"Sorry to interrupt your meal...... eat as much as you like"

"Here you go!

Mr. Luccalluca has asked me to buy him a meal to thank him and apologize.

I said no a few times, but I gave up where her eyesight had increased sharpness and decided to sweeten her to the favor.

I was scared, to be honest.

The condition of the store is completely undone, and the noise is getting louder again as if nothing had happened earlier.

Nevertheless, I was wondering if Luca, an SSS rank adventurer, was concerned, and everyone looked at this one while eating.

Because of this, Zazane was transported to the inn by Mr. Danny before waking up.

It was another hassle when I woke up. Candle, for now, you'll be relieved.

"Yum! This one's good too!

"Yeah...... yum. It's great to be able to eat."

Epoli and Gram are delightfully eating food.

It was a bit until it was obvious... well, I'm glad the two of you were happy.

"Mmm, hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey... by the way, why did Luccalluca come here until he hid his face?

"Oh, Luca is fine. Uh... sometimes I was hiding my face because I was a celebrity for once, but I was trying to avoid getting tangled up... haha..."

With sad eyes, Mr. Luca stares far away.

Looks like this guy's having a lot of trouble being this guy too......

"And that's why I'm here, simply because I got a request to have one"

"Huh? Here's as much request as Luca, SSS rank...?

That doesn't mean something pretty bad is happening...

"Oh, no, no. Actually, it's here... it's my home town. My lord here has been looking after me since I was a little girl, and he asked me to help him personally. I don't know if the request will meet the SSS rank, but does it feel like I'm here for the lord?"

"I see. Is that what you mean"

"Um... may I ask your name?

"Oh, excuse me! I didn't say it yet...... my name is Rhode-Arvine. This is Levi, and that's Epoli and Gram."

When I named him, Mr. Luca put his hand on his chin and tilted his neck.

"Mr. Lord......? Like I heard somewhere..."

"Heh, you're the Lord! Master Orlando took care of you. Thanks!"

That's what your grandfather says, and he lines up his cooking at his desk.

"Oh, no... it just so happens"

"Oddie...... what do you mean?

"Luca, don't you know...? Master Orlando had a magic disease, but Lord cured it. You're a big benefactor of the country."

"Huh!? And I didn't know..."

"Read the information magazine once in a while! I'm not a kid forever."

"Wow, I know..."

For this reason, Asna's name has not appeared in the intelligence magazine, but someone called incompetent in Celtic is to have been executed.

Other than that, it was only reported that King Celtic was ill.

Nevertheless, it would probably not be perfect even if the dictum was laid.

I don't know if Fake knew that one either because he was there or because someone told him.

That... wait.

Then why did they just go after me?

If you know what happened in that Celtic, you also know that Asuna exists...

Assuming they were there to help someone they called incompetent as well... but somehow stopped knowing that Asna had no magic... or something?

Maybe they have powers like Levi after all.

It's more likely you're only interested in pure incompetence than no magic...... hmmm......

"Right...... I remember. Mr. Byrne said Rookie was about you, right? I see..."

"What, Mr. Byrne?

"Yeah. We got all the SSS ranks together during the Olympus talks. That's when your story came out. The only adventurer from Rookie up to S-rank this year. You'd be convinced."

"Oh, thank you. I'm not making such a big deal out of it..."

"You don't have to be modest. Now we start here. Why are you here?

"Eh, it's like training... because I'm still immature"

"Hmm... I see. Training"

"Then why don't you follow Luca's request? Even this is SSS rank. Wouldn't that be helpful?

"Here, take this..."

Luca's request...

It could certainly be of some help if you keep up with SSS ranked adventurers.

It's not a quick journey...

"Um, is Mr. Luca okay?

"Of course I don't mind if you guys do. Rather, thank you."

The power of young and rising to the apex of the adventurer...... I want to see it up close.

I'm sure you've been through a lot, and this is one chance.

"Well, please do"

"Okay. Then come to the town entrance early tomorrow morning. We have a destination a little further away, so let's talk about the details on the move."


"Well, I need to feed my English today! Come on, don't eat. Don't eat!


The next morning, when we got to the entrance to town, Mr. Luca was already standing there.

"Good morning, Mr. Luca."

"Good morning, Master Luca. Thank you for waiting."

"No, because I've just come too. What about the other two?

"Oh, those two are with my magic... I'll explain later on as I walk"

"Well, I get it. Let's go."

While it was still bleak, we started moving after Mr. Luca.

The carriage was meant to get in the way, so we headed to our destination on foot.

"I see... I've never heard that before. It's quite handy magic."

I couldn't help but hide it now, and Mr. Luca told me about life magic without hiding it because I thought he was someone I could trust.

"Yeah, it's just something I haven't been able to use..."

"It's good to have an upliftment. Well, I don't know if my way of fighting will help. Oh, because you know my powers?

After returning to the inn, I heard from Levi the power of Mr. Luca.

This little body is stuffed with tremendous magic and magic...... I guess that's why it's SSS rank.

"Yes. I know"

"Then you don't have an explanation. Now let me explain what I asked for."

According to Mr. Luca's story, there has been an anomaly in Gallia over the past few weeks.

That means the adventurers who went to the request are missing one after the other.

Besides, they say all the adventurers who are gone are good adventurers above A-rank.

The SS rank adventurer who went searching for it didn't even come home, and the troubled lord Gallia meant he had long sought help from Mr. Luca, who knew.

"The missing adventurers just know four pairs of fifteen. We know the general location of the request, and we know where the SS Rank Adventurer said he was headed."

"Fifteen...... that's a lot"

"Yeah. It's usually impossible from the requests I get. Figuring out what it's all about, removing threats and rescuing adventurers… that's what we're asking for. Well... no, let's go anyway"

If I were alive...?

Mr. Luca clouded his words, but maybe that's what happened.

"Master Luca, what is the location due to this?

"I can't see it in the morning" Asa Sanya "now, but the spiritual peak Kufu on the south side of the Galatian Mountains... all the adventurers headed for that mountain have disappeared. And, of course, SS rank adventurers. So I'm pretty sure there's something going on in that mountain."

"What the hell is going on there... you got an idea?

"A two-named demon or dragon is a powerful thing. They accumulate power unknowingly. Spiritual Peak Kufu is a great place to hide."

"Mm, why is that?

"Few locals come near there. It's just a spiritual peak... you have to leave."

"... Um, out?


I'm afraid of the way I laugh.

Ma, are you seriously leaving...

Then Levi grabs my hand all the time.

She looked kind of like she was going to cry when I saw her.

Levi...... you don't like that.

"Well, that's just like a rumor story. Local people don't stop by, but there's a herb of kufu-specific species flocking around the middle of the mountain, and it's been a long time since the requested adventurer went to pick it up."

"So this time too?

"Yeah, that's right. So let's go there first."

Missing Adventurer... I hope you find him...

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