
With a mad grin, Levi exhaled deeply as Milmill stepped out of her feet, dropping her center of gravity and fisting.

From her temples to her cheeks like that, Ichizuki sweat flows down.

A physical ability that gently outweighs itself as a demon.

In addition, it is probably upstairs in technology.

Best of all, there is no hesitation whatsoever about taking life... unlike this one.

Such thought turned Levi behind.

"I'll go!


Still in time to crumble in an instant.

Levi leans her neck and manages to "Kawawa" the jab on the left that she sees with a calf.

Straight to the right that continues to be released.

Levy moves the axis of his body to the right, which is also critical.


At the same time that the right fist that cut the sky was pulled back, Levi was sensing Milmir's right leg coming forward.

At the next moment, Milmill's unleashed upper left kick takes to prune her neck.

The moment I crouched and dodged it, the right spinning kick that turned the upper left kick into a centrifugal force and added a twist in the air was approaching her face.


Levy, who stood guard with his arms, couldn't stomp on the tremendous power and his body danced through the universe.

"Ugh... Kuh...!

"... wow. This was prevented, too."

He managed to land in shape and did not even add pursuit to Levy, who would again set up, and Milmir laughed happily when he said so.


Left jab, right straight, left upper kick, right aerial rotary kick.

A blow that could all be special if eaten properly.

In an instant, Levy was aware that he was dying four times.

"Hmmm... I'm dying now for the most part... I don't know what to do"

Disgruntled, but with a grin on his face, Mirmill carves the steps as he stands.

Seeing her like that, Levi set her mind.

"... excuse me. I was insulting you."


"No, of course I knew. That's what I have to do. Just..."

Behind Levi's brain, Lord's face rises.

After lowering her head in his brain like that, she...... let the real magic roll all over her body.


"… you are just as good as to kill"

The moment Milmir was barometrically pressured by Levi's magic, a chunk of red magic overshadowed her vision.

"Shh!? exorcism...... oh, that!?

Mirmill had succeeded in playing it, but Levi, who should have been ahead of him...


"… you are too dangerous"

"Heh... heh... heh...!

An invisible chain tightens the neck of the mill.

In a back-to-back position, Levi lifts to carry the mill and pulls the chain with full force.

"- Huh!"

There are no fingers on the chain.

I couldn't react in time to Levi's attack with an instant gap.

Too much bitterness, scratching his neck, scratching 27615; his mill nails stained red, his legs fluttering and the universe.

Still no fingers.

Between fading scenery and narrow consciousness, Milmill stopped fighting the chains.


Suddenly ringing, the unpleasant sound of bone crushing.

Milmill's choice to stop fighting was the only correct path left.

A blow to the ribs, by an elbow blow.

Levi's face distorts into pain.

On the loose chain as soon as possible, every meat on his neck took a finger.



A moment of loosening.

It took one finger.

But that was enough for the mill.


"Shit...... Grr!?

From Levi's hand, which was powerless by pain, the invisible chains slip through.

Space emerged from a tight posture, and the moment the bottom of Milmill's legs captured Levi's back, an awesome shock pushed her through.

"Ugh... Kuh...! One more step and...!

Levi gets in shape soon, even if he gets bounced off a few meters.

At the end of that gaze was a mill dripping red Shizuku from his eyes and mouth.

She had a full smile on her face.

"Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! ha! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I really thought you might like it!

"Chi no!

Levy quickly kicked the earth as he held down his painful left flank with his hand.



Shortly afterwards, the intense right hook released by Milmir blames Levy for his pursuit.

Her health was drained, but her strength was alive and well.

Levi's left arm, guarded, was shrieking and screaming.


Milmills, who are almost incapable of thinking due to lack of acid, wield their arms at the mercy of force.

A storm of pure violence, with no moves.

And it's all a deadly blow.

Everything within her reach had just turned into a dead place.




No, no, no, no, no, no. Levi stayed in the dead.

Hold your breath and take everything with your straight eyes.

I won't pull.

If you pull, you give him a chance to recover, Levi just takes a step forward.

"Grr...... but ahh!

Front kick like a spear.

Levi's right hand scolds it.


Axe-like knife.

Shift the axis and call it "Kawawa".


Stronger back fist than a hammer.

Wear your elbows from the bottom and off track.

"Ohh... what... so...!

It doesn't hit.

I can't reach her or her legs, just a few dozen centimeters away.

Eventually, Milmir's leg retreats with a jitter.

Lose Levi's pressure.

"Bah...... what the heck!?


That, rather than on the battlefield, was an emotion that was not in Milmir's life.

Finally, she held it.

No, Levi held me.


Mirmill said that both fists he shook up were assembled overhead, and he shook down an angry hammer -


"- Patience comparison... it's my win"

I saw it in a storm of violence, a stretch of road.

Levi's unleashed piercing hand pierced it as if it were a flash, penetrating deeper into the throat wound Mirmill had decided on his own…


Tons of blood overflowing from your mouth as soon as possible.

Millmill's knee rocks gaggedly and falls back again with his hands together overhead.

And just keep...

"You were strong... but too... innocent"

So the giant collapsed, and rolled up the dust, and lay down on the ground.

"Phew... Yikes... Ts...!

He held down his aching flank with his hand just to breathe, and Levy poked his knee and began to ascertain his body.

"The guts... are fine. Two ribs... three? My arm... oh... this is terrible"

As she turned her sleeves, usually brown skin was almost blue-black and discoloured on one side as she dropped a large amount of sweat onto the ground.

"No fractures...... lots of cracks...... your left arm won't be useful for a while. Well..."

Standing up, she walks out toward Millmill.

"Hugh... Hugh..."

"Exactly... you're sturdy"

After checking the breathing noise, Levy knelt beside her and gently touched her neck.

"Well, I avoided the thick blood vessels... and you'll probably be fine. Would you like to apply the wound pills for once................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Okay, I'm in this."

Levy walked ahead.

Every time I step out, my arms and flanks scream.

Though I had expected, the physical damage was quite significant.

"Phew... the magic has been preserved... but we need to keep our feet together. Dear Lord... Please be safe..."

She keeps carrying her heavy feet forward.

Waiting ahead, worrying about my husband.

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