It was the soldiers who were patrolling the town who first noticed the anomaly.

"Hey, that..."

"Hmm?... That's weird at midnight like this"

The soldiers were divided into several squads, constantly patrolling the town and on guard, but one of the squads discovered a black figure wandering around the town.

Previous Armenia may not have had to know, and I haven't seen anyone walking outside at this hour in the present situation in a long time.

Though they didn't think it had anything to do with the Dragons, they were wary not to overlook even the slightest anomaly, chasing the shadow as they contacted HQ with demonic stones.

"That's a lot of flirting..."

"Are you just a drunk?

"I don't know. Anyway, let's speak up."

Its shadow, walking in every shake, was headed to the center of town to be led by something.

The speed at which they walk is unusually fast for being flirty, and they start to get naturally fast feet.

At the time they began to feel an unspeakable and unpleasant hunch, the communications demon stone connected to HQ emitted a pale light.

"All squads from headquarters. Confirm numerous suspicious persons. Be on guard. '

Hearing that contact, the three soldiers rushed out silently.

We found out that there were other squadrons besides ourselves who had discovered suspicious characters, and we thought something was wrong.

You noticed them like that, and the speed of the shadow in the black hood increased even further.

"I just look like I'm walking......!

"He's a disgusting guy... obviously crazy"

I can't keep up with that, even though I'm running all I can, and I just seem to be walking for some reason.

Chasing him that way, the suspicious figure went through a narrow alley and stopped the movement perfectly where he left off on a wide street.

The soldiers I was chasing stop moving along with it.

"Why stop... I should have known they were after me..."

"... maybe they're inviting me"

"Maybe. But don't leave me alone."

The three soldiers show up from the alley and come closer to surround the person behind them.

The man must have noticed the soldiers, but he stood still on the spot without looking back.

"Hey there. What are you doing at this hour?

The soldier shouted.

But again, a person wearing a black hood does not try to answer a soldier's call.

I don't know exactly because I'm wearing a hood, but the soldiers I was watching from behind looked like they were staring at Armenian Castle a little further away.

The creepiness reinforces their narrative.

"Are you listening!? Turn around!

The three of them pulled out their swords, worked out their magic to activate the magic and moved into a state of battle.

Then, the person wearing the black hood suddenly moves his body in a frightening motion and slowly rotates to make footsteps on the spot.

The soldier's tension grows over that unusual move.

That person, who turned to the soldiers, stared at them from the hood.

"... take off your hood and show your face. Take your time."

"If you imitate strangely, you attack. This is not a threat!

As the soldiers tell me, the person slowly takes off his hood in a shabby motion.

That's how it became apparent. Besides, the soldiers opened their eyes to surprise.


"You... what... what the hell are you!

Its face, illuminated by the light of the pines held by the soldiers, was not human.

The soldiers just marvel at that heterogeneous, creepy face where humans and something mix together, and fall back from fear or not.


An even more alien man approaches the soldier with a strange voice.

"Hey, what...!

"Ugh, don't move!

"Don't come any closer!


Without listening to the soldiers or anything, the alien man leans closer to them as he continues to raise his strange voice.

"Hey, what the hell is this guy ha!?

"Ahhh... ahhh... is me! Ho ho! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Probably mouth. Open that to the limit, and the anomaly echoes with blood scattered.

"Hih!? Oh, come on!

"This guy is... not human!

"Ugh, shoot!

The magic was unleashed by the three soldiers, and the alien man, who received a direct hit, blew up a few meters and fell to the ground.

But when he stood up as if nothing had happened, he spoke clearly this time staring at the frightened soldiers.

"Hmm! Let's get started. '


"Neil! What's the situation!?

"All of a sudden a demon appeared in town! We're currently dealing with evacuating the people!

The Dragon Hunting Knights, led by Mariana, were deploying troops along the coast away from the town centre in preparation for the Dragon Clan raid.

Staring at the sea as usual, suddenly the firehand rises with a huge explosion noise from the town centre.

Mariana, who had detected the anomaly, left a minimum number on the spot and hurried back to the town centre.

She heads to a place where she makes loud noises as she makes contact with Neil with the Demon Stone.

"What was the defense guard guarding the gate...!

"I couldn't reach you until just now... but I can't reach you at all right now"

"Shit...... what the hell is going on!

It was completely unexpected for Mariana and the others, who were preparing for the raid of the Dragon clan, such as the sudden appearance of demons in the town.

In addition to the soldiers on patrol, I have no contact with the defense forces that were guarding the walls protecting the town.

Armenia was now at the extreme of confusion.

'The beginning was a suspicious figure. And as soon as the soldiers on the patrol spoke, they suddenly turned into monsters. "

"What do you mean... you're not a demon?

'No, it's an alien I've never even seen... but it can only be good with demons'

"How many?

"I knocked three down and the rest are twelve, but each one is unusually strong and big. I've been working with adventurers and I've managed... but these guys aren't just demons."

"I don't know why... What about Your Majesty?

"Probably underground... cementing the castle's defense and already turning the soldiers"

"Until such a time...! What about Greece and Celtic?

'I've already contacted you. About half of the population has already escaped towards Greek territory. But the south side is tough... they're rampant in the center of town and they're torn apart. "

"You're close to where we are...... OK, the south side will guide the people with the Dragon Hunting Knights! I'll take the rest and demons!

'Okay. Don't die...... Mariana'

"You too...... Neil"

Mariana immediately gave instructions to the members and told them to bypass the centre and direct the people to the North Gate, which leads to Greek territory.

Even while we do that, the town will be wrapped up in fire hands.

Mariana kicked the earth harder as she rattled her teeth.


Taking a hundred or so members out onto the boulevard, it had already turned into a battlefield, many soldiers had fallen, and the beautiful township had turned into an unbroken figure.

At the center of its boulevard, Mariana sees its alienation.

of a black giant illuminated by the flames burning the town down. It stood gently with two legs, producing distorted arms also from the back apart from both thick and long arms.

My face is ugly and rotten, and I don't even know which is my eye and which is my mouth.

Mariana pulled the spear out of her back, angrily relative to the alien.

"You... you did it...!

"Oh, is that the leader of the Dragon Hunting Knights?

"Nah...... hi, what people say!?

Mariana screams so unexpectedly, not expecting a response, etc.

But he immediately caught sight of the alien demon.

'Ha, well. I'm not interested in you guys...... do you want to?

While questioning the word that she is not interested, Mariana points the tip of the spear at the anomaly.

"... I don't know what you think. I am Mariana, the Armenian dragon hunting captain... only to drive you away, avenging your country!

"Ahhh. So... what if I die?


Moment Mariana kicks the earth and dives into the alien foot in an instant.

The speed at which the alien can't even chase with her eyes is due to the magic she uses.

With the momentum intact, he pierced his alien legs with a steel spear.



She's been dealing with giant dragons from time to time.

No matter how the first alien demon I saw, I knew how to collapse a giant.

The general weakness of the monster is the head or the heart.

I understood that in order to pierce it, it was from breaking down the system first.

"Oh, my God!

The anomaly supports the body, which is about to collapse, with arms grown from the back, but Mariana had already read it.

Something erupts like a feather from her back the moment her distorted arms are on the earth.

That accelerated her slaughter at once ripped off the alien distorted hand and rushed straight behind the alien as she slipped through the earth.


"Let go!

Along with Mariana's hanging voice, magic is emitted simultaneously from the members, and the alien body is shredded one after the other.

It was a foreign form that could no longer rise, but suddenly flames rise from its body.

"Shit...... I'll burn them all with me on the road!

"It's no use!

A large quantity of water is blown out of Mariana's entire body, quenching the flames that were burning the surrounding buildings in all their deformities.

"Mi, is that water magic!?

Mariana's magic is "water flow magic".

It is an excellent magic that sits at the top of the water magic and cleaves even iron by releasing large quantities of water from the whole body or by condensing and releasing it.

"It's over!

A spear fortified with Mariana's water tore a different neck, and it was mowed. It turned into an unspeakable piece of meat.

"Okay, next............!

"Hey... he's just a town wrecker."


The voice is definitely an alien voice that should have been knocked down now.

When Mariana saw the voice, a man looked down at them from the top of the building.

"Are you...!?

"It's not enough to name it. Besides... I'm dying now, and it doesn't make sense to tell you."


A condensed stream of water was released from Mariana's hands, but the demon who appeared from behind it took it instead.


"You know this guy, right? Aquarius... a crystalline demon who loves water."

"You... demon!

It was also natural for Mariana to judge that from the way she manipulated the demons.

But the man shook his neck sideways with a niggling laugh.

"No, I'm not. I'm a pretty human being. Yes... a person who wasn't human once."

"I don't know why... what's the purpose! Why Armenia?

"Don't make me say the same thing twice..."

The man...... the moment Fake lays his hands on it, a ton of demons show up all at once over the building.

The Dragon Hunting Knights led by Mariana were quickly surrounded and all around them filled with demons.

"Then, stupid! Humans manipulate demons etc...... and this number!?

"I'll give you my street name for a souvenir in the underworld. This is what they call me in the company..." one big army that was. "

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