“Big Fish!!”

“The title of the song… Inexplicably moved. ”

“When I hear the word ‘big fish’ now, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘Tsubaki’ and ‘Kun’.”

“Poignant story, this song must be poignant too!”

After listening to the song backstory…….

Just hearing the title of “Big Fish” can bring everyone into it.

Knock knock~~

Gently pluck the strings, and a crisp, gentle sound flows out.

Du Jing shook his body lightly, his eyes looking into the distance, and the emotions in his heart slowly brewed.

The night is ethereal, and the waves in the moonlight are churning, shining with crystal luster…

This moment.

The sound of the wind, the waves and the piano come together.

As Du Jing played, a sad atmosphere gradually pervaded.

Everyone focused and stared at Du Jing, no one made the slightest sound, especially the staff of the camera crew, they held the camera carefully, for fear of disturbing Du Jing by making a sound.

After a short prelude….

Sadness sets the stage.

Du Jing gradually increased his tempo and sang

“The silence of the waves drowns out the night

Spread over the corner at the end of the sky

Big fish swim through the gaps in the dream

Gaze at your sleeping silhouette


The song is


Du Jing’s voice is low, tactful, and full of story.

The sad tone, the moving lyrics, plus the story told before…

The scene came to everyone’s mind:

The rough sea, the dark and heavy clouds, the rolling thunder god, the swallowing waves.

A large fish was entangled in a fishing net, rolling hard in the sea, making a miserable cry.

And in the little boy’s dream, this big fish appeared.

As if inspired by something, the little boy walked towards the beach and sacrificed his life to save the big fish….

“The executioner blows away the smoke waves

The wings of the big fish are already too vast

I loosen the rope of time

I’m afraid you’ll fly away, I’m afraid you’ll leave me

I’m even more afraid that you will stay here forever


This paragraph expresses Tsubaki’s helplessness and dilemma.

I am afraid that the big fish will leave him and the village, and he will not be able to leave the village, but the big fish can only be killed if he stays in the village.

Poke people!

At this moment, Huang Lei and others finally knew why Du Jing wanted to tell the backstory of the song first.

Because the lyrics are too “beautiful”!

Just by looking at the lyrics, you may not understand what the song is saying….

But if you understand the backstory of this song, you will directly listen to it and your scalp will be numb!

Now Huang Lei and others are!

Under Du Jing’s singing, goosebumps rose when I heard it.

“I’m afraid you’ll fly away, I’m afraid you’ll leave me


I’m even more afraid that you will stay here forever

Every tear flows to you

Flowing backwards into the bottom of the sky


To the chorus.

Du Jing’s originally low voice began to change.

Instantly raised a few keys, expressing the emotions in the song to the fullest!

“It’s a boy’s voice!”

Huang Lei’s body was stunned.

Who said that Du Jing can’t sing??

This is a juvenile voice! Du Jing sang even more naturally!

This voice… It’s a god’s reward!

“What is a juvenile voice?”

Seeing Huang Lei so excited, Peng Peng quickly asked.

Before Huang Lei could speak, Zhang Yixing whispered: “It’s a neutral voice, I can’t tell whether it’s a man or a woman, and there are only a handful of singers who can sing so naturally with this timbre.” ”

“Oh my God… Brother Jing’s singing skills! ”

Peng Peng looked at Du Jing, his eyes full of adoration.

In Du Jing’s gradually passionate singing, the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

“Du Jing’s singing…”

“Is this a female voice?”

“What a female voice, it’s a juvenile voice!”

“Heavenly master, Du Jing is so good at singing!”


At the end of the song.

The story in the song has been almost outlined by Du Jing.

The sound of the piano slows down, the sound is lowered, and Du Jing is making the final finish.

“Watch you fly away, see you leave me

It turns out that you were born to belong to Skyrim

Every tear flows to you

Rewind back to the original encounter





Du Jing’s chest resonance.

In the low sound of the piano, Du Jing hummed softly with a gentle head sound.

The poignant story of Tsubaki and Kunai is also a finishing touch.

At the end of the song, everyone fell silent.

No one spoke.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Du Jing.

Du Jing was bathed in moonlight, and the whole person was holy and immaculate.

At this moment, Du Jing was glorious.

I don’t know how long it took….


In the crowd of the program group, some people applauded.

This directly ignited the crowd….

Snap –

Applause rang out and lasted.


“Du Jing, you sing so well!”

“Look at Teacher He, your eyes are red.”

“It’s so touching, I seem to see Tsubaki and Kunai!”

The Peng people took a deep breath and tried to withdraw from the mood of the song.

And what …

He was very emotional, and his eyes were red when Du Jing sang this song.

Huang Lei pursed his mouth, patted He Yuan on the shoulder heavily, and didn’t say much.

“Are you okay?”

Du Jing put down his guitar and looked at everyone.


“That’s too good!”

“The first time I’ve heard such a perfect scene!”

Peng Peng almost jumped up with excitement.

“Brother Du Jing, you are too good, this song… Whether it is singing or lyrics, it is perfect! ”

Zhang Yixing also directly expressed his views.

See everyone’s approving gaze.

Du Jing knew that this song was sung “alive” by himself!

It’s not just a song, it’s a poignant story about Tsubaki and Kun!

At the same time, the system prompt sound in Du Jing’s mind kept ringing.

[Shock value +99 from Yellow Thunder].

[Shock value +99 from He Yuan].

[Shock value +99 from Zhang Zifeng].


[Shock value + 112433 from the audience].

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, complete the instant mission: do two things that change the public’s impression, and get 100,000 shock points. ”

“Mission Rewards Released: Seaside Essential Skills Pack.”

“Do you want to open it now?”


“Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring proficiency in swimming, diving, surfing, fishing, yachting…”


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