"Phew... it was good hot water..."

With a trance look on his face, Levi shows up fluttering from the bathroom.

It's just the right time.

"Levi, it's time..."

"Oh, is it time?

"Yeah. Both of you, please"

"Come on."

"Yes, sir..."

The five of us leave the room and head to King Celtic's private room.

King Celtic told me that King Nieberg was coming here today, and we were told to join the conversation.

Because of this, two of the legendary weapons are being used as escorts just in case.

"What is King Nieberg like?

Levi opens her mouth like that, completely back to her usual look.

"I've never seen it in person... but it was a woman, wasn't it?

"Yes! I've seen it! He's so cute!

Tia said so with her hands up vigorously.

Maybe she had a chance to see it because she was in the capital.

"It is. Is that it? But I'm sure... it hasn't changed in decades..."

"Mr. Lord, that's forbidden... be careful..."

"Oh, really...? Ok......"

Apparently, there's a tail you shouldn't step on.

Let's be careful......

While we were talking about that, we got to the front of the room and gently knocked on that door, which had been decorated with splendour, with a concoction.

Wait for King Celtic's reply. We're inside.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty..."



I'm surprised at the woman's voice I heard when I came in.

Looking over the room, there was King Celtic and Mr. Eddie, and two men to see for the first time, and a young girl sitting on the couch for a moment.

Are you kidding me?

"Adeed... didn't you just come too? Besides, the moment you unravel the barrier, you transfer it directly to this room..."

"It's weird, Orlando... it doesn't matter. Okay, let's start by introducing ourselves. Concubine" Straw "is Adied-Stratos-Nieberg. He is the king of Nibelg."

Or this guy, after all!?

She...... No, King Nieberg had red eyes on his black, long hair, and the outfit was like the king would wear...

No, because this... I don't care what you think. Around ten...

"Name your lord after me."

Ugh... there's definitely an amazing thing you can't put out at ten...

"And I beg your pardon! My name is Lord!

"Mm-hmm. Well, I know your face because I was watching the fight. It was a brilliant fight. Nevertheless... Byrne is right, it's certainly good magic."

That's what King Nieberg laughs niggardly at.

She seems cute but she's so scared......

"I'll see you first, Your Majesty. I'm Levi. I am the one who serves Lord. Best regards,"

"Wow, I'm a tier! Best wishes!

"You're not tier to Levi. I remember. We'll both release good magic. So, I'm worried about it behind me. What the hell are you..."

King Nieberg seemed to notice the heterogeneity of the legendary weapons.

They are the only thing in the world.

You can say that you live in the power of God.

"First, King Nieberg. My name is Kennishveld. The King's sword that gave life to the Lord there, the sword of the sword of the sword."

"Oh my..."

"I am Richvek… I will sit on the Holy Cane, which, like him, received life in the Lord"

"Oh my God...!

"The two are legendary weapons. I give flesh with my life magic, and this is how I am here now."

"I see... but when I actually look at it, it's still different. Brilliant power. Whoa, I should introduce you to my concubine, Straw. Look, why don't you say hi?"

"Ha... my name is Viper. Regards."

The man, who named himself Viper, has the same eyes on his light purple hair and a silver sword on his hip, Tsugugi, dressed like a dark purple coat.

His mouth was hidden by a collar and his expression was not very clear, but he was gently interpreted after looking at me with a sharp eye peeking through his forehead.

"I'm Din. Say hello."

He had his whole body solidified with grey armor, carrying a great sword on his back.

Is he about forty years old? He has a sinister face and gives the impression of being a strong man of war.

"We are both near the concubine Straw... Din is the Knight Commander of Nieberg and Viper is the SS Commander of the concubine Straw. I'm sure of my arm."


"Whoa. You sure are what the guy from Byrne said. Hey, next time make sure to make arrangements..."


King Nieberg stares as he utters a dossed voice.


"... it's a joke, Your Majesty"

"Hmm... then I'm done greeting you, and let's get down to business. Sit down."

"It's my room..."

King Celtic's words are ignored and we sit on the couch prompted.

Levi and Tia sat on my left and right, King Celtic and King Nieberg sat across the table.

Behind it stands Mr. Viper, Mr. Din and Mr. Eddie to defend their respective kings.

Kennishveld and Richvek were also quietly sitting behind me.

That's kind of an awesome sight... this.

"Now, you know why my concubine is here, Orlando."

"Mostly I can guess...... it's a tee turn tangle, right?

Tea-turn...... I mean, you're talking about war.

"Bye. The concubine" Straw "didn't have a voice... but did your lord ask King Teeturn for help?

"Well... there was a lot going on and I left it to the military..."

You mean magic sickness or us...

I knew you were sorry.

"Sorry, it's our fault..."

"Lord never apologizes. My body was just weak... and what would be the king if I didn't reward the benefactor of my life"

"Bye. There is no blame for the load. Rather, he defeated the Demon King a lot. Otherwise Valhalla would have been headed for a more dangerous situation."

"Yes... if you could say so..."

"Um. Well, let's start by sorting out the situation. Viper Explained."


According to Mr Viper's story, three matters are at stake now.

First and foremost, the state of war between Teeturn and Rare.

In a situation where the stare continues now, Rae seems unwilling to stop doing that.

Olympus and Celtic have managed to resolve this through discussion, but negotiations seem to be difficult.

Next, the Dragon Clan.

Powerful dragons are emerging from time to time near Armenia, with rather disturbing air, he said.

Speaking of which, you said Mr. Byrne had a high number of dragons before...

And Titanomachia.

I don't know the purpose or the idea, but it seems rumored in various countries that something might move on this occasion.

"Lady Byrne and the others are on their way to Rae now to explore why Rae tried to wage war. As for the Dragons, Greece and Armenia seem to work together to deal with them, but if the Dragons are serious, we will not stop unless we add Nieberg, Olympus and Celtic."

"It would be horrible if the Demons still had power. The Demons start invading from the Celtic side, the Dragons start invading from the Armenian side, and humans are driven north. In the north of there began a war between humans, and Valhalla might have been all caught up in the fire."

"Sure... did you make any moves in Titanomachia because of that?

"I don't have one at the moment. Not to the best of our knowledge. I don't know what they're up to. I know you're repeating the assassination for some reason... but I don't even know what the statement is."

Statement statement...... the one like that poem.

Sure, I wasn't sure about that one... but I guess I got caught up a little bit.

"Well, not if you're using your head for something you don't know right now. The war between Teeturn and Rare must be stopped at all costs. Orlando, is your kingdom directly involved? Do you have any information?

King Nieberg is right...... if you are now thinking about the purpose of Titanomachia.

Opening up the current situation would be a prerequisite.

"Uhm... because I'm finally starting to get my hands on that too. Eddie, what about her?

"Ha... I thought I'd be here in no time. I was in Olympus until yesterday. The late."

"Hmm? Who is she?

"Oh, the one who is entrusting full command of my Celtic army. He's still young, but his strength is enough to compete in Celtic for one or two. And above all, it cuts my head off. I'm free to move because of her, Eddie, and my son."

"I see. The famous" Celtic Sanjie "? Is my son a breath disaster?

"Celtic Sanjie... I've heard of it.

Three excellent knights supporting Celtic.

Each is said to be a thousand strong men: "As long as they are around, Celtic will not fall."

Right... Eddie's one of them.

"Thanks to you. My son is also going to Olympus with her. Maybe come here with me..."

That's when the door to the room was knocked.

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