Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 298: Hidden gift

Su Zhixi took a deep breath and continued a serious one: "No."

"It's okay," he said in a serious tone to learn from her. "You can test it yourself at night."

Su Zhixi still didn't hold on, and her cheeks began to get hot...

She gritted her teeth: "Don't you say you have prepared a gift for me? Where is the gift?"

He Jingyao looked at her as she gritted her teeth, and the smile in her eyes was deeper.

"Here." He led her into the room, came to the position of the bookcase, and then rubbed her hair. "I went to the bath first, and I found it's yours."

Su Zhixi stayed for a while and pointed to the bookcase: "Hid it inside?"

"Yes." He smiled inexplicably and turned to the bathroom.

Su Zhixi stood in front of the bookcase and looked at the pile of big heads, and fell into contemplation.

In fact, she didn't expect much from the gift itself. Anyway, as long as he gave it to her, she would like it very much.

But now He Jingyao turned simple gift-giving into a treasure hunt game, and she couldn't help expecting this gift.

Su Zhixi thought for a while, moved over a chair, then stood on it and started to pick up from the top floor.

He Jingyao has a wide range of knowledge and is proficient in many languages. Su Zhixi has not found a gift, but has a general understanding of his reading taste.

What surprised her was that there were not many books on applied economics and management in the bookcase. There were many books on humanities, social sciences, and philosophy. There were many classics of Chinese and foreign classics. Most of the pages have his notes. Although there are only a few strokes, it is enough to see the man's vision and mind.

Su Zhixi suddenly wondered what he was like in his youth. Usually teenage boys start to be curious about men and women. Normal boys may have started to make girlfriends and watch various films...

But He Jingyao can't touch the opposite sex, so he probably can only read books?

A school bully with a clear heart...

Su Zhixi outlined his image in his heart and couldn't help laughing.

What if she could meet him sooner?

As she thought about it, she did not forget to hunt for treasure in the bookcase.

But after a long search, I found nothing but bookmarks in the book pages.

She didn't give up, and continued rummaging, putting aside everything that might be a gift.

Just when she was looking for a lot of sweat, He Jingyao had come out of the shower.

He walked behind her, looking at her in full swing, and couldn't help laughing.

"did you find it?"

Su Zhixi heard his voice and immediately jumped off the chair.

"Not yet, what does it look like, you give a hint!" Su Zhi looked at him pitifully.

"No prompt." He raised an eyebrow. "If you can't find it, there will be no gift."

Su Zhixi rounded her eyes: "Why!"

"Next, I'll wait for you in the bedroom." He Jingyao gave her a wicked smile and turned away without hesitation.

Su Zhi looked at his back hummingly.

How can there be so many tricks for a gift! unacceptable!

She is not rare!

Su Zhixi thought so, but he was not reconciled, and finally turned to face the bookcase.

After another half an hour, Su Zhixi finally got something.

She found a photo in a book.

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