"Kuh... what a number...!

"Keep your head down, Lordo!

Until a few hours ago, that sky, which many humans had taken for granted, was no longer transformed into the realm of dragons.

The surroundings are completely enclosed, and the dragons are hit one after the other as soon as they miss the Lords.

Iaris pushes forcefully as he kicks the impending pterygoid dragon species (Wyburn) with the sword "Tsugu" that grew from his head.

The breath "Brace" of the breathing dragon species (Andragora) loomed from behind, but Volksfang's axe "crushed" it and managed to prevent it.

"Chip...! I'm gonna slap you all together... but I don't think so either... hey!

Volksfang was crushing his magical powers and dropping the Winged Claw Dragon Species (Wyburn) on the ground when he was stuck on his way to Greece.

I wanted to use that power even now, but if I use it here now, I can't use it because it affects even Iaris.

"Anyway, now I just have to endure it... unless that idiot wakes up. Huh! You're not kidding, you son of a bitch!

Meanwhile Lord stuck to Ialis' neck and was desperate to endure being shaken off.

But every time he shakes, his body screams, and the severe pain that strikes his whole body pushes him over and over to prune his consciousness.

Still, the presence of Iaris, who continues to fly desperately, and Volksfang, who continues to struggle alone on its back, and above all... the huge dome of ice that I see ahead of me looking back, was reminding me that now is exactly what the Greek king is trying to do to protect ourselves by putting our lives on the line, drawing back the awareness that the Lord is about to disappear.

"Kuh......! They surround the town...!

The roads took the rudder from near the center of town to the south, but already ahead, a flock of winged claw dragon species (Wyburn) are waiting in rows.

It was like a wall surrounding the town, not just in the south, and it represented the strong will of the dragon clan not to miss it at all.

"We don't have much time...... Mr. Volksfang! We just have to break through!

Considering the magic that remains in Ialis, the time he can keep his body is not that long anymore.

As I was detouring here, Lord felt he probably couldn't even leave Greece.

"Why do you have to be hungry... you superior bastard! Hey Vivian! Come on, wake up!

"Munya... Steak..."

"............... eat it for the rest of your life Ahondara!!

"Iaris! Do something for me!


Iaris stretches his sword-grown arms forward and hangs them all over a point breakthrough.

While the Winged Claw Dragon Species (Wyburn) were still spreading, they decided that they had no choice but to break through the thinnest possible part, and concentrated their magic on the sword "Tsugu" protruding from their heads.

Iaris, who decided to do so, accelerates further, and the distance between them and the Winged Claw Dragon Species (Wyburn) decreases rapidly.

"... Lordo! Don't fall!

Thus, Ialis jumped all at once into a herd of more than 100 winged claw dragon species (Wyburn).


Moments, violent swings strike the load.

As Iaris pierced the winged claw dragon species (Wyburn) in the front with a sword protruding from his head and arms, the wings were further winged and accelerated as they were.

Using the pierced pterygoid dragon species (Wyburn) as a shield, Ialis pushes forward as he receives many breaths "braces" that are thrown out from the front.

At that time, he looked like a Volksfang wielding an axe on that back.

You can see ahead of a flock of winged claw dragon species (Wyburn) … infinite skies.

"Go! Keep breaking...... ugh!?

Hope, which seemed slight, shunned away from them with a moment of intense shock.

From the back of a violently shaken Ialis, unable to break through the rampage from the side...... Vivian's body was bounced off.


The next moment, Lord was jumping unconsciously.

Stretch the left arm toward her and grab the clothes and throw them at Volksfang.

"Bah...... Rhodoh!!

Instead, Lord's body was thrown into the sky covered by the Winged Claw Dragon Species (Wyburn), and his fangs immediately reached him -

"The only way to do that is to...!

".................. Shut up"

Moments, the surroundings are surrounded by intense light.

At the heart of it, beneath Vivian, who rose up sloppily...... a huge magic formation was emerging.

"Oh man...!

"I'm still... sleepy!!

Responding to the out-of-place roar of anger, from its magic formation...... a radiant giant bird appears.

wrapped in a burning flame. It spread its wings wide behind her.

"Bake, Smoke, Smoke..." Red Lotus Undead Bird (Phoenix). "Huh!

Her magic is "Spirit Summoning Magic".

It is a power that serves some kind of God.


In the dazzling light of my eyes, I was falling from my head toward the ground.


Mr. Volksfang's voice was heard, but his body did not move at all, and for some reason he could not even speak.

Consciousness is clear.

But I was like being eagled by something... I remembered that feeling.

Eventually even the lid closes on its own, the disgusting floating sensation and the intense pain rushing all over my body stays put, and I'm pulled down by something of it.

I was wondering how far it would keep falling, and that's when the floating sensation suddenly disappeared from my body.

I have no idea what's going on......

Until earlier, I had my head falling down, but now it's probably parallel to the ground...... floating?

"hehe... you're in luck"

I heard it all of a sudden. It was the voice of a woman I didn't know.

I tried to respond, but I still can't speak and I can't move my body or even my lid.

"Well, for you... it could have been bad luck"


"Oh...... sorry. All your movements were sealed. It's troublesome when it gets noisy, and you've used too much power today...... let's do it here. It's easier to get around."

... Do it?

What the hell......

"Master Cross told me not to put my hands on it, but this is also destiny" No "... hehe"

K, Cross...... because?

Then this man...!

"Heh heh... it's okay, it'll be over soon. Although I may have a slight headache...... be patient"

The sign of the person I was feeling underfoot moves over my head through my side.

And grab my head with both hands, something on my forehead...

"I'm often told that my magic is" omnipotent "... but it's actually a lot of constraints."

I hear voices coming from just above my head.

Is this... forehead on my head...?

"I wouldn't have been able to contain you if you weren't so weak, and what you're going to do now... naturally you couldn't"

What the hell...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Hehe... human memory is so complex and elusive... let's just get it over with. On top of that......"

Oh, it's in my head... mine...!

"It's okay... soon... because we can be good company"


Before the load lying on the ground, the woman stood smiling.

The woman looks up at the sky.

There was still the light of intense battle there, and she spoke gently to the Lord after exhaling one.

Stand up.

As the woman tells me, Lord rises up slowly.

Those eyes were somewhere vain, and only then did they show that he was not in a normal state.

"I'll ask you for once...... who are you?

"... I... Lord... Irvine..."

Lord still speaks words little by little, as the woman tells him.


"of Titanomachia...... members............"

"... you're right. Well, let's come."

When the woman was satisfied with Lord's answer, she walked out in a dark alley where it rained.

Tips and her footsteps stick between the buildings.

Eventually, I also heard his footsteps from behind, and she wickedly distorts her mouth.

Now you can completely... convince yourself that you can change the world.

"... hmm? What's the matter, sir?

That's when his footsteps, which he was hearing, stop and she looks back at the distorted mouth undone.

The Lord does not move, nor does he answer her question.

"Oh... can't you walk? I should have tried not to feel any physical pain..."

"... oh, I... I have a promise..."

Her face changes as soon as possible.

"Ya can't break it......! thats just thats...!

"... Impossible. You messed with me perfectly!

"Ha-ha-ha... oh, I have a place to go... I can't remember... but there... I have to go...!

Lordness pokes both knees, nods with his head in his arms.

That's like... like Levi just now.

"Chip... that's why you're going there! All you have to do is shut up and follow me! I'm the one who promised! Do you understand!?

"Chi, no... you're not! I don't know, but I know that...!

"Something I don't understand...! I still seem to have to get you to sleep. I didn't want to hurt you any more..."

"Loadwow! Where are you?!? Answer me if you hear me!!


She was familiar with the voice she heard from right around the corner.

"Volksfang......! Why so soon!? Yes, no, it's not good anyway... to find it...!

Lord was still holding his head and desperately trying to remember it.

I swore I would never break that promise...

She was in a hurry.

If you use magic now, you're likely to find it, and therefore you just have to drag Lorde to take her, but she, the woman, can't do that.

".................. I have no choice. We've sown the seeds, and now let's pull. But don't forget... you're definitely from this side. I saw it clearly in my head. At that time, which will eventually come... then... again"

That's what she leaves behind, disappearing into the darkness of a dark alley.

Lord deposited his body on the wet ground as she disappeared.

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