On stage.

The girls spoke out loud what they thought.

The fans at the scene were excited again!

It’s better to use these 15 seconds to pull a wave of tickets for yourself!

Until the last minute, you must not give up!

“Yang Chaoyue, we love you!”

“Zining flies bravely, and the honeypot follows bravely!”

“Don’t give up! Until the end, no one knows how, the female geese come on! ”

“Aaaaaa So excited! ”


The audience at the scene were shouting loudly, and the sound seemed to break through the clouds!

Huang Bo: “Seeing everyone’s mood so excited, my heart is also excited!” I hope all the girls can make their dreams come true today! ”

Xiao Ni: “Yes! But thank you very much for the girls’ heartfelt speech! Next, it’s time for the girls to solo, and they will show you the results of these three months of learning! ”

Huang Bo: “Oh? Wouldn’t it be time to see the girls perform brilliantly again! I’m really looking forward to it! ”

Xiao Ni: “Yes! There will be a solo presentation by 22 girls, and the voting channel will be opened 357 at the same time! Viewers can like their favorite idols, the same idol can only like once, each user can like up to eleven times! The show is over and the voting channel is closed! All the voting situations will appear on the big screen behind us, and next, there is the first girl to perform on stage – Yang Chaoyue! ”

The voice fell….

Suddenly, the lights of the entire stage dimmed down.

After Yang Chaoyue adjusted his state, he ran onto the stage very energetically!

Now only a spotlight hits her!

“Hello everyone, I’m Yang Chaoyue! Today’s performance for you is “Instruction Singing and Dancing Performance!” ”

I saw that as soon as her words fell, the music suddenly sounded!

The lighting of the entire stage began to change!

The colorful lights began to flicker, accompanied by vigorous music, and the audience in the audience immediately boiled!

“Wow! Is Yang Chaoyue today brave to try new styles? It’s very nice! ”

“Yes, yes, yes! Before there were always people who said that she couldn’t sing and dance, is today’s Chaoyue trying to prove something to everyone? ”

“Anyway, this song is really good!”

“Come on, female goose! I always have your back! “(cdch)


The audience in the audience and in the live broadcast room were shocked by the song chosen by Yang Chaoyue!

Especially today’s song dance moves are quite big!

This is simply not like Yang Chaoyue’s style!

At this time, Yang Chaoyue on the stage quickly glanced at Du Jing and was immersed in his own music!

As for what other people think, she didn’t think too much!

Yang Chaoyue on the stage danced his body, and the whole movement was silky!

“Ladies and gentlemen, dance to your heart’s content!

Focused and ready to go!

You are in control, just follow my simple instructions!

It’s here to be uninhibited and do whatever you want!

I don’t need to say anything more, just dance!


The lyrics are simple, but easy to remember!

See this scene.

Even some of the viewers who were not optimistic about her before were stunned…

Doesn’t it mean that Yang Chaoyue’s singing and dancing strength is not good?

Is the stage unpacked now?

Look at this lower back, look at the twisting waist…..

Simply amazing!

Every movement of Yang Chaoyue happened to step on the beat, and from time to time there was a side rollover, which was absolutely incredible!

As the music began to change, Yang Chaoyue’s dance movements also began to change!

At this time, she is like a beautiful female fairy, which is breathtaking!

So beautiful! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Du Jing, who had been sitting on the high platform watching this scene, couldn’t help but smile, this girl is really improving compared to before!

It seems that it has really been put into the effort!

The screams of the scene came and went!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked!

“I’ll go! This is Yang Chaoyue??? ”

“What do you mean brother upstairs, is this suspecting us Chaoyue? How hard she has worked in the past three months, we fans are all in the eyes! Isn’t it normal that she has today’s performance? ”

“I have to say that today’s Yang Chaoyue is really amazing to me! This strength has increased! ”

“Do the people who mocked us before feel very slap in the face now? In the past, Yang Chaoyue you loved to ignore it, but today’s Chaoyue makes you unable to climb high! ”

“I love Murahana!! Come on! Give Ye Chong!! ”

“This strength is not too much, right? The old irons voted hard for our village flowers! I have money smashed into it! ”


The barrage in the live broadcast room kept scrolling, and the speed was so fast that people couldn’t see it clearly!

After a minute, the music ends!

Yang Chaoyue swung his movements and gasped for air!

It’s not easy to be able to perform for so long, let alone sing!

The atmosphere of the audience was ignited!

Many people shouted her name!

Even Du Jing extended his thumb towards her, and at that moment Yang Chaoyue seemed to see Du Jing say something great!

Seeing this, Yang Chaoyue smiled!

In the past three months, Yang Chaoyue’s strength has gone from average strength to today, and he has paid day and night behind him!

She only let Du Jing see her excellence and let fans see that she did not fail them!

It can only be said that Yang Chaoyue is worth it!


Yang Chaoyue directly appeared on the hot search because of this personal solo in this paragraph!

No one expected that the girl who was ridiculed by a group of sunspots for her lack of strength would have such a stunning performance today!

It also moved countless fans to tears!

This is the idol they chase!

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a two-way rush!

“Yang Chaoyue Bull Batch! Rushing to the performance of this evening, I immediately fell in love! ”

“Let’s just say, the road turned, right?”

“Hurry up and like!”

“Everyone hurry up and give their daughter a thumbs up! Don’t live up to her expectations of us! ”


Yang Chaoyue’s popularity is really not covered!

Since the hot search came out, many passers-by have been fans of her strength circle, coupled with the original popularity, many people have praised her!

That number of likes directly exceeded 80 million!

At present, it is still temporarily ahead, after all, others have not yet performed, and it is still not easy to say who will spend the first place in the end!

Xiao Ni slowly walked up to the stage: “Thank you Yang Chaoyue!” Thank you for the wonderful performance she brought us! Please go down and rest first! ”

Xiao Ni: “Isn’t the performance just now exciting?” ”


The audience shouted in unison.

“Twenty-one girls are coming up with a wonderful show! Let’s have the next Meng Meiqi! ”

When Yang Chaoyue walked off the stage, she happened to meet Meng Meiqi on stage.

The two girls hugged each other and cheered each other!


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