"Oh, Glatton...... I've been waiting for you"

As Glatton and Levy are guided by the guards and open the lavish doors that pass between the glances and go inside, while sitting on the throne, Robert greets them with that said.

A red carpet was laid on the road leading up to the throne, and soldiers dressed in armor lined each end of it, and seven more men and women stood surrounding Robert.

Levi sees it, "That's..." and squeaks so in his heart.

That's what I was hearing from Brance's brother.

Seven warriors who are particularly good among the SS guardians of the King.

They have an overwhelming force, headed by SS Captain Linaria, who does not send others, always protecting the King's side.

It's like you never leave the person... like a shadow.

So, when did they become known as the Seven Shadows?

"Come closer."

After they bow their heads deeply, they go to the front of the throne and kneel.

"I'm in a good mood... Your Majesty"

"Uhm... that sounds like a breath disaster, above all. No, are you a little overweight?

"No, you were right... as long as you're ashamed"

Glatton puts his hand on his head and smiles embarrassingly.

"Ha-ha-ha! Well, that's more than enough. I've been feeling a little hungry lately... No, that's fine. Is that a good example?

He glanced at Levy kneeling behind Glatton's step, and Robert asked him that.

"Ha... I told the gatekeeper first, but I wanted to give Bius some free time, who has been deacon in my mansion for many years, and for some time to come this person... Rebecca"

"Yes, tentatively, but on behalf of Bius this time, I am going to take over the deacon's head...... my name is Rebecca. I'm here today to wish His Majesty all the best... so please keep an eye out for me."

"Well... although tentative, I didn't know you'd be entrusted with the deacon head of the prestigious Brightshaft family at that young age... you mean you're extra good"

As a result, Levi is 4832 this year.

nearly a hundred times older than Robert.

Regardless, her appearance is only visible there at twenty, so there's no point in him saying that either.

"I still take care of something for Glatton. Nice to meet you too."

"The Word Without Body… I know the utmost pleasure"

"Uhm. And it's Glatton... the..."


Sensing the king's gaze move to the crate, Glatton gives Levy instructions with his eyes alone.

When she stood up after lowering her head to Robert, she lifted the crate that was beside her and slowly opened the lid in front of the stairs leading to the throne.

"Oh... this is..."

"It's in an ancient dagger."

"This is the ancient...?

Two pairs of daggers placed on straw.

They emitted a radiance that I didn't think was made in antiquity, and most importantly... beautiful.

"How stunning...... heh, can I touch it?

"Of course it is. But we have special powers, so we need to be careful how we handle them."

"Hmm? With special powers?

"Yes, the dagger, as you can see, is embedded in the pattern Tsukaga. With magic, the magic of the person is imparted to the blade -"

"The rest... magic?

"" Huh!

Moments, the air changes.

No, the king's low voice made him do so.

Immediately sweat seeps out of Glatton's forehead, and Levy keeps his head down to dampen his quickening heartbeat.

I don't know what it is.

I just knew something had swept over the king's harp line.


Breaking such silence was the sound of the king's exhalation.

It's like a twitch. Plus, two hearts jump.

That was the same for the guards who were around, starting with the SS captain Linaria, who had refrained beside the king.

"... let me take a closer look at this later. Who... Take this to the rest of the room"

"Ha ha!

That is what the king commands, and when one of the SS holds the crate, he rushes to look after it.

Glatton and Levy, who saw it, sighed slightly relieved not to be enlightened around.

But at the same time, a concern crosses the backs of the two brains.

It is unclear why Robert was offended, but it was not to be hoped that the transfer device left under him and was transported into the absolute inviolable realm of "the king's private chamber" anyway.

It's just not in a good position.

The king's private room is at the top of the castle.

Position opposite to the basement you are aiming for.

Intrusion by transfer was easier, but the journey to the basement was longer.



Reacting to the words that Robert utters, the two return their thoughts to the present at the same time.

"Shall we make it a meal, then? Take the two of us to the dining room"

"Ha! Both of you come here..."

The guards urged him, and the two looked up after bowing their heads deeply toward Robert.


"Well then, Your Majesty..."

"Mm-hmm. I'll be right there... see you later"

That said, there was Robert with the usual grin.


"We will prepare your meal soon, so please wait here."

"Mmm...... thanks"

Leaving the two in the dining room, the guide's guard leaves the room behind.

What an indescribable heavy silence, born naturally between those two.

"... Dear Glatton"

It was Levi who broke it.

"Oh, oh... yes"

"Do you have any idea?

Robert showed it, obvious discomfort.

It had given Levi the fear that it might ruin this operation.

"Huh? Ah... no at all...! I have offered many products to His Majesty so far, but I have never seen such a reaction before... and we all have a good idea of what the hell I shouldn't have done..."

"Really... Your Majesty showed discomfort... when Lady Glatton was explaining that magic guide."

"Yeah... I think it was a good reaction when I saw the product, as if to block the description of the eagle..."

"" Magic? "... and you said so."

"Yes...... what went wrong?

Levy puts his finger on his jaw, closes his eyes and conceives.

After a few seconds, she opened her mouth in the same position.

"... the fact that you reacted to the word magic could mean that Your Majesty hates it"

"Magic? No, but... I've never even heard of that..."

"Yes... the soldiers around me didn't know why..."

Levy opens his eyes and turns back to Glatton.

"For this reason, did any of the products I have ever offered have special powers like this one… among other things, to use my own magic?

"Mm... no, um... if you say so... I probably didn't... because in the first place, there were so few things that worked properly. I only gave it to you for viewing..."

All of the items he has offered to Robert are supposedly magic guides made in antiquity and, as he has just said, few are now working properly.

Also, some of the things that could still be used were different from the daggers that I gave this time, such as a doll that dances by magic, or something like an ancient orgol that plays beautiful tones.

"Hmmm...... one more thing then. Lord Glatton, do you know His Majesty's magic?

"What? Heh, is it His Majesty's magic? I was wondering if His Majesty's magic was one of the state secrets rather than... you don't know... I think that's the same in every country...... oh, apart from Celtic. That would be the exception."

Celtic king Orlando was famous as an active SS ranked adventurer.

His magic is therefore known to some extent.

But other than that, the magic of the kings of the land.

As Glatton says, if the king's safety is to be paramount, then come on and reveal it or something.

"Well, right... more then then if this is the case... no but..."

Levy doesn't even tell Glatton, he leaks the word with his hand on his jaw again.

At this time, one suspicion had arisen in her.

But that can't be the first thing.

No, it was something that shouldn't be possible.

"If you had noticed on that occasion... No, either way, you weren't in an environment where you could use magic..."

Levy has "appraised" Robert from a distance once during a martial arts tournament.

But it only went "somehow," and if it's analogous to the story, it's only to the extent that I read Alas lightly.

It was also possible to "see" between the sights, but, as Levi himself has just said, the thought at that time had not yet reached there, and it was also likely that if we worked out the magic, the SS would have reacted immediately and the operation would have ended there.

Therefore, I am not sure.

It's just that the reaction the king saw earlier was in line with the answer she just derived... that's what she thought.

"Les, Mr. Levy......?

"Ah... I'm sorry. Anyway... now let's focus on making the operation a success"

But now I'm too distracted by it. I don't have an ex or a kid.

The operation is already on the move and everyone is waiting for their signal.

Therefore, she once... drove it to the corner of her head.

"Fortunately, I have entered the safest place, and so far things have been going well… there is some distance."

"Yep... I hope it works..."

"I have Master Bahamut, and I was wondering if I could possibly figure it out. However, the problem is still those seven...... ugh!

At that time, the dining room door opened with momentum.

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