actually felt very cute!

Especially Yang Chaoyue’s eyes are very clear, a proper sister next door!

What a delight!

Most of the originally strange emotions have dissipated.

“Hello, Sister Chaoyue~”

“Hello, welcome to the studio~”

Tang Yan and Chen Yue’s two daughters smiled and took the initiative to step forward and hug Yang Chaoyue.

This made Yang Chaoyue a little surprised!

Before she met, she was always afraid that Tang Yan and Chen Yu would not get along well, after all, both of them were her seniors~!

In addition, there are always artists in the entertainment industry who seem to get along very well, but I don’t know that they are all standing characters!

Unexpectedly, these two sisters turned out to be really the same as rumors – gentle!

“Thank you two sisters!”

Yang Chaoyue laughed stupidly, causing Tang Yan and Chen Yue to laugh too.

This girl is so cute!

This character is a straight girl at first glance, there are not so many twists and turns, no wonder it is so attractive!

“Come on, Sister Chaoyue, give you a taste of my newly bought little cake! This cake is the best made in all the shops nearby, or low calorie, don’t worry about gaining weight! You can eat more! ”

Tang Yan pulled Yang Chaoyue and walked towards the inside of the office, extremely enthusiastic.

Chen Yu on the side also smiled and said: “I’ll pour you a cup of coffee to relieve your fatigue!” ”

For a while, there was only Du Jing left next to the sofa.

Du Jing: ???

He is a big living person sitting here, and he is so forgotten?

This opens a little wrong!

He hasn’t drunk a sip of water since he came in, so why didn’t anyone say to pour him a glass of water!

That’s a bit too much!

Du Jing shook his head helplessly, or do it himself!

I saw him stand up and silently take a glass of water for himself, take out his mobile phone and look at it.

As for Tang Yan, Chen Yue, and Yang Chaoyue, the three girls sat around and ate small cakes while chatting about the sky.

Yang Chaoyue’s personality is already very grinning, very adaptable, and does not recognize life much.

When she first started, she was a little restrained!

As a result, since she found that Tang Yan and Chen Yu had very good personalities, she began to let herself go!

As if opening a chatterbox, I began to chat with my second daughter!

I don’t know what topic to talk about, dancing!

With Yang Chaoyue joining, the entire office became lively.

The three girls even hated each other, asked each other for their contact information, and easily became little sisters.

After all, they can get together to chat and eat whenever they are not working in the future.

More than half an hour passed after this chat, and I saw that the sky had already darkened.

Du Jing rubbed his somewhat sore neck, and couldn’t help but say: “Okay, let’s talk about it here today, you guys will have time to meet in the future!” ”

“Du Jing, you shouldn’t disturb us! We haven’t talked enough yet! ”

“That’s it, it’s all to blame on you!”

Tang Yan couldn’t help but pout, looking at Du Jing, his eyes were full of complaints.

Du Jing: ???

The second daughter couldn’t help but laugh when she saw Du Jing’s confused expression.

“Okay, stop teasing you! You hurry up and take Sister Chaoyue and go, leave us alone.” ”

“Okay, then let’s get together another day!”

Du Cheng nodded and gestured to walk out.

And Yang Chaoyue watched Du Jing leave, and hurriedly smiled sweetly at the second daughter and waved his hand.

“Sister Tang Yan, Sister Chen Yu, I’m leaving! See you next time~”

After she said that, she trotted all the way to catch up with Du Jing, and her jumpy appearance couldn’t help but make people laugh.

Looking at the backs of the two departing, Tang Yan and Chen Yu’s expressions darkened for a moment.

Let’s be honest…

Both of them are more or less interesting to Du Jing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing Du Jing next to Yang Chaoyue, it was impossible not to care.

But then again…….

Yang Chaoyue, this girl, they really like it in their hearts!

Very innocent and cute!

It is not guaranteed that in the future, the three can become good girlfriends.


At this time.

Du Jing’s front foot just stepped into the elevator.

After waiting for two minutes, Yang Chaoyue caught up.

For the first time, Yang Chaoyue felt the height gap, and her height was already tall among women.

As a result, I encountered Du Jing, who was more than one meter and eight meters, and this gap came up all of a sudden!

Du Jing’s legs are very long, and the steps he takes are equivalent to Yang Chaoyue’s two steps!

If he walked faster, Yang Chaoyue would have to trot the whole time.

It’s so hard!

Yang Chaoyue stood next to Du Jing, panting…

“Male god, has anyone said that you are actually a straight man of steel?”

Du Jing: “??? ”

“You don’t wait for girls when you walk! Our height gap is too big, be careful so you can’t find a girlfriend in the future! ”

Yang Chaoyue said jokingly.

“Okay, I’ll pay attention next time.”

Du Jing actually listened to this.

He decided that he would definitely wait for the female companion next to him in the future!

The two went directly to the underground parking lot, and Du Jing took Yang Chaoyue to a Ferrari.

Until she was already sitting in the car, she didn’t know what she was going to do next.

The car slowly drove out of the parking lot!

By then, the sun was already setting outside!

The setting sun covers the western sky, and the tall buildings below are lined with buildings, and the surrounding area is crowded with buildings of all sizes.

Not far away, there is the river.

Under the light of the setting sun, the river sparkles.

The ever-sounding cargo ships and the cars congested on the roads all add a different color to the city!

Magic Capital, a man-made city with ambition and hope.

Yang Chaoyue’s gaze looked into the distance, maybe one day, she could also take root in this city!

Stay by the side of the person next to you!

Because there were too many vehicles, Du Jing and them were stuck in traffic.

Du Jing was a little regretful, and he knew that he would not take the ring line.

If they had taken a detour now, they would have already reached their destination.

“Male god, where are we going in a moment?”

“Let’s go to dinner first, and then I’ll take you to find a place to stay.”

Yang Chaoyue nodded when she heard this.

Some rich studios or entertainment companies will prepare rooms for their contracted artists, to put it bluntly, it is the staff dormitory!

It’s just that this staff dormitory is also graded!

If it is an actor with a relatively large coffee position and a high popularity in the company, either he goes out to live by himself, or he lives in a high-end apartment assigned by the company!

The surroundings, facilities and even security were excellently done.

…… Hundred million..

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