
When Jade disappeared into darkness again, the onslaught that had been going on against him ceased unexpectedly.

Burn looks around with his giant sword on his shoulder on a pile of mud he builds.

The reproductions slaughtered had already exceeded 200, but still a significant number of demons surrounded him.

"Hey, what's up? Are we done here?

Byrne says so with an extra grin.

In fact, he was scarcely depleted in strength and magic, and even if he continued like this, he could say that Fake had no winning eyes first.

"... I also thought when the Winged Claw Dragon Species (Wyburn) were still a lot weaker compared to the real thing. Weighing more than quality?

No response, Byrne goes on to say more.

But the demons nestled around him didn't move, just stared at him.


Needless to say, Byrne's role is positive.

In order to escape Zawan and Alice, it was necessary to attract three Titanomachia members.

Nevertheless, naturally they also know that and also understand that they will not show up so easily.

But Byrne still didn't mind.

Because he had the confidence to defeat everything and the power to actually make it happen.

Zawan and Alice kept lurking and could definitely butcher each of them, or even if all the enemies showed up and were attacked simultaneously, that would have been nice if they could create a gap where they could escape.

There's only one, the most troublesome development...

"... why don't you ride. That's cool."

I don't give a damn, I don't mean to pull it off.

For Byrne, this was the most troublesome development.

Because, assuming that only three people are now attacking us who have come right to this occasion, and if we were in a situation where reinforcements would come if we buy time, it would be a schematic of the relative Titanomachia, not ourselves, who are buying time now.

No matter how bahn, there is no guarantee that he or she will miss out on the two if there is any more hands-on work of uncertain ability.

"It's usually convenient, but at times like this, it's inconvenient..."

Out with his mouth was a slight dissatisfaction with his magic.

Needless to say now, the "space-time magic" he uses has a very powerful power.

Excellent in combat or as a means of mobility, but there was only one flaw.

That's in that you can't use it against your peers.

For example, Nieberg's SS leader, the "spatial leap magic" used by Viper, was able to instantly move itself, supplies, or companions through different spaces created by magic.

However, if you can see it as far as you can, on the spot, and if you have some distance, you need to mark it where you want to travel beforehand, but you can still say it's very user-friendly magic.

In contrast, the "space-time magic" manipulated by Byrne was similar to the common space-transfer magic.

All he goes through is his own path called "temporal space", which is also different from the different spaces created by the wizard of the space transfer system.

If an organism other than Burn, capable of manipulating space-time, enters it, the flesh will not withstand the flow of time characteristic of "space-time" and will collapse.

Regardless, Byrne has applied it to his offense and won numerous battles.

However, in cases such as the present, the force was sometimes shackled in reverse.

"... then move from here"

Shortly after, the atmosphere trembled.


"Nyah, Nyah... this...!

It was disputed by the reproductions produced by Fake, a resell that was slowly approaching Burn, but had inadvertently stopped his legs.

Its too mighty...... feel the magic of Burn.

"Oh, alas... I didn't do this..."

From the communications demon stone I had in my hand, I could hear a trembling weak voice, far from her usual cheerful.

Chumlit, who was in contact, reacted similarly, and Liesel learns that she wasn't the only one who felt it.

'... Liesel should step back. I can't do this.'

"Nha!? Heh, I'm fine! If Liesel and the others...!

'I know how you feel, but you're not the one who can hit you straight from the front and win this. Scrape it with me and Fake, so Liesel's looking for the other two.' Cause you're still close. '

"Ugh... but..."

'He'll be here in a little while, and here's Jade. I'm not saying revenge anymore... maybe Fake noticed that too. Prioritize your mission? Right?'

"Ahhh... ok... then Liselle needs to find the other two!

"Well, then, be careful."

"Be careful, Chumlit!

"Yeah...... ah, yabba"

"What?... chumlit? Chumlit!?"

Immediately afterwards, the light disappears from the communications demon stone, along with a resounding roar.

It showed that something had happened to her.

"Duh, what do I do... yeah! Contact Fake...... ah!?

That's when she sees a knight with something on his back running through the air.

It was moving from rooftop to rooftop of the building repeatedly, heading out of town at a tremendous speed.

"Oh no! Just a moment is a signal!? We have to go after him......!

There was no time to get lost, and Liselle released her magic once and for all when she put her hands on the ground.

Shortly after, her body swells, her clothes rip and her whole body is covered in white body hair.

Her magic is "fusion magic".

It's the power to fuse something with something and create something completely new.

"Shit...... Feya!

Transformed into the figure of a white, giant lion, Resel does his best to kick the earth and follow the Zawans.

Resel's fused "Faya" was the only friend she met when she lived alone in the mountains, abandoned as incompetent.

I thought it was a normal cat at the time, but as I use my magic, I realize that Feya is not just a cat.

The identity of Feya.

It was a monster designated SSS rank in the Adventurer Alliance… "The Silver Lion (Lionel)".

It has a very small number of individuals and a very warm personality that is rare for demons.



Its strength is at the top of the demons.

"Huh!? The, Mr. Zawan!

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