“I’m getting more and more curious about this Mao Buyi.”

“yes! Du Jing himself is so talented and so strong, it stands to reason that it must be quite difficult to be favored by him, but I have watched it for so long, and Mao Buyi is very average. ”

“Lean! My personal Weibo 50w silk, short video 300w silk, I have not submitted to Du Jing, why can this person pass? ”

“Not fair! Absolutely unfair!! ”

For a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also rolling…

They are all wondering what kind of song this is, just half of it, can make Du Jing choose him! And also opened a “sky-high” contract for him!

Under the watchful eye of everyone…


Mao Buyi took the guitar and took a deep breath.

The originally noisy crowd instantly quieted down and looked at Mao Buyi one after another.

Including the surrounding cameras, they were also aimed at him.

Knock knock~~

Mao Buyi plucked the strings.

The soft, gentle sound of the piano flows slowly.

He was nervous, his whole body was tense, and if you looked closely, you would find that his hand plucking the strings was shaking.

“This prelude … Sounds good. ”

He Yi muttered, casting an approving gaze.

After a short prelude, Mao Buyi’s deep voice slowly sang:

“When you walk into this joyful field

Carry all your dreams and thoughts

All kinds of makeup on the face

No one remembers what you looked like


Plain lyrics!

There are no words, but the artistic conception outlined is very real.

In order not to be nervous, Mao Buyi closed his eyes and sang while playing.

The sea breeze gusts, the singing and piano flow…

The crowd swayed to the melody and immersed themselves in it.

“Well, Mao Mao sings well.”

23 “This song is good. ”

“Indeed, the lyrics are very good.”

Huang Bo and Cao Baojian were whispering.

Although you can hear Mao Buyi’s nervousness, it is harmless, the melody and lyrics of the whole song are very good, and with Mao Buyi’s unique smoke voice, it is very personal!

The “personality” alone is enough!

The most important thing for a singer is to have a distinctive voice!

If the audience hears this voice, they can guess who the singer is!

For example, some Internet celebrity singers…

Even if the song is a saliva song, the singing voice is also very popular, anyone can sing, then he is destined to be an Internet singer in this life, and he cannot be on the stage.


Mao Buyi also entered the state, and his voice relaxed a lot.

With a gradually rising tune.

The first main song ends, and the chorus follows:

“A cup to the rising sun, a cup to the moonlight

Awakened my yearning and softened the cold window

So you can fly against the wind without looking back

Don’t be afraid of rain in your heart and frost under your eyes


The chorus part is also the essence of the song “Eliminate Worry”!

Mao Buyi raised a few keys, and the sound of the piano accelerated.

The low, magnetic voice immersed everyone.

This paragraph, it’s two glasses of wine!

A cup of tribute to the rising sun, a cup of tribute to the moonlight!

Respect yourself for flying against the wind without looking back!


“This lyric is so well written…”

Several people looked surprised.

It’s hard to believe that a newcomer can write such lyrics!

“A cup to honor the hometown, a cup to the distance

Keeping my kindness urges me to grow

So the north-south road is no longer long

The soul no longer has nowhere to rest


Two more glasses of wine!

A cup to honor the hometown, a cup to respect the distance.

The soul will no longer have nowhere to rest!

So far.

The first paragraph of “Eliminate Worry” ends.

With the sound of the piano, Mao Buyi shook his body lightly and whistled.

The gentle whistle, perfectly integrated into the piano sound, is very amazing!

Gradually, the whistles quieted down…

Mao Buyi let out a long breath and finished singing.

“This is…”

“It’s over?!”

The crowd was still immersed in the song, and as a result, the whistle was gone after it was over??

Mao Buyi scratched his head, a little embarrassed: “The song is finished, but the lyrics behind it really can’t be written.” ”

“Applause and encouragement!”

He Yuan took the lead and applauded…

Applause broke out.

In this short moment, Mao Buyi has changed everyone’s impression of him with the song “Eliminate Worry”.

This song, the lyrics are simple, the song is also simple!

But it’s deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Every key, every word, is poignant and empathetic.

“Mao Mao’s song is really good.”

“Yes, a new person can write this kind of song, which shows that this person is very talented!”

“What’s the song called…’Eliminate Worry,’ right?”

“Got it! Terrified! ”

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

Hearing everyone’s praise for himself, Mao Buyi was a little embarrassed, but he was very happy in his heart.

I have insisted on music for so many years, and everyone has been recognized by others!

So many years…….

The evaluations around him have always been “give up”, “singers are not so easy to be”, “I think your songs are very average”, “no talent”…

But now!

Several top artists in the entertainment industry praised him for “writing really well”, “good-sounding” and “talented”!

So he is happy and grateful at the same time!

He quietly approached Du Jing and whispered, “Thank you, boss.” ”

Hearing this, Du Jing showed a smile on his face.

Mao Buyi remembers what is in his bones, so he just knows gratitude!

He knew that he could sing this song in front of so many big stars and millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, not because of how talented he was, but because of Du Jing! It was Du Jing who gave him this opportunity!

Thinking of this, Mao Buyi’s gratitude to Du Jing became heavier and heavier!


“It’s a pity that there is only one part of such a beautiful song.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Huang Bo sighed.


Huang Bo seemed to think of something: “Eh Dujing! I remember you weren’t particularly good at filling in words? Can you finish this song? ”

Hearing this, everyone reacted.

Oh, yes!

Mao Buyi now shows “little talent”.

The real “great talent”, sitting next to him, is Du Jing!!

Facing everyone’s gaze…

Du Jing grinned: “Yes.” ”


“I’ll go! Du Jing is about to start?? ”

“Du Jing is awesome!”

“I can’t wait to hear the full version of this song.”

“The words of this song should be difficult to fill in, because it has to fight!”

The barrage rolls in the live broadcast room…

This “Eliminate Worry” chorus is partly a battle form.

The basic format is “a cup of honor to what, a cup of honor to something”, and then extend a few corresponding lyrics, so it is difficult to fill in!

“Boss, you…”

Mao Buyi was shocked and looked at Du Jing blankly.

The lyrics that I couldn’t fill in for so long were going to be filled in by Du Jing.

“Bring the guitar.”

“Oh good!”

Mao Buyi quickly handed the guitar to Du Jing.


The whole mushroom house is quiet again!

Du Jing is about to start performing again!

All eyes were focused on Du Jing, and even the director team next to him did not dare to make too much noise!


Du Jing picked up the guitar, held the head with one hand, and lightly placed it on the strings with the other.

The surroundings were quiet, and Du Jing did not sing directly, as if he was meditating.

A few minutes passed.

Knock knock~~~

The piano sounded, and Du Jing began!

Or the tune of “Eliminate Worry”.

Du Jing starts directly from the second paragraph, after a short whistle…

“A cup for tomorrow, a cup for the past.”

Supporting my body and weighing my shoulders

Although I never believed that the so-called mountains are high and the water is long

Life is short, why not forget


Du Jing’s voice is low, full of magnetism, extremely pleasant and very storytelling!

This kind of listening enjoyment is far beyond Mao Buyi!

Instantly push the whole song to another dimension.

“Oh my God!!”


“Filled it out?”

Yang Mi, Zhao Yunmai, Huang Bo, Cao Baojian…

The group looked at Du Jing in shock.

Unexpectedly, in such a short time, it really filled out!

And it’s still a fight!

Even Mao Buyi himself was stunned.

Du Jing’s words, every sentence is sung in his heart, every sentence is so appropriate! ! !

“A cup of freedom, a cup of death

Forgive my ordinariness, 747 dispels confusion

Well, it’s always sloppy after dawn

Sober people are the most ridiculous


Another chorus!

The lyrics are still so appropriate, and Du Jing’s singing voice is still so deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

The sea breeze is gentle and the coconut breeze is gusting.

Du Jing was bathed in light, his whole temperament was out of the ordinary, and a faint sense of sadness filled the air.

“Well, it’s always sloppy after dawn

Sober people are the most ridiculous. ”

After a short hum…

The whole song ends.

Filled out!

Everyone was stunned, and one by one, their eyes widened and small.

After the reaction, the applause sounded, far louder than Mao Buyi finished singing!

“Singing so well!”

“Du Jing, you are a genius, fill in the song when you say it!”

“I didn’t believe those reports on the Internet before, they were too exaggerated.”

This was too shocking for several new guests to believe!

Even if he knew that Du Jing had sung for Zhang Zifeng before, he had filled in the words of a whole song for Zhang Jie in ten minutes!

Now that I really see this scene, it’s still hard to believe!

The live broadcast room is full of barrage rolling…

“Du Jing is simply a demon!”

“This ability to fill in lyrics and compose music is terrifying!”

“I think these words filled in by Du Jing give soul to the whole song.”

“Du Jing, how did you fill it in!”

Yang Mi was stunned and was amazed by Du Jing.

Du Jing smiled: “It’s very simple, there are two choruses, the first is four glasses of wine, and the second paragraph is naturally four glasses of wine…”

“The song “Eliminate Worry”, a total of eight glasses of wine, a cup of life.”

“With that as a starting point, it’s easy to fill in.”


“What, what?”

“Eight glasses of wine and a cup of life?”

“Expand and talk.”

Several people came up in an instant.

Even Mao Buyi was a little confused…

When he wrote this song himself, he just thought of “borrowing wine to eliminate worry”, but he didn’t expect anything “”Eliminate worry” eight glasses of wine, cup to pay tribute to life”!


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