Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 1238: You can't give up this identity

Pei Yuanchen returned to the Dynasty Hotel.

In the car, he changed into a tall suit and returned to that expensive and cold Ludwig.

"Sir." After he got out of the car, the bodyguard said respectfully, "You shouldn't go out alone."

Pei Yuanchen gave him a cold glance and strode towards the hotel.

These bodyguards are all William's people, so they will report on his whereabouts without details.

He mocked the corner of his lips.

The man returned to the room.

Claudia sat in the middle of the living room. She only wore a bathrobe, her long legs overlapped, and she held a glass of wine in her hand.

Pei Yuanchen turned a blind eye and went straight back to his room.

"Ludwig." The woman had to start calling him, his face somber, "Where have you been?"

"It's none of your business." Pei Yuanchen replied coldly, his hand already resting on the door handle.

"He Ziyi, is it? Is this her name?" Claudia smiled lowly. "She is your old lover?"

Pei Yuanchen's movements stopped suddenly.

He turned his gaze to her and was so cold: "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, just curiosity." Claudia smiled and lowered her legs to stand up. "Ludwig, do you know? To consolidate your inheritance, you should have a child."

Pei Yuanchen snorted: "So?"

"I can give you this child." The woman lifted her chin with a graceful and arrogant gesture.

"You are the one who really needs children?" Pei Yuanchen sneered. "Miss Esther, I think, you have always made a mistake. I occupy Ludwig's identity, never for the Sauron family. Wealth. Do you think I will be Ludwig all my life?"

Even if he is interested in the inheritance rights of the Sauron family, he will grab it as Pei Yuanchen instead of completely transforming himself into another person.

Claudia's face changed slightly.

"What do you mean?" she whispered, terrified in her throat.

"It literally means." He smiled coldly. "Sooner or later I will give up the identity of Ludwig. In fact, I hope the sooner the better."

Claudia's face was suddenly white.

"Ludwig, but you are Ludwig, everyone thinks you are Ludwig!" She bit her red lips, "You can't give up this identity!"

"If you are willing to cooperate with Miss Esther, I will try my best to earn enough wealth for you." Pei Yuanchen sneered at her, "but if you disdain my help, please do so."

Claudia clenched her hands fiercely to barely suppress her anger.

"How could you be willing to give up the identity of Ludwig?" She still couldn't understand, and her expression was exasperated. "Now everyone thinks you are Ludwig!"

Instead, the real Ludwig was never known.

As long as the man is willing, he can use this identity to take everything from the Sauron family.

The Sauron family has many branches, and Ludwig is the only child on William's face. If Ludwig dies, then the children of the branch will refrain from giving up, and the shares in William's name will likely be divided and fragmented.

William didn't want his hard work to be occupied by those nephews, so he simply retrieved his illegitimate son and let him inherit Ludwig's identity and inherit everything from the Sauron family.

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