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She was wearing a long tulle skirt, and she revealed her white skin in the reality.

The delicate and soft gauze brings a fantasy, and the deep V -neckline of sexy temptation interprets a different tone.

The ribbon wrapped around, like magic, constraints the charming curve of the body.

At the tail of the petal skirt, the whole skirt is blooming like flowers, and the skin of the thighs between the gaps is looming, which makes people can’t help but want to explore the mystery …

The breath created made Li Ping, who was well -informed.

Sure enough, a mature woman understands the heart of men best!

Gentle and charming, extreme temptation.

Li Ping’an looked at the “sleeping” beauty, smiled badly, and stretched her hands to her tender skin.

Mei Huizi trembled slightly without struggling.

With his left hand, Li Pingan held her tightly in her arms, and the burning breath fell on the other side.

Mei Huizi is like a tide, and there is no idea of the slightest resistance …

After passion, the beautiful young woman was lying in Li Ping’s arms like a docile lamb, and her small hand gently stroked his chest muscles.

“Mei Huiko, are you happy just now?”

“Um ~”

Mei Huizi’s cheeks were crimson, buried his face into his arms, and gently bite on his chest.

Li Pingan’s hand gently rubbed her hair like ink, and with her shy and charming expression like a girl, it also constituted a fatal temptation that could be fascinated by people.

Especially the gentle eyes that flashed lightly, filled with touching charm.

“Let’s come again!”

The desire hidden in Li Ping’an’s body was ignited again …

Chapter 294 Toyota Crown & Subaru 360

It’s another night.

In the early morning, Li Pingan slowly opened his eyes and found that Mi Hui was lying beside him and sleeping.

The pretty face was full of exhaustion, but the corner of his mouth was with a smile, and his arms hugged himself tightly.

Thinking back to the scene of such a beautiful scene last night, that look, tone, that movement, that style … I believe any man will resist.

Li Pingan bowed his head and kissed lightly on her pretty face, and quietly got up and got out of bed.

He is going to buy a car today. At least four large spaces, otherwise it is inconvenient to travel.

During this period, in order to rapidly shorten the gap with Western countries, the Japanese automobile industry adopted three methods.

1. Limit the sales of American cars. (Forced away the American car)

2. Make Japanese cars better. (Plagiarism of European and American cars)

3. Increase the cost -effectiveness of Japanese cars through policies. (Strongly sell Japanese cars)

Having said that, Li Pingan couldn’t help but think of the “market -changing technology” policy that was formulated in China. It was really too kind.

After walking around, he started to compare several models.

Mitsubishi 500.

Mitsubishi 500

The engine displacement is 0.5 liters, the length of the vehicle is 3.14-3.16 meters, 1.39 meters wide, 1.38 meters high, a wheelbase of 2.065 meters, and weighing 490 kg.

With today’s measurement standards, this is a full micro -car.

The Crown card launched by Toyota in 1955 is a passenger car with a modern body.

There are two versions: Master and Crown.

Master provides services in a business form as a taxi, while Crown is mainly for private purchases.


However, due to insufficient power in the US market, the car has stagnated.

In contrast, the Toyopet Crown (Crown) has been well received by the Japanese taxi industry.

There is a text that describes the first Crown in the first generation of the first generation in the work of Japanese car critic Nao Da Temple:

“The first generation of Crown was easy to drive, the equipment was very luxurious, and it also had good durability. It laid a solid foundation for Made in JAPAN’s fame in the future.”


Among them, the second generation of Crown became the Toyota sedan that Chinese people came into contact with.

Nissan’s “Little Sun” brand car belongs to the new bottle of old wine, PASS! Intersection

The K-CAR track is more popular on the Subaru 360, a subsidiary of Fuji, Japan.

Subaru 360

This car chooses Volkswagen Beetle as an imitation object, which has touched the Japanese’s psychology and took the first place in the same level of car sales.

The design of the bearer steel frame is used, and the door and ceiling are used with the door of the glass fiber reinforcement.

You must know that steel is very precious in a lack of resources in Japan.

Its body length is only three meters, four design, only 400 kilograms of weight, and the movement is quite easy.

And it has five models designed: sedan version, micro -surface version, convertible version, sports version and light card version, which can meet all daily needs.

The fuel consumption is 3.5L/100km, the maximum horsepower is only 25 horsepower, and 80 kilometers per hour is its highest speed. The only way to speed up it to 100 kilometers is the free fall.

Li Ping’an finally decided to buy three, Toyota Crown for his daily use. The other two Kawaii 360 to Yiko and Izumi were more than one person.

The price of Subaru 360 at this time was 425,500 yen (about RMB 22,500).

It can be said that except for the price, all characteristics meet the requirements of the “national car idea” proposed by the Ministry of Communications (similar to the Ministry of Transport) in 1955.

(1. The maximum speed of the car is more than 100 kilometers per hour; 2. You can take 4 people; 3. When the speed is 60 kilometers per hour, the fuel consumption is 30 kilometers per liter; Yuan).

You should know that at this time, the salary of Fuji Heavy Industries was 150,000 yen/year (about 7900 yuan), and the salary of graduates of Japanese university was 13 million yen (about 687 yuan).

Although the price was much cheaper than the small cars at the time, the price was still unbearable by ordinary Japanese ordinary people.

Coupled with the 700,000 yen of Toyota Crown, Li Pingan spent a total of 1.55 million yen.

“The feeling of spending money is so cool!”

When he left the car sales store, three new cars were followed behind him.


“Wow, so beautiful!”

The three looked around the car, and made a joy in their mouths.

The appearance of the Subaru 360 is indeed very eye -catching, just like a cute ladybug.

“When you learn to drive, use it to get off work, but you must pay attention to safety …”

After Li Pingan explained these, he looked at everyone deeply.

“How should you thank me?”

“I’m going back!”

Mei Huizi’s delicate body is more mature charm under the package of clothes. A pair of beautiful eyes stare at him, charming and touching.

The seductive and sexy body curve, the charming and soft lips, there are indispensable and charming people.

And Izaki Hyogi also followed, and now she is still sour.

Seeing this, Li Pingan overflowed with a bad smile at the corner of his mouth, reached out and took the Youzi beside him into his arms, and kissed his head and kissed up.

“Um ~”

Feeling the familiar burning atmosphere, Yizi Chun feels emotional, her body is soft, and her legs are almost unstable.

Li Pingan held her tightly, and kissed her loved lover.

Yuko held the evil hand on himself, and he pant again:

“Ohi sauce, will be seen …”

“No one here, shouldn’t we go to the car?”

Li Ping’an smiled badly, in the voice of the other party, hug her in her arms, and walked towards the car he had just bought.

Looking at the color of his look, Yuzi was charming and shy, and finally nodded.

“I have to go to work in a while, and the clothes will be wrinkled, you go below …”

“Yuko, you are so nice.”

Li Pingan held her soft body tightly and kissed her rich and gorgeous cherry mouth.

The corner of Yuko’s mouth was smiling happily, and the charming jade face was like fire, and he slowly supported.

A pretty face emerged with a kind of obscene and charming atmosphere.

Li Ping’s comfortable eyes were half -opened, and he lying half -lying quietly enjoying the other person’s careful service.

Seeing that he was burning in his heart, he reached out and pulled her hair that blocked her pretty face, and said softly:

“Yuko, you turn around and let me look at you …”

Looking at each other’s eyes, Li Ping’s dark and deep twin pupils carefully looked at her shame and charming attitude at this time.

Under his hot eyes, Yuko was seen with a fever with cheeks.

Gently in the arms of the beloved man, a pair of eyes were moist and chaotic, and the autumn waves were rippling.

In the morning of this early summer, Toyota Crown (Crown) was wrapped in the stunned spring!

Chapter 295 Help Miko to realize their desires


The May wind in early summer is not very hot.

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