Murim Login

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

– [Jin Family Footwork] acquired.
– Can gain effects when the Mugong is successful.
– Achievement, [Mugong Familiarization] has been achieved.
– The title [Novice Trainee] has been rewarded.

I flopped to the floor as soon as I heard the system’s alarm. Who cared about the dust on the floor, I already looked like a beggar.

‘Why is this so hard.’

Jin Taekyung only found two kinds of books in the study.

Erotic novels. And novels that weren’t erotic. Over 400 of the books were erotic novels, excluding the 100 I left out.


If he had been born in Korea, he would have been an illegal adult website user1, if he had been born in the States, he was the kind of person that would be in prison. Regardless, after I divided the books, only 30 or so were Mugong manuals.

‘If only there were at least half as many manuals as there were erotic novels.’

Even though it was a pity for me, it was still a harvest. Because I discovered Mugong manuals that I would need right away.

The Jin Family Spear Technique and the Jin Family Footwork. It was the Mugong I forgot because I hadn’t trained in so long.

‘Confirm Jin Family Footwork.’


[Jin Family Footwork]
Stage: 1st Stage2
Type: Footwork
Rank: Second-Rate
Restrictions: Direct Line of the Jin Family
Description: The footwork technique the founders of the Jin family created. A technique of little change, monotonous and practical.
The Jin Family Spear Technique’s description wasn’t that different. But.

‘A technique of little change and monotonous, damn it.’

The Mugong was ridiculously complicated. Just thinking about it made my teeth grind.

– Starting acquisition of [Jin Family Footwork].
– Memorizing skill. The speed of the Mugong will be different depending on the rank and intelligence.
Right, it was fine up until this point. The problem started afterwards.

Displaying completion of [Jin Family Footwork] rounds (0/100)
I followed the system’s directions on where to place my foot, but if I stepped my foot even a little outside the footprint then I would fail. If I was late in placing the next foot down, then another fail.

I needed to do the whole thing exactly right and then I would complete a round.

‘This fucking crappy game.’

The difference between my character’s physique and the me in reality was big. My original height was cut in half and my reach was shorter too. I wasn’t able to adjust to the small changes, so I ended up making a lot of mistakes.

‘It’s a miracle I succeeded.’

I finished 100 rounds like that and now my arms and legs were shaking.

‘Still I gained something.’

Having battled as a hunter for a long time, especially in dungeons, repetition was important. The difference between life and death in a fight was (1) luck and (2) your feet.

Forward. Retreat. Or stop. Even if your arms got cut off, if you could still move, you could live. But if your legs got cut off, that was the end.

Your arms go out when your legs go out. That was the martial arts I experienced, and that was why I learned footwork techniques first.


I was too slow. I borrowed the systems strength but half a day past just like that. I couldn’t even imagine how much more time would pass if I learned the spear.

‘Today is the fifth day.’

Time flowed faster in the game than it did in real life. But even considering the time difference, 5 days was a long time.


I shook off all of my stray thoughts with a sigh.

Structure? Log out? Rather than looking at probability, it was better to just keep going.

‘I’ll just do this much for today.’

I picked up the Mugong manuals and left the room.

And as I reached the 2nd floor bedroom, I discovered an unusual book stuck in-between the manuals.

[The Great King of Night]


Aigoo, this kind of mistake.

“You have already coughed?”

The servant looked at me with wide-eyes. He was holding a tray he had been using for breakfast.

“It’s because I didn’t sleep that well…”

It was the truth. It was because of Qi Cultivation.

‘The effects are amazing.’

Qi Cultivation cleared my mind, my five senses, as well as relieving my fatigue. Thinking about it now, after learning Qi Cultivation, I haven’t felt tired once.

‘My pain is almost all gone too.’

“Your pain may come back, so please rest a little.”

At the servant’s words, I felt a corner of my heart warm. Even in this crappy game, there was an NPC who was like a ray of light. I finally met someone normal.

‘Why is this making me emotional.’

With an emotional face, I started eating my breakfast.

Even though the side dishes were both bland and salty, because of my hunger I finished all the plates.


It was a taste that made my eyes shut. The servant bowed after cleaning my dishes.

“Then I shall take my leave.”

“Ah, just a minute please.”

“Please speak informally to me. How can you speak formally to someone like me?”

Now that he said that, it was true.

At first because of the graphics and the A.I., everything seemed too real so every time I met an NPC, I would speak formally to them. But now I was a little bit more comfortable with the situation.

At last, it was time to get my dignity back. I replied with as much dignity as possible.

“For now, I will do what is most comfortable for me.”

Fuck, I couldn’t do it. Just looking at him, he looked like he was over forty years old, so how could I speak informally to someone who looked like an ahjussi.

This crappy game, making the graphics look too good that I couldn’t even speak informally.

‘If I keep going like this, I’ll become friends with an NPC.’

Knowing I hurt my head, the servant reluctantly nodded his head.

“There’s nothing I can do. But is there anything you need me to do?”

“I was wondering if there were any empty rooms.”

The servant tilted his head.

“I can get you an empty room, but what will you use it for?”

“I want to do Mugong training.”


“All the rooms here are either dirty or too stuffy… but why is your expression like that?”

The place the servant went to afterwards was the patriarch’s office.

After the servant finished his report, Jin Huikyung, towering over the documents on his desk, said with a voice full of gratitude.

“Good work.”

As the servant left the room, Jin Huikyung sprung up out of his seat and the documents went flying everywhere.

“It’s a joyous day! I’m not going to work today!”

“According to who?”

Hui Peng sighed, grabbing the fallen documents.

“People will say things if they know you are acting this way.”

“Who cares, right now our youngest is learning Mugong!”

“Even more importantly, the elders are determined this time.”

The elders. At those words, Jin Huikyung’s expression calmed down.

“Those damn elders.”

“I think the council will open soon. In their positions, if they see a chance they’re going to bite.”

It was obvious even without seeing the meeting agenda. They would attack by starting off with Jin Taekyung’s regular behavior and rumors.

“Those guys sure are persistant.”

“It’s not like this is the first time? There’s a saying that bugs boil on old pillars5.

“Isn’t there a way?”

“It looks like you will have to be the third master’s shield again.”

Hui Peng sighed.

“Lord. May your subordinate say something?”

“I will reject.”

“Then I will also reject. It’s already the fifth time since he’s used family funds. I can’t even count his other acts. If we enforced regular regulations on the third master, it would be a miracle if he was even alive.”

“Uh huh. This person.”

“And I’m saying this since I’m already speaking, but ask anyone here. It’s only because it’s your younger sibling that you love, but to other people… huu, I can’t even say it.”

“Are you dissatisfied with our youngest? Why are your words like that?”

“It’s because I’m uncomfortable. Uncomfortable. If the third master gets into an accident, you’re the one to take care of it, and then because you’re in the way, you have to listen to the elders demands. Like this you’ll get your leadership taken away bit by bit. Do you know what kinds of rumors are circling right now?”

“What kind of rumors?”

“That the third master is the elders follower. That he’s receiving money from them, in exchange for causing accidents on purpose.”

Jin Huikyung’s eyes shook.

“Those sinners!”

“If it was like that, that would be even better. At least that way he wouldn’t be using the family funds.”


“I’m done saying everything I wanted to say. If you’re going to fire me, fire me.”

Huu. Jin Huikyung sighed deeply.

“I was already thinking that if it keeps going like this, it won’t do.”

“That is good thinking. The problem is if they will move.”

“Still, we need to try.”

“Aigoo, Lord…”

“This will be the last time. I promise.”

Jin Huikyung spoke seriously. Hui Peng asked.

“Are you sure?”

“His memory isn’t that great yet. Not only that… but in a day he’s become a different person. Haven’t you felt that too.”


Hui Peng trailed off.

It was true the third master changed. Even if he was lying or not, if you were to look only at him now, there was hope.

Lost in thought for a moment, Jin Huikyung opened his mouth.

“Hui Peng.”


“Write a command in my name.”

“What kind of…?”

“Pick a few suitable charges and lock him up in the training room.”


Hui Peng picked up his meaning. Even though it was a ceremony, in the current situation it was a good plan. It was enough to take care of the threats that would come up in the meeting, while being able to lower the punishment level for Jin Taekyung.

And on top of that…

“And we can take care of the third master’s request at the same time. I’m talking about his request to find a separate training room.”

This was killing a bird with two stones. Hui Peng felt admiration.

“As expected, it’s the Lord.”

“Our family is like this. Ah, did I say that? When Taekyung was little, he was exceptionally intelligent, and then…”

“… I will go write out your command.”

“Having violated 14 of the laws and regulations and as a breach in discipline, the third master, Jin Taekyung will be locked indefinitely inside the training room.”

Did he say his name was… Hui Peng? He had a face that made me lose my appetite and after I finished listening to him, I raised my hand.

“I, I have a question.”

“Please ask.”

“What do you mean by indefinitely?”

Hui Peng answered with a sour face.

“It means there isn’t a specified time limit.”


And here I thought that the language in the game had an error. But it had the same meaning I knew. Haha.


“Heo heo heo.”6

It was said that laughter is contagious. Hui Peng followed after me and laughed as well.

In that kind of warm atmosphere, Hui Peng said his last sentence.

“Offender Jin Taekyung, accept your brother’s will.”




“I said no. Fuck.”

As if to say, this wasn’t what I expected, Hui Peng stared at me. But who cared because I said what I wanted to say.

“I said I wanted a training room, did I say I wanted to be locked up?”

Aren’t they crazy bastards?

“Look, Third Master. Calm down and listen to me.”

“Fuck listening, everything I need is in the training room. You’ll be well taken care of. You’re just going to say something like this.”

Looking at his expression, it looked like I was right. I drove a wedge in.

“You’re basically saying we’re going to give you higher wages, so be conscripted into the army happily. I don’t know, I’m not going to listen. I’ll just train by myself in the field or in my room.”

To be honest, the training room didn’t sound that bad.

But his words felt like a weapon pricking me. But even though learning Mugong and raising my level was important, I couldn’t wait while they locked me for who knows how long.

I laid down just like that.

“Just cut my belly!”7

“Third Master. Calm down and sit up.”

Hui Peng looked at me with a pained expression.

“The Lord is doing all of this for Master’s sake.”

“Jin Huikyung, no I mean hyung-nim did?”

That dongsaeng8 lover put down that kind of command?

At that moment, Hui Peng snapped his lips together. And that the same time, I heard a voice in my ears. It was a different feeling.

– This is me9. Don’t be surprised and listen.

Transmitting your voice in secret. I remember hearing about this technique. The telepathy that only masters could use.

– You might not remember since you lost your memory but the third master is on the blacklist. You could have received a bigger punishment, so the Lord did this before they could do anything.

What was he saying to someone who worked hard for 27 years.

Hui Peng continued sorrowfully.

– Even though he said indefinitely, do you think the Lord will lock you in there forever?

I shook my head. If it was that yangban, there was no way he would. Although who knew if it was just me and him in the training room.

– At the most, you will be out within seven weeks. What do you think?

I could see the will in Hui Peng’s eyes. He looked like he would just take me himself by force if I rejected.

‘Fuck, are all these NPCs gangsters or what.’

Hey, you bastard. You fight that well?

I turned on [Qi Sense] and looked at Hui Peng’s level.

[Lv. ???]

I was right. He was a gangster. Level gangster. As strong as Jin Huikyung, he was his butcher. Hui Peng with glaring eyes asked.

– What do you think?

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Shaking with fear, I counted three fingers.

– … do you mean let you out in three days?

What kind of asshole was this. Looking at me with that kind of face, Hui Peng sighed and said.

“I will see.”

#Training #LockedUp #Negotiations #Success

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