The armies of the countries that were deploying south of Greece had already moved to a combat posture after receiving a report of a dragon invasion.

Inside that rear-end command-room replacement tent was a gathering of officers from various countries, including Friedrich.

"Arkmarine is still... sorry Hernio"

"... it is not the fault of Master Friedrich. And now the prerequisite is to stop the dragon invasion... our Arch Marine soldiers are already moving forward."

He, Hernio, who is the general who leads the Arkmarine army, says so and makes him laugh.

To that temperamental behavior Friedrich was just a thought of losing his mind.

"... to your country, and to your lord. I will surely return the favor I have received."

"Thankful words...... so what's the status?

"Uhm... a sea dragon species (Leviathan) has already entered Greece... I leave it to Jill and the trusted ones inside. We also sent Spartacus earlier to the northwest, an intrusion route. I'd like to be in the whole army, but there's a dragon squad looming from the south... if we don't stop this, there's no future for Greece either way"

"... oh, okay. Good luck, you can back off. Dear Friedrich, Celtic has contacted you. Reinforcements are already on their way here, but bad weather has slowed the march..."

In response to a report from Tabe, Friedrich nodded quietly.

"Well... I have to thank Celtic too"

"Lord Friedrich, we have a report for you."

Broadbain, general of Earthheim, Dwarf country, puts his short, thick arms together and turns a sharp eye peeking from his boneless helmet to Friedrich.

"I heard from you earlier. I hear Master Volksfang is on his way here."

"Oh my... that hero!

Volksfang, Earthheim's hero with two names: Dwarf's only SSS ranked adventurer, "Guardian of Obliteration".

When he heard about the crisis in Greece, his country's cooperating state, he was on his way to Greece on that foot where he had made the request.

"Give me that one hundred...... no, it's no exaggeration when it comes to a thousand manpower. When you have something to protect, you must show him the power of God."

"That's good news. So, can we do it?

It was Avalanche, the general of Woodgard, the Elf country, who said so and raised his hand.

He also had clear blue, sharp eyes pointed at Friedrich.

"Earlier...... there was a report that I had finally discovered Master Vivian. I'm escorting you here now."

"Until Lord Vivian.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Elf's strongest SSS ranked adventurer, Vivian.

After cleaning up one request, she was still missing.

"There is only one problem… Lady Vivien is now in deep sleep. It is quite unlikely that you will wake up completely. Still, I'm pretty sure you have far more power than we do... but I can only say it depends on how he feels."

Vivian, with two names "Sleep Princess," has spent much of his life sleeping.

Therefore, the time available to fight is limited, but on the other hand, her power, fully awakened, transcends her intelligence.

"Even so, I appreciate it. Buy some time until reinforcements arrive or..."

"Sure... if we had Celtic reinforcements and those two, we might be able to figure it out... by the way, Dear Friedrich, what about Olympus?

On enquiry from Hernio, Friedrich's expression clouds all at once.

"... the response remains the same. They say it's the best they can do to keep Rare down."

"Shit! You fool king...... you still ran for safekeeping!

Broadbain's fury is not impossible either.

Everyone here had noticed that suppressing Rare was only before the building.

Because even though the Celtic army, which is similarly holding Rare, is sending reinforcements to Greece, there can be no more Olympus troops than the Celtic army.

"... I can read my belly. If we and the Dragon Clan get bumped, even if we lose, the Dragon Clan will still be sorry. So we form a crusade led by Roy the Brave, to drive out the Dragon Nation and show off the power of Olympus... that's probably the place to be"

In the wake of Friedrich's words, Broadbain's tone is further strengthened.

"Hmm! I'm so angry... we only consider ourselves pawns! The allies of the world can hear you!

"If there is no damage to Olympus even if we continue to win, then fine, assuming we lose, we recapture Greece, and if we can put Greek territory in its hands in the future... do you mean that? I've decided that it doesn't taste very good even if I help you halfway now. Drowned in power and power, that fool king is going to think...!

Almost everything Friedrich and Avalanche are saying has hit me.

Olympus had already decided to look aside, avoiding the depletion of his own army, and had the soul and gall to later reach out to Greece for the hand of salvation.

Tea turns have already failed to serve as the five major states, and if Greece were to fall further into the ground, the three remaining powers would be Olympus, Celtic and Nieberg.

If we save Greece and Teeturn, the two countries will have to follow Olympus.

In that case, Olympus will gain even more power.

No one can turn against you...... your power as a tyrant.

"If only your predecessors were alive... but now I can't help but mourn it. We have to accomplish this alone here. Otherwise it is not just Greece...... Valhalla...... there is even the possibility that humans will perish. This fight... you can't lose...!

Everyone nods at Friedrich's words.

At that time, a report entered the command room.

"Dear Friedrich, the surveillance unit has captured the dragon clan with a naked eye."

Several Greek soldiers were permanently on surveillance in a mountain hut directly south of Greece, at the top of a mountain once crossed by the Roads.

The capture of the Dragon Clan by the naked eye from there meant that the time was approaching.

"... ok. Connect me."


When the soldier retrieves the demon stone in communication, he approaches the slightly larger communication demon stone placed on the long table they enclose.

Eventually, when the demon stone emitted a pale light, he began to hear a grunting voice from it.

"Like this... the sky... jerks off"

That little voice echoed in the quiet tent.

That alone made them understand everything.

"... can you hear me?

"Ah... F, Dear Friedrich...! Excuse me.........!

"Good... and what do you see?

I know I don't have to ask.

But I had to ask.

'... it's a large group. of filling the sky.'

"Really... what's the distance?

"Probably be there in a few minutes..."

"... ok. You kill your breath and never move. Okay?"

'... Yes'

"Uhm...... Thank you for your hard work"

The light is lost from the demonic stone where the communication is cut off.

That's as if it were something that would happen in the future...... it disappeared.


"Lordo! Aren't you going to Levy's!?

Arriving on the north wall, the Lords had already begun a battle against the imminent sea dragon species (Leviathan) that could not destroy the line.

Without answering Balmunk, Lord uses the grams and ridges in his hand and drives the dragons one after the other.


The breath of water emanating from the sea dragon species (Leviathan), Brace, plays in grams, and runs up the long body as it is, profoundly pierces Lizil's blade into the heart in his throat.


The bloodshed rises and the blood wets Lord's body.

As he instantly pulls through the golden sword with no expression, Lord flies toward another sea dragon species (Leviathan) that was looming from behind him.

"Konno...! Ignore me!

Balmunk's black blade split its sea dragon species (Leviathan) in two straight from its head, and Lorde, who lost his goal, pulled his sword and landed straight on the ground.

Landing at the same time, Balmunk approaches as he stares at the road.

"Don't you dare...!

"I want to go... you've made up your mind!

"Huh! Lord......"

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