"Well, Levy, don't" Dear "..."

"I refuse."


"This is all I can't give away."

I kind of miss this exchange too.

This was the way it was when I got out of the basement.

... This is fine now.

"It's sloppy..."

"Pfft... Ah, Lord, wait a minute. Dear Solomon!"

When I speak, the door of the room slowly opens, from which Master Solomon faces.

It's kind of nibbling......

Apparently, he was listening.

"Is that enough?

You were listening...

"Levi...... what about this guy?

"Ah, yes. This is Lord Solomon, one of the legendary weapons who acquired his body with Lord's magic of life."

"This man..."

"... nice to see you again. Sir."

"Oh, yes...... nice to meet you"

"Ugh...! It kind of makes me muzzle when my husband uses his respectful words! Please, just be normal!

Speaking of which, I don't think it was a tribute to me from the beginning.

... Now I'm a little happy.

"Oh, yes... it wasn't... hello... Solomon"

"Mm, so please. Bye, Levi. He's next, isn't he?

"Yeah, thank you. Dear Solomon."

I receive a black notebook from Lord Solomon, and I give it to Lord.

"This is... Did I just say that?

"That's right. The notebook where the legendary weapon was delivered… the god" payer ". It is commonly known as Mel. Go ahead."

"Oh yeah...... heavy!? Drop it at risk...... is that it?

Mm, still no...

"This won't open..."

"Apparently... Levy's got an idea."

"Yep. I also thought that if you're Lord now or... unless you still remember..."

Lady Mel can't move... that's more than likely.

"Er... what do you mean?

"Explain now."

I will explain to Lord what I spoke to Solomon yesterday.

Perhaps now Merle is in a situation where he can't help, even if he wants to, and that's unless Lord's memory returns... that it won't work the way it was.

"I see..."

"Well, I can't help it now. In the meantime, let's not forget it until we get our memories back."

Nevertheless, this is a pretty bad situation.

It's no stranger when they set up than Titanomachia is after Lord.

The legendary weapons are an important force of Lord… the loss of them means that the danger has increased for that matter.

I started Master Siege now, and although it may be okay because there are strong people around, there is no way I can get Lord to protect me all the time.

And me too...... no, not now.

Anyway, we have to figure out what's going on.

Actually, I was a little concerned about Lord's appraisal results.

I wish I was worried...

"Next, let's make sure you have magic and skills. Then take this."

I hand over the dagger I borrowed from Master Eddie.

"Hmm, this... is a normal dagger, right?

"Yep. It's just plain everywhere. Shake it a little."

"Wow, okay."

As Lord rose from his chair, he lowered his centre of gravity and placed his dagger backwards.

As if that were the norm.


... Fast.

Slashing, rolled out in a flowing motion, cuts the void fluidly as the wind cuts up.

Powerful, beautiful sword muscle... so much so that I fell in love with it by accident.

Apparently, the martial arts hundreds have not been lost.


"Whoa...... and!

"Dear Lord!

I manage to take Lord, who suddenly collapses and is about to fall.

"Oh, I'm sorry... there's some balance..."

"I don't have a right arm... I guess I'm not used to it yet"

"Oh well... you have to get used to this one too"

"... sorry"


"It's forbidden"


"Told you? If you were safe, that's fine. That's what I think right now, that's what I thought stronger before. So it's forbidden to be depressed."

This guy is really... coming to make me cry.

But I appreciate it.

It made my mind a little easier.

"... Yes, Lord. I won't say it again."

"Hmm, so... what do I do next?

"Right...... now that we know there are hundreds of martial arts left, let's try the magic of life next. Do you know how to use magic?

"No, not at all... I know humans were getting magic from God. But I don't remember using it. So how can we use magic..."

"I see. I'll start by teaching you how to practice magic. Put your hands in front of me. Palms up."

"Like this?"

"That's right. There is indeed magic in Lord's body now. Close your eyes and be aware of it."

"... uh"

"Do you understand?

"Something... I see something like sparkling smoke in a dark world"

I miss this too.

Lord said something similar in the basement.

The way magic feels varies from person to person, and in my case it feels like red water is swirling around.

"That's it. That's magic. Now let's move it on your own accord."


"It doesn't matter how. The important thing is to imagine. When you can move it as a matter of course. Try it."

"Mmm...... ok"

Even if you don't remember, your body must remember.

When it comes to working out magic, it probably won't take long.

The problem is... the Lord's information that I "see".

"Martial arts" and "no drinking, no eating, no sleeping" were "visible" as before... unchanged.

But the magic column...



I still can't......

I got a bad feeling about it.

"... Dear Lord, that's enough for today. It's not ready to use either."

"Oh well... ok. Hmmm... I wish I was on my way..."

I guess my body still remembered, working out magic is done fine.

But I couldn't give life to matter.

Instead, the magic itself......

"It's going well at first. All you have to do is continue. But it's forbidden to do too much... I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok...... will you see me again tomorrow?

"Yes, of course. I am Lord's maid and master of magic."

"Oh well... thanks"

"Yes... Dear Lord"

I "see" Lord.

I didn't realize it at first, but I'm still pretty sure.

Only the magic column is somewhere thin.

It should be said that the presence is diluted, even so that there is no connection with Lord...

Did they do something magically, along with the memory?

Perhaps Lord has memories to observe from what he says and does in his sleep.

I mean, I guess it doesn't mean they totally took away memories.

It's sealing my memory...... maybe that's what it looks like.

In the process, the magic became unusable... so what the hell is it that Solomon is here right now...

If it were conceivable, it was unaffected because it existed before it did... is that the place?

Hmmm...... no way. I don't know.

You can't give up anyway.

Maybe I'll be able to use it, and now I just have to do what I can.

"... Levi. Somebody's coming."


That's when the door to the room was knocked.


"... I told you not to touch me."

One room at Otris Castle.

A man's low voice echoes in that room where only one lamp placed on the desk illuminates.

The voice was slightly angry.

"It happened to come down in front of me..."

The woman laughs couscous without looking bad.

Cross and Anna sighed one at the same time, still staring at the woman at the same time.

"Do you happen to..."

"Yes, you are, Master Anna? Besides, I'm not making a big deal out of it. It's just a little twitching."

"Did you?

"Hehe... a little memory. And magic."

To the words, Cross frowns.

"Do the magic? I didn't know you could do that."

Cross knew the woman could manipulate her memory.

Even so, it doesn't mean that you can manipulate it freely, but also in a somewhat limited way.

But I haven't heard any magic.

"Hehe... well, it's like a by-product. Magic is not engraved on the body of that person, it is engraved on memory. Magic is the knowledge of God. So when we were taught different magic, we were once called" incompetent. "

"I see... but Lord would have company, wouldn't he?

"Yeah... you'll know the word" life magic ". But now that the connection between soul and memory has been broken..."

"Can't use magic..."

"That's the thing. So usually, I don't use this power. Because it's not very fruitful. Besides, my magic is ineffective against organisms, so I can't use it unless I'm pretty weak. Because faux is many times better for collecting information, and I don't have to bother using it."

"Then why did you use it this time?"

"It's simple. Because that was more convenient. Without making a scene, he'll follow me on foot himself... when he gets here. You can go back after restraining him. That won't be a problem, will it?

Cross sighs again.

She is the superior of Titanomachia.

Anna, now next to Cross, is in a position of deputy leader, but the magic isn't very combat-oriented and basically doesn't leave the cross side.

In contrast, she was always on the front line.

Furthermore, she is one who has the power to be close to the cross alongside Jade.

As a result, there were occasional runaways like this one.

"So it's relatively easy now..."

"Don't get your hands on me"

Cross's voice was stronger than earlier.

She frowns at the words.

"... why?

"This is not the time... that's all. Back off now."

"... then"

After the woman leaves, Cross deposits her body on the back of the chair.

"It's a problem…"

"Well...... but I don't have a choice. Jade's still in a cage called Revenge, but that's not it."

"It's a little different than ours. Should I say it was already done?"

"Oh. But I can say that's why"


"And the Lord... well, not now. But sooner or later..."

Cross knew it would come then.

Eventually I decide the female... when.

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