“Du Jing, is this really a bluefin tuna?”

Huang Lei frowned.

They must now determine this matter as soon as possible, otherwise something will happen, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Perhaps, he will directly dry half his life for nothing!

Du Jing hasn’t spoken yet…

He Yi hurriedly said: “I think it’s very similar, now let’s quickly call Wang Dao and them over, they should have experts in the yacht at that time!” ”

He once watched a show in which a guest accidentally caught a local state-protected animal in a foreign sea.

Directly pulled into the national blacklist, and the state is held accountable, facing the risk of imprisonment.

Others did not dare to delay any longer, and contacted Wang Zhengyu one after another!

“Lao Wang, Lao Wang!”

Huang Lei shouted directly from the two boats.

That huge voice almost didn’t scare Wang Zhengyu out of a heart attack!

Wang Zhengyu only felt that his eyebrows jumped, as if something bad was about to happen.

His heart “four zero three” dirt also accelerated…….


Peng’s wounds are bandaged!

What’s wrong with this again??

I saw that he no longer dared to ink, ran to the deck as fast as he could, and told the staff to lean the two boats up.

While asking loudly, “What happened?” Why are you so flustered all of a sudden? ”

“Lao Wang, do you have a marine expert over there? Hurry up and bring him, we seem to have caught the protective level of the animal. ”

Wang Zhengyu: ???

For a moment, Wang Zhengyu suddenly felt dizzy in his brain.

Completely stunned by protected animals.

Fortunately, it only takes a few minutes to work.

He then came to his senses…

“Good! Bring it now! ”



The Internet has been making a lot of noise because of the bluefin tuna.

No one expected that someone in the show would have such luck and directly catch a bluefin tuna!

It is also a national second-class protected animal!


“This fish won’t be sold or eaten by the program team, right?”

“I’ll go, can you use your brain upstairs?” This is a national second-class protected animal, not to mention eating, even if it is illegally traded, you have to go in and eat free meals! What do you think? ”

“Hahahaha, it’s impossible to eat! Everyone has brains, who would smash their own jobs for a protected animal? ”

“I just came out of the live broadcast room, and the program team has already brought experts on board! It is estimated that it is about to be released! ”

“Definitely let it go!”


At this time, the hot search about Dujing bluefin tuna has been on the top!!

Everyone knows that after the identification is complete, the program team will release this fish.

After all, no one is like the stupid Internet celebrity some time ago, who actually posted a video eating sharks!

This pure brain is in the water…

That’s protecting animals, and netizens don’t know what the man is thinking.


The program team and experts boarded the fishing boats.

And Du Jing and others kept splashing water on the fish before they were sure that it was bluefin tuna.

Prevent it from dying because it leaves the water!

When the expert came quickly to the deck, he saw the tuna lying there at a glance.

This fish is so big that it occupies a quarter of the deck!

You can see how big this fish is!

It only takes a few minutes before and after, and the expert will fully identify it.

This is bluefin tuna!

And now what they have to do is, how to get people up, how to put people back.

Everyone: “…”

Everyone suddenly looked loveless.

Can you imagine how much effort they wasted to get this fish to the boat?

This is still going on, it’s almost life-threatening!

But there is no way…

This is protecting animals, and no one is a fool.

Then, I saw Du Jing very skillfully open the hatch of the fishing boat.

Zi Feng and He Yuan poured water on the fish from time to time, while the others worked together to lift the fish and put it into the sea.

If this fish wants to be lifted by two people and put into the sea, it is almost impossible!

It’s so heavy!

It takes four or five people to lift this fish!


“Two!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


“Hard! Let’s go for it! ”

Everyone’s faces turned red before they lifted the fish up.

After they lifted the fish, they threw it a few times and finally threw the fish into the sea.

Just listen to the bang!

Bluefin tuna is finally back in the sea!

Because the fish is so big, the moment it enters the water, it splashes a huge splash.

Du Jing and several people were unguarded and splashed all over by the water!

After the bluefin tuna fell into the water, it first breathed a few times on the surface.

It seems that I suddenly returned to the water, and I was a little uncomfortable.

Then you can see bluefin tuna swimming towards the deep sea!

And everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing everyone’s embarrassed appearance, netizens in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahahaha! Laugh me to death! This embarrassing look. ”

“Just by looking at the flushed faces of several of them, you can see how heavy this fish really is!”

“yes! If Du Jing hadn’t been the first to recognize this fish, it is estimated that everyone would have regarded this fish as today’s dinner by now. ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay! Everything is still in time! ”

“I have to say that Brother Jing’s luck is really amazing! Such a big tuna can be touched by him, and he can buy lottery tickets! ”


The crowd in the live broadcast room was very happy.

At this time, Du Jing and the others finally let go of their hearts, just after just coming out.

The mind of this fishing is gone.

I thought I would be able to eat and drink tonight, but who knew that I caught a bluefin tuna.


“I’m exhausted! This fish is too heavy! Fortunately, Brother Jing recognized it first, otherwise we would have caught it as an ordinary fish. ”

When Peng Peng thought that this was a protected animal, if he really ate it, he would go to eat a free meal, and he couldn’t help but be a little afraid.

“yes! Du Jing is good! ”

“Brother Jing!”

Everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, then returned to the deck to fish.

After all, their current clothes are already wet, plus they have only been out to sea for a day, and they have not brought a change of clothes.

The only way to do that is to bask in the sun…

Otherwise, it’s easy to get sick!

For the rest of the day, everyone caught relatively normal fish.

There is no longer the big fish of before, and Wang Zhengyu is also made 1.6 heart fragile!

Their eyes looked at Du Jing and them without blinking, afraid that they were fishing for some rare species.

This kind of thing is enough once!

It was past two o’clock in the afternoon.

Everyone finally finished fishing.

This time, Du Jing caught the most fish, and the appearance was also the best.

Even Huang Lei and others wondered, obviously using the same fish food to fish, how can Du Jing fish more and better?

Can’t figure it out.

No doubt!

Du Jing also doesn’t have to work directly!

It directly aroused the envy of Zifeng and Yixing, and among the fish caught by these people, they caught the least and were still small.

No way, resign!

“Since the results of the competition have come out, then let’s implement it!”

“I’m here to congratulate Du Jing on winning the first place!”

“Yes, congratulations, congratulations!”

“Brother Jing!”


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