Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 308: When he saw him, his legs were soft

Su Zhixi took a bath and got dressed downstairs, and saw Li Bozheng looking at her with a smile.

Her expression was a bit scornful: "Li Bozao."

Li Bosha lifted his wrist and looked at it, then said to her with a smile: "Well, it is really early at 12:30. What does Mrs. Young want to eat at noon?"

Su Zhixi's cheeks were slightly hot: "Well...I want to eat Chinese food today, I can do anything."

"Okay, I will prepare it for you right away." Li Bo went to the kitchen with a smile.

Su Zhixi walked into the restaurant and found that it was still the same as last night. The flowers were blooming and beautiful... Su Zhixi also saw some petals still dripping. Can't help but suspect that the withered flowers have been sent by Li Bo. Replaced.

It is so sweet to have a housekeeper like Li Bo.

Soon, the maid came to the restaurant with the tray and put a dish on the table. Su Zhixi was hungry early, so she was polite and immediately ate it.

After eating, she remembered: "... Jing Yao is still in the company?"

"Yes." Li Bo smiled. "Do you want your young master? How about I send you to the company..."

"No need." Su Zhixi's groundbreaking refusal, "Uh... I went back to the room to rest."

I slipped away quickly.

Now she didn't want to see He Jingyao at all... if He Jingyao stood in front of her now, her legs would definitely tremble.

While he is busy with his work, Su Zhixi must of course take a break.

She returned to the room and couldn't help lying on the bed, then took out her new mobile phone... Yes, after being taken away by Xia Xinyu yesterday, her mobile phone was lost without exception, and later Li Bo replaced the card for her , Installed in a new mobile phone.

The performance of the new phone is really powerful. Su Zhixi knows that this is a mobile phone jointly developed by HI Group and the famous Zhichun Technology. The market response is very good. Su Zhixi fell in love with it after a while.

She opened WeChat and the person who sent her the most news was always Shen Yunshan. While expressing some of the powerful services of Siming Hospital, she did not forget to try her best for Gao Changsheng, and Su Zhixi looked giggling.

Su Zhixi did not tell Shen Yunshan about her kidnapping. Anyway, she is fine now, so why should Yunshan worry. And she can imagine what Shen Yunshan will say when she knows it. It is nothing more than a giant who really can not marry and the abducted giant is the real giant...

So she left the matter and chatted with Shen Yunshan. Shen Yunshan also sent her a photo of Gao Changsheng's drooling that she secretly photographed, making Su Zhixi cry and laugh.

This stupid girl, if Gao Changsheng is a little bit interesting to her, can she accompany her and make fun of her? Changed the average person has long since severed with her.

After talking with Shen Yunshan, Su Zhixi felt a bit lonely again, couldn't help thinking what He Jingyao was doing...

Hey, she really didn't have a good time. When she was squeezed, she shuddered when she saw him, and she finally missed him again after a long time...

Master He never used a communication tool like WeChat to find him, either by text or phone. Su Zhixi thought about it, pointed the phone at his chest, secretly took a photo of Lu-gou, and sent it to him in the form of MMS.

After showing the successful sending, Su Zhixi realized what stupid thing he did! A trembling whole body, desperately trying to withdraw, but it is useless, as long as He Jingyao opens the phone, he can definitely see...

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