“Brother, guitar~~”

Zhang Zifeng was panting and rushed out of the house holding the guitar.

Since singing “Big Fish” last night, she has been looking forward to Du Jing singing again!

“Thank you sister~~”

Du Jing smiled and took the guitar.

Huang Lei was surprised: “Du Jing, are you preparing to respond to Cai Kunkun?” ”

Just now Du Jing asked Cai Kunkun if he had any works, and he was ready to start singing, this is not what the response is….

Du Jing smiled: “Who said that I was going to respond to him.” ”


The crowd was puzzled and did not understand what it meant.

Du Jing: “I’m in a good mood, I just want to sing a song.” ”

“In a good mood??”

Now even Reba couldn’t understand Du Jing.

Let’s be honest….

If only according to the rumors on the Internet, Du Jing did not rush and directly beat Cai Kunkun up.

Now he even says that he is in a good mood ??

Du Jing said with a smile: “The scenery here is beautiful, night, stars, sand, ocean… Eating barbecue and drinking bottle wine, this is when you need to sing a song. ”

“As for the response that everyone said, he doesn’t deserve me to sing a song in response to him.”

When the words fell, everyone’s eyes widened.

Not worth responding!


Du Jing’s identity, a Cai Kunkun is indeed not worth letting him put in his heart.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also rolling….

“Good fellow, the rumored young master of the entertainment industry is back!”

“Du Jing, this is not putting Cai Kunkun in his eyes at all! I don’t see him as a human being. ”

“If you don’t understand, ask, is Cai Kunkun talented? Are there works? “No Accident” and “Waitwaitwait” are songs?? ”

“I pinched my old goose by the neck and made the goose croak a few times better than he sang.”

“Fill in the words and sing on the spot, a song “Big Fish” sung to the whole Internet hotly discussed, this is called no talent?!”


“Du Jing, this time you are going to take out a song from your small treasure trove of songs?”

He Yi asked.

Du Chengn: “Yes, this song was written by me at a special time three years ago. ”

“Written three years ago?”

“I’ll go…”

“Brother Jing, how many songs do you have in this treasure trove of songs!”

Several people did not eat barbecue, and sat down on small benches.

The director team was also in place, and all the cameras were aimed at Du Jing.

Last night’s song “Big Fish” really surprised everyone, I don’t know if the song Du Jing took out from the “song treasure house” tonight will be equally amazing!

For a while, everyone’s eyes focused on Du Jing.

“The song is called “Encounter”, and it does not have the same backstory as “Big Fish”, but people in different states will have different feelings after listening to it.”

Saying that, Du Jing gently plucked the strings….

Knock knock~~

The crisp, gentle sound of the piano flows.

Like the sound of a stream in an empty valley, crisp and pleasant.

“This prelude … Sounds good! ”

Everyone instantly perked up.

All have a hunch that this song “Encounter” will definitely not be worse than last night’s “Big Fish”!

“Hear, winter, leave

I woke up in a certain month of a certain year

I think, I wait, I expect

The future cannot be arranged for this


Du Jing’s voice is very characteristic.

Clean and magnetic, gentle but decisive.

Blend perfectly with the gentle guitar sound!

Every string playing, every lyric, gently falls on the listener’s heart.

Coupled with the singing infectiousness that Du Jing obtained before….

For a time, everyone was immersed in the artistic conception created by the song.

“Cloudy, evening, outside the car window

There is a man waiting in the future

Look left and right forward

Love has to turn a few corners to come


The tune changes gradually.

With Du Jing’s singing, a faint breath of sadness pervaded.

At this time, Du Jing had completely entered the state.

The emotional tone is pretty much the same.

The tune suddenly rises, and the sound of the piano becomes more violent.

“Who I meet, what kind of dialogue will there be

I wait for the person he is in the future

I heard the wind coming from the subway and the sea of people

I stood in line, holding the number plate of love


To the chorus.

Emotions poured out.

“Who I meet”, “The person I am waiting for”, “The subway and the sea of people”, “I am in line”, “Love number plate”…

The simple lyrics are combined together, but the emotions are rich to the extreme.

Disappointment but not despair, decay but not hurt.

Looking at Du Jing, who was slowly singing while holding the guitar…

Reba’s eyes trembled, and her sockets were slightly red.

I don’t know why, the scene of that night three years ago couldn’t stop emerging.

As various writings “I hear the wind coming from the subway and the sea of people, I wait for the person, how far into the future he is”.

The bar met, and neither of them asked each other’s identities, drank, and chatted openly.

She enjoys this uninhibited conversation.

Even since, I haven’t seen each other since.

I always remember the boy with a bright smile and a clean face.

To this day, I still remember it!


“I flew forward, over a sea of time

We have also been hurt in love

I looked at the road, and the entrance to the dream was a bit narrow

I met you by the most beautiful accident

One day, my mystery will be revealed


The song came to the end.

With the gradual sound of the piano, Du Jing’s singing voice became lower and lower.

Until the last note fell, the scene was silent.

In addition to the sound of the sea breeze, the sound of the waves, the chirping of summer insects…

There are no other sounds.

I don’t know how long has passed, but the applause rang out and lasted for a long time.

Snap –

It’s not just Huang Lei them.

Even Wang Zhengyu and other directors applauded.

Everyone gritted their teeth and thought this song was good from the bottom of their hearts!

It’s not just nice to hear… And very touching!

“It’s so touching.”

“Every word is poignant!”

“It’s a cry for me, Du Jing’s singing is so infectious!”

“You can’t say this song without being popular!!”

“I want to fight for Du Jing!!”

The live broadcast room is full of barrage scrolling.

All touched by this song!

“Reba you…”

A few people turned their heads and saw Reba’s eyes were red and the mist was dispersed.

Reba resisted the urge to cry and shook her head: “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” ”

She was originally emotional, hearing this song, and remembering the previous scene, now she can’t control it at all.

See this kind of picture….

Several people subconsciously thought of Du Jing’s words before singing: “This song was written by me at a special time three years ago”!


Could this song be written for Reba?

Then Du Jing singing this song, can it be regarded as a side response to the scandal?!


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