Somehow... I was wondering if that was the case on the way.

But I don't believe it.

I can't believe Sumerian is doing that.

"You... you mean something? Sumerian purposefully... Him, he said he created the present situation to grab people... is that what you said? So... you grabbed hundreds!?

"... not all of it. Seriously, some of them are missing. I'm just pretty sure you're grabbing people."

"No, no, no! Whatever it takes, the idea leaps too far! Yes, it is an unusual number... but when you look at the funds, you can explain it somewhat!

You're also right about what Mr. Blance is saying.

But maybe to Mr. Byrne...

"I'm sorry... but here's a clear rationale we haven't talked about yet... no, we can no longer call it evidence"


... I knew it.

"Shit... what proof is that!?

"Look, Brance... I finished some research... about a week before that fight started."

"Huh? What the hell is that..."

I finished my investigation a week ago... which means Mr. Byrne was infiltrating the arena with a clear purpose.

Perhaps it gets something to back up the investigation...


That's when something comes up in my head about a certain person.

I went to the infirmary to cure him, but he was already... gone.

"Mr. Cosmo..."

"What? Ah... no Lord you... Cosmo is in the castle... treat or something...!

"... right. I didn't see anything in person either. But Cosmo disappeared neglectfully from the arena, as were the Knights who accompanied him. Perhaps he was taken away by force. That's not all. I infiltrated ahead of time and copied the list of participants... just in case I hired someone to confirm it. See if there's an adventurer who didn't show up after the fight. The result... needless to say?

Once again, silence dominates the room.

At that time, Mr. Brance's shoulders trembled and his hands on the desk rattled.

"Yes, no you... devised that martial arts tournament... lol, it's King Robert!?

"So... that's what I'm talking about"

"Wow, that's not awesome! Let me get this straight!!

Mr. Blance......

"… the purpose of the martial arts competition. Even to appeal to Sumerian… not to mention to offer a bright topic to the world. The true purpose of hosting is to capture many adventurers, rationally and safely… under the direction of King Sumerian"


... Oh, my God.

But for what reason did you do that...?

"For this reason, all the disappeared adventurers come from other countries… it is also limited to those who are entering the country alone. It's hard to be noticed if this suddenly disappears. In the first place, I was suspicious at a time when the conditions for participation in the martial arts competition were too loose." Having fulfilled a request in the Sumerian Adventurer Guild even once "... this is like saying that people from other countries are welcome"

Indeed...... in the case of Nieberg, there was a restriction of persons of own origin.

Well, there's no need to appeal to the country now, like Sumerian, and that's just the strong color of hoping for the development of your country.

But Sumerian martial arts competitions are different.

Since there is no limit to the rank of the request, it is fine as long as any simple request is completed.

The prize money is broken, and the adventurers who originally came to Sumeria naturally gather even more adventurers from other countries.

"It's easy after collecting it. If an eye-catching adventurer loses, all you have to do is get close and call out." Treat me here "or" If you're defeated, come here "or something. Weaknesses caused by defeat, fatigue and injuries caused by battle… In the meantime, if the operator speaks that way, there is no one to be wary of."


"Dear Lord, this is..."

"Oh...... looks like I'm pretty sure already"

I don't know what the purpose is.

But Sumerian does grab people.

Oh, that means... maybe Sophia's parents too...?

"... so? You're going to... What are you going to do?

Mr. Blance's voice was completely different than usual.

Weak...... thin.

"The outer moat is buried... next time we attack Honmaru. I don't know what you're going to do with the person you grabbed, but it's natural to assume that you're trapped somewhere once. So I'll find out there. Well... it's pretty predictable."

"Where is that?

"It's definitely somewhere in this town more than what's happening in this town. So, a wide place unnoticed and unnoticed by noise... plus the fact that the Sumerian state is leading the way naturally means that the king himself is in and out. Then you'll never be able to find it. In that case... the answer is one"

"... the basement of Sumerian Castle."

Probably not.

I see...... sure, that might be the safest place.

But at the same time, it is a sword of all blades.

"Make sure of that first. Instead, if it's really there, it's almost like winning this way. If there were a large number of people in the basement of Sumerian Castle, that would be proof as it were. So" I didn't realize "," I didn't know "doesn't make sense. They'll have to admit it too."

"Well... I mean, seriously, if you're grabbing people, what's the purpose?

"I have no idea at the moment. For once, I've gathered some Sumerian-related information from the last few years and thought about it quite a bit... I don't really have a decision to make."

"For example?"

"Right...... the middle state Babinia right next to Sumerian. As I'm sure you know, the two countries aren't very close, they've made their country bigger by trying to compete with each other... right?

"Oh. Something's wrong with Shira. What's over there. We had a big war a few decades ago and ended up with an indecisive pain split. There are still skirmishes near the border, and maybe it's not over yet."

"Well, the distance is close, and the national territory is similar. He must be a good enemy. Now, to get back to it...... Babinia originally had a strong side as an industrial state, but the demon stone supply from Teetern was interrupted and the industry was no longer formed. I relied on the Demon Stone for power. So Babinia switches to demon stone mining in her own country. Well, if not, it would have been an end bet... where Babinia dug brilliantly into the demonic stone vein, which boasts a considerable reserves. Anything, they say we'll keep it light for the next 100 years."

Hiha, a hundred years!?


"When that happens, Sumerian is naturally in a hurry. Because all the other things that Babinia has been spending on purchasing Demon Stones… that's what makes it stronger. So, Sumerian embarked on strengthening his adventurer business in order to secure new sources of funding to counter Babinia… In fact, Olympus and Celtic have the goal of killing Babinian offense by working closely with the two powers."

"Such thoughts..."

"I guess it's just a guess."

"Hmmm...... so what does that have to do with this one?

"I don't know if it matters, but Sumerian also bought a ton of demon stones from Teetern. A few years ago."

"Oh, yeah, what? But... what were you using it for? We don't do industry or anything, and tourism is the main thing."

"I definitely got the information that I was buying and trying to buy more, but I didn't even know what I was using it for. Anyway, one thing I can say is that Sumerian wants the Demon Stone, and there's a ton of that in Babinia. I don't know if it has anything to do with it."

"Oh, hey... the reason you're grabbing people is to dig demon stones, right?

"No, you won't grab people just for that. You just have to hire people to dig normally."

"... right"

Hmmm... then he's trying to use it for something to take the Demon Stone from Babinia... or something?

... No, I don't know what that means either.

In the first place, I'm not even sure if Babinia or Demon Stone has anything to do with it...

"Well, anyway... I guess that means I'm doing it until I take a high risk, which is why I had to. Anyway, I have a pretty bad feeling about it."


"Okay, I got the story. I'll do whatever I can, too."

"Oh, that'll help. With you, it's a hundred manpower."

"F... I don't care if you rely too much on me. In me now, I have only about a tenth of my original power. I'll make sure you don't pull your legs. Well, to be honest... it doesn't seem to have much to do with world distortion."

A distortion of the world…?

Sure, I don't think it seems to have much to do with it, but that Titanomachia is still getting caught up in it.

I kind of felt like this had to do with all sorts of things...

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