Murim Login

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

[War]War between the two Sects has begun.

The way to prove yourself in the Murim world is through strength! The one who survives becomes stronger, and only the strong will survive.

I wish you all the best.

Rank: Main Quest
Restriction: Player
Mission: Surrender and extinction of Mount Heng Sword Sect (Incomplete)
Reward: ???
Failure: ???

Jin Huikyung spoke as I stared at the quest window.

“You look exhausted.”

Exhausted? I felt shocked that he could sum up my state of mind so simply with just one word.

Instead of responding, I stared at the smoke rising up out of the tea cup.

‘It’s water already spilled.’

Even though I tried my best, I wasn’t able to stop the war. The meeting switched to planning for a war instead, and Jin Huikyung who received the full support of the Head Elder, proceeded to go forward without hesitation.

All Sect members are to immediately return!

By dawn, dozens of carrier pigeons flew into the sky, and messengers ran by horse. A thorough perimeter spread outwards like a net.

In the midst of that tension, Jin Huikyung who broke up the meeting, left with Hui Peng and went into his office.

“It was something that was bound to happen sooner or later. It’s not your fault, Taekyung.”

I felt as if I could tear up listening to Jin Huikyung’s warm words. But it wasn’t because I felt touched by them, but because I felt wronged.

‘Of course it’s not my fault!’

Also, since the topic is already brought up but why was ‘something bound to happen sooner or later’ happening right now.

As I was venting out my anger, Hui Peng opened his mouth.

“But Lord.”

“What’s the matter?”

“About the Head Elder… I’m not sure what his intentions are.”

The Head Elder. At his name, all other thoughts were thrown away. Among all the NPCs I met in this game, he was the one I was most leery of.

He really seemed like he was acting for the Sect, but he also seemed like someone who would move by profit as if he were a politician.

I carefully spoke up.

“What kind of person is the Head Elder?”

“He is a high ranking Murim-in and is someone with a deep heart. You could say that he’s the most dangerous person in the Murim world.”

“It’s that much?”

Jin Huikyung nodded his head up and down heavily.

“Even the other Elders are nothing when compared to the Head Elder. Although he rarely shows up, he is someone who moves and commands the other Elders. The number of years are decades.”

“Then in the meeting, the reason he supported us was…”

“Even though I don’t know the exact truth, he has something up his sleeve. It’s certain.”

“We should have killed them all.”

Hui Peng cut into the conversation with a cold voice.

“They are an unfaithful burden. When the Head Elder made the suggestion to kill them, truthfully I hoped you would have said yes.”

I felt the same way. It was also the Head Elder’s clever way of speaking.

At this point, how about withdrawing.

If Jin Huikyung was crazy enough to accept the proposal, the outcome would have been obvious.

“It would have resulted in a bloodbath.”

“I know. That is why I held myself back.”

The head authority of the Jin Sect would have been cut in half and the rest of the fight would have continued on until death. If we lost, it would have been death and if we won, it would have resulted in great damage.

‘It was probably something the Head Elder was wanting to happen.’

The Head Elder. A hand you couldn’t see. At a sudden revelation, I felt chills all over my body.

And it matched the image I had of the Head Elder.

A politician who was like a hyena lying in wait.

Jin Huikyung tilted his tea cup.

“But these are just guesses. We don’t know what the Head Elder’s intentions are. He is still a senior of the Sect and a powerful ally. Be careful, but don’t be hostile. Rather than being wary of people, now is the time to get through this situation.”

He was basically saying to look at the forest and not the trees.

The problem was that the trees weren’t that great.

As if he read my thoughts, Hui Peng brought up the topic related to him.

“The situation isn’t great. According to outside sources, rumors about Lee So Geun being poisoned have spread and our reputation is falling.”

“In just half a day?”

“Yes. Talks about it have spread throughout the Shanxi Provience.”

Jin Huikyung’s face looked worried.

“That was fast. Even though rumors spread quickly, it’s too quick. It seems there’s someone behind the scenes.”

It wasn’t like this place had internet, so it really was weird that rumors could have spread so quickly in a region so large.

‘An unseen enemy.’

Who on earth could it be. A third party? A fabrication by Mount Heng Sword Sect?

I hoped it was the latter. There was nothing more dangerous then an invisible enemy.

“The public sentiment seems to be skeptical but other Sects…”

“There’s still no answer?”

Instead of answering, Hui Peng just nodded his head.

After Jin Huikyung obtained the information that Lee So Geun had been poisoned, he immediately asked for support from other Sects in the Shanxi region. But it looked like it was all in vain.

‘It gets worse and worse.’

Did I really need to run away.

It was when I was staring out the window with those thoughts.


A pigeon was perched on the window.

“… It looks like we’ve received an answer.”

The Taiyuan Jin Sect.

The driver approached the warriors, who were sternly guarding the front gates, with a magnificently written sign.

“Stop. Reveal your identity and purpose!”

He shouted and at the same time, blocked the carriage from going any further. Because of the situation, his voice was filled with nervousness.


‘It’s unusual.’

The driver gripping the reins gave off a smell of a disciplined warrior, and the carriage being pulled by the four horses looked impressive and elegant.

‘But it looks strangely familiar?’

The driver looked familiar. And the carriage too. Where did he see it?

As he questioned myself, he forgot himself as he stared into the driver’s piercing eyes. That spirit, that gaze. It was an unusual guest.

The guard who swallowed nervously, opened his mouth.

“Please reveal your identity and purpose.”

The carriage door opened, and a pair of bright silk shoes appeared.

And a soft voice that sounded like a spring breeze came into the guard’s ears.

“I’ve come from Hong Hwaru.1 My name is a secret.”

And a face to go with the voice.

The guard looked at her with a dazed expression. He wasn’t the only one. Everyone who saw the woman’s face had a similar expression on their faces.

The guard spoke with a lost voice.

“Ah, a secret… Then please state your purpose.”

The woman, Wol Hwa, answered with an enchanting voice.

“Hmm. I’m here to collect a payment?”

“Have you been well? Haven’t you missed me?”

I stood up and my body stiffened.

An unforgettable face. And also a face that shouldn’t be here.

“Wol Hwa?”

The first NPC I met in this game. A courtesan at the brothel and I, Jin Taekyung’s pinky finger.2

Why is noona3 here…?

“It looks like you remember me. Our Master Jin.”

Wol Hwa laughed. Not only was her face pretty but the sound of her laughter was pretty too, and because someone pretty was laughing, she looked even prettier… No, this wasn’t the time for this right now.

I said in a low voice.

“How have you come here. Ah, it’s fine. Leave. Go out.”4

I pushed Wol Hwa out slightly with my elbow. Wow, it was crazy.

Of all things, to think she came in this kind of atmosphere. Rumors might appear that I called a courtesan in the midst of an emergency situation. I was dizzy just imagining my reputation.

“Please don’t nudge me. It tickles.”

“I got it, so please hurry and leave. There are other people in the room, so what do you mean by suddenly coming here? An important guest will be arriving soon.”

The timing wasn’t great. I was currently waiting in the Clan Leader’s office for a guest from the Lower Class Society.5

And of course, Jin Huikyung and Hui Peng were here with me.


Jin Huikyung called me. I didn’t bother looking behind me and instead waved my hand in a hurry.

“Ah, it’s not what you’re thinking. I didn’t call her. This person will also be leaving now. Right?”

Wol Hwa laughed louder.

“Our Master Jin is as cute as always. But you guessed wrong. I have business here, so that’s why I came.”

“Tsk, what do you mean our Master Jin. Starting from today, I’m going to be living a pure life. I won’t be seeing you from now on, so please hurry and leave.”

“Hmm. I don’t want to?”

Then there’s no choice. I would have to move her by force. With a desperate expression, I grabbed Wol Hwa’s waist and lifted her up…


What is this. Why couldn’t I lift her. From the outside, Wol Hwa looked skinny but was she heavier than she seemed?

‘That’s bullshit.’

Especially considering my stats. Even with just my Strength, I could turn a stone into dust. But if I couldn’t even lift a woman NPC…

“Excuse me, Taekyung?”

As Jin Huikyung called me for a second time, I furtively loosened my hand. And turned on my [Qi Sense].

“Ahahahaha! I’m going crazy, really.”

Wol Hwa’s level window popped up as she was laughing and Jin Huikyung called me for the third time.

[Lv. 50 Eun So Wol]

“Taekyung, say hello. She is the Shanxi’s branch head for the Lower Class Society…”

Ahh. Ahhhh.

I wanted to die.

“I am greeting you. I am the Head for Shanxi’s Lower Class Society, Wol Hwa.”6

Eun So Wol. No, first let’s just call her Wol Hwa. Her image up until now was different. In each of her movements, she was as elegant and graceful as a lady.

“I am Jin Huikyung from the Jin Sect.”

“I am Hui Peng.”


I sat there unable to say anything, mutely and Wol Hwa looked at me and smiled slightly.

‘You can’t. Don’t smile.’

Don’t talk to me. Please don’t do it.

“It looks like one person hasn’t introduced himself yet.”

I felt prickly from her gaze. Someone stepped on my foot underneath the table.

I opened my mouth, feeling as if I was going to throw up blood.

“… I am Jin Taekyung.”

“Yes. Please look after me. Master Jin”

Cough. Jin Huikyung coughed and looked at me.

“I didn’t know you were close with my younger sibling.”

“He’s a regular at our place. At Hong Hwaru in Taiyuan. You could say it’s the main branch in Shanxi.”

“Ah, a regular…”

I avoided everyone’s gaze. Wol Hwa laughed once and brought out the main point.

“Should we start now?”

I felt it multiple times, but she was a refreshing woman. Jin Huikyung and Hui Peng removed their gazes from me and started the talk.

“First, we would like to talk you for your help.”

“Of course not.”

“But, can we know the reason you have decided to help us?”

At Jin Huikyung’s words, Wol Hwa smiled.

“The reason… if you need it, of course I’ll say it. First. It’s for our benefit.”

“Benefit you say. Specifically, what kind of reward did you want?”

“Half of the property and goods from Mount Heng Sword Sect.”



Even though Hui Peng protested, Jin Huikyung didn’t care.

It also looked like Wol Hwa was surprised.

“You’ve decided quickly.”

“Because we have bet everything.”

“Is it already agreed upon?”

“I am the Clan Leader, because my father is not here, I currently have the power to make the final decisions.”

“I understand that there is a lot of internal opposition. For example, from the Elders?”

“As one would expect from the Lower Class Society. Your information is fast.”

“It can’t be helped. In order to survive in this dreary Murim world, information is the most important. We can at least eat if we have this skill, no?”

I thought of something as I looked at Wol Hwa’s smile.

‘That information. Was it me, no, Jin Taekyung who spilled it?’

Lower Class Society, I thought I heard of that name but it was a information group that appeared regularly in martial art novels. In other worlds, it looked like Wol Hwa was a veteran information seller.

Not only that but she was a level 50 Murim-in. That kind of courtesan met a bastard like Jin Taekyung?

‘It was enough to make a dog laugh.’7

I stared at Wol Hwa. Her appearance was so dazzling it was like a goddess came down. Everytime she laughed, I could see flowers. But now I could see the hidden thorns.

Jin Huikyung spoke with a stiff face.

“Then speak your second reason.”

Wol Hwa spoke with a polite and bright smile.

“I am fond of Master Jin.”


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“Not only that but his face is handsome, his body is impressive, and his personality is cute.”



Was she serious, or was she joking?

  1. aka the brothel but it sounds better with the name and not just outright her calling it the ‘brothel’. In Korean, it’s called ‘Honghwalu’ but I think it’s Chinese? It looks like ‘hong’ is red in Chinese and ‘hua’ is flower and lu is path/way? So ‘Way of the Red Flower’? But I don’t know Chinese and I referred to the brothel as ‘Hong Hwaru’ in a previous chapter so for consistency, I’ll just keep it that way.
  2. A pinky finger can mean a girlfriend or lover. A pinky finger can mean things that are precious, i.e. when two people ‘pinky promise’.
  3. Means ‘older sister’ by a male, can refer to a biological older sister or someone who isn’t related to you
  4. I think it’s important to note that Jin Taekyung is speaking formally to her the whole time, while Wol Hwa is speaking informally.
  5. In Korean, it is ‘하오문’ and the hanja is ‘下汚門’. Like the name suggests, they are the lowest class of society, i.e. the thieves, pickpockets, prostitutes, etc. They basically gather information.
  6. Wol hwa speaks formally here.
  7. Means ‘it is ridiculous’

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