"Wrong...... hey?

As he was headed to the lower hierarchy, Brance, contacted by Lord, asked him so in a dark voice.

"Yes... Sophia is with the King"

"Oh well... no"

"Our mistakes have involved Sofia".

Such self-restraint was taking power away from his voice.

'No, it's not just Mr. Blance and the others... if I'd done better...'

Similar thoughts were in the Lord.

Lorde regretted that his power would decline, but he should have left even one of his arsenals if he was to be fully equipped.

'... Anyway, I can't help it more than this happened. Help Sophia, and then we'll do what we do.'

"Oh...... right"

'Mr. Byrne and the others have already gone underground. The entrance is like a library on the ground floor.'

"There... that was definitely the place to keep the King's books, which I couldn't get into the room anymore. I remember seeing it before when my brothers showed me around the castle. No, I also thought you said that no other than the king would come in first. There was a hidden passage there."

'Yes. When I messed with the trick I made it look like a book, the bookshelf was moving and the aisle was showing up. I don't think I would have known without Levi's magic.'

"I see..."

'Oh, and then... right on the king's side, there were seven reactions of life I didn't know about. I think that's probably the Seven Shadows.'

"I knew you wouldn't leave..."

"Levi says, Seven Shadows definitely seems to know about this... so I think the battle is inevitable"

"That's exactly what I expected. Okay, I'll be right there."

'Copy that. So...'

"... Shit"

I missed the communication demon stone that lost the light, and Blance gently bit her lips off.

"Don't feel bad...... so wasn't it?

"Ha... you bastard"

That's what Cheryl told me walking behind her, and Blance laughed niggly.

"Ugh, my little girl... I heard Lords saw the entrance to the basement. Byrne and the others went first... which means the upper part of the castle is under control. We're in a hurry."

Led by Blance, Cheryl, Karen, Visor, and Bahamut run down the castle stairs where no one is anymore.

"This might not have meant much to transfer."

To Bahamut's words, Blance nodded as he ran.

"Oh, maybe. But I didn't know if the king was going straight underground, and I didn't know how the Seven Shadows were going to work... for now, it's going well."

As a result, depending on where the transfer device was placed, it was also possible for them to turn to positive motion.

The result is almost as Byrne read, the transfer device was transported to the King's private room, and even more because the King thought the raid was the work of Titanomachia, and chose to move to the safest underground, they went underground without wasting any wear and tear, so as Blance put it, the status quo is not so bad.

Except for Sophia, of course.

"The rest of the concern is what's in the basement... seven shadows."

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"I would have liked to have done some upstairs if I could... Shh."

"Wow, is Seven Shadows that hard? Because of you, I can't imagine the three of you, or that Burn brother of yours, working around the road..."

"I don't know...... I don't know if I'm actually going to try it, but magic goes hand in hand, and I'm pretty sure it's not at the level of licking it. I'm not losing my mind."

"Ah... you don't even know their magic..."

The only information they had on the Seven Shadows was their name and appearance, and the rumors that were out there and the aliases that came from them.


Rinalia, the SS captain who looked like a girl.

Behind that appearance, she is feared as the sumerian army's supreme power.

Rumor has also it that in the past, he destroyed dozens of anti-government organizations that plotted the assassination of King Robert by themselves, whose strength is unknown.

He is the most vigilant person in this operation.

Boggs, the number two prowess of SS.

He boasts a giant body exceeding two metres and is an overwhelmingly destructive knight.

It has an alias for "silence" because it barely utters a word and dominates the enemy silently.

Big female fistman, Milmill.

A man of strength who is told in a hand-to-hand fight that there is no one to go out to her right.

He has a calm personality, but he doesn't hesitate on the battlefield, and he smiles and beats people to death.

As a result, she said, when did she become known as the "innocent killer"?

Black swordsman, gunnal.

I specialize in melee combat, SS cutting captain.

His body is thin and thin, his cheeks sprinkled, and he is known as a very belligerent figure, although he is also visible to the sick.

The title SS's fastest man, combined, is a dangerous man with the alias "instant kill".

Brown warrior, Dundee.

Physical warrior who claims his body is a man but his mind is a maiden.

The object is an axe, and its destructive power combined with magic is unimaginable.

The physical ability of the vegetables is also high, and the combat power is increased.

Accurate incomparable archer, Barzoi.

The user of the bow of Sumerian 1.

The arm is awesome and he says he will also shoot through targets many kilometers away with a single blow.

In addition, technicians who grant magic to arrows and carry out various attacks.

A wizard manipulating space, Emina.

The need for protection, which has saved the king's life many times.

The exact abilities are unknown, but they have been active in every situation, using the powers that seem to manipulate space.

This time, after Linaria, it is worth noting.


"Remind me now. Always a one-of-a-kind bunch... stay alert."

"I'm most suspicious..."

"Ahem!? Did I say something, Visor!?

"When we get in the basement, we split into three hands... so, okay?

"Shit! That's right!

"Me and Visor were alone, you three were."

"Oh. You can't just let these guys go on a boulder. Stay with me, little girls."


"... you could die in an instant without joking... seriously, don't get distracted."


To Blance's true tone, Karen stuffed her words for a moment.

In fact, what he's saying is no big deal or anything.

The Seven Shadows will come with the intention of killing them in order to protect the king.

Whether they want it or not.

"... I know."

"Cheryl, too, okay?

"... yeah, I know"

"Okay...... this way"

Down to the ground floor entrance, they followed Brance's guidance to the library.

Eventually when I opened that door I saw, Lord and Levy greeted them inside.

"You kept me waiting."

"No, not so... this way"

At the end of the road, where there would have been an original bookshelf, there was a passage where only one person could pass, followed by a staircase leading to the basement.

"... how does life react?

"It's not within my senses anymore. Mr. Byrne's reaction also disappeared some time ago. The range I can sense is about a kilometer or two..."

"Pretty deep... That's why. How dare you dig that without anyone noticing?"

"I know you're also using some kind of magic, but it's an awesome obsession to do that... so scary"

"Oh... do you want to go anyway? I can't help talking here."

"Okay. I'll be ahead of you."

Relying on a few lights, the roads head down the stairs.

The staircase was only narrow enough for the shoulder to touch the wall if not careful, and I felt the pressure that was the fault or unpleasant, and the raw warm air coming up from the basement again created an unpleasant atmosphere that was difficult to describe.

"This place..."

In time for a few minutes, when that narrow staircase eventually marked the end, this time a huge hole was spreading before them.

A peek below revealed a helical series of lights, and the sight, fantastic when done, was, on the contrary, a source of unspeakable anxiety for them today.

"How far does this go..."

"... let's go"

As if inspiring Karen to raise her unexpected voice, Lord said so and began to descend the spiral staircase.

Tips and seven footsteps are sucked into the darkness.

There is no fence on the spiral staircase, and if you take a wrong step, you will enjoy a long floating sensation before you are sure to die.

"Hey... that..."

and that's when Karen's voice realizes something, and everyone's gaze gathers there.

"Shuya... look at that."

Qualitative cages made to determine walls.

However, the iron lattice was thick and robust to see.

That's enough to feel a strong will to never let anything captured get away with it.

And that's what they're looking at.

"I knew it... that's creepy"

"Ah, something here... there's a shredded mark under the cage..."

Until recently, it was also where Tia and Asuna were.

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