Shen Qingchuan is too smart.

After being rejected by Tang Xiaoxiao, he was really sad and sad.

I frequently go to bars to get drunk, but I am also upset and don't want to come back to face her. My heart is moved when I see her, and my heart aches when I think about her.

He could use hundreds of methods to get her, but it was all meaningless. What he enjoyed was that she was willing to be by his side, and they were in love with each other.

But she didn't want to, she didn't feel passionate about herself, and this couldn't be changed no matter what method she used.

At that time, he thought, okay, she has already been so close to her, and she still doesn't feel anything about him, so what can she do? Just let it go.

Not seeing her, missing her, as time goes by, the obsession in my heart will gradually fade away.

He really meant it.

However, after being drunk that day, he woke up in the police station and heard from the police that he had brought another woman back. Tang Xiaoxiao was so angry that he called the police, and he had a vague guess in his mind.

Maybe she wasn't completely indifferent to herself.

This idea was exciting, and Shen Qingchuan quickly got over the pain of broken love. He began to implement his plan - forcing Tang Xiaoxiao to see his heart clearly.

For example, to avoid suspicion, to speak politely and keep a distance, or to bring his gaming CP to play games with her. In fact, he has other plans, such as finding an actor to play games with him...

Once Tang Xiaoxiao reacts to these and is sure of her feelings, he will never let her go again, even if she doesn't agree.

However, the little bandit was more uncontrollable than he thought. She just said husband a few times and her defense was broken.

After confirming the relationship that day, the little bandit talked to him a lot.

She said that after rejecting him, she regretted it. That day at the police station, she had planned to give the two of them a chance, but he went to see Cao Jingjing off. She was angry and didn't want to say anything to him.

After Shen Qingchuan found out, he regretted it. If he had known, he would have gone around in circles.

He knew that his actions were unkind, but this was the fastest and most effective way to help the little bandit see her own thoughts. If she was really indifferent to this, he would quietly withdraw and not disturb her again.

Fortunately, she cares.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingchuan curled up his lips and said, Chasing people is so shameless that the day lily is cold.

After speaking, he paused and said, Let's dissolve the relationship. I don't want my baby to misunderstand anything.

The other party looked like he wanted to vomit, If it weren't for the mission, do you think I want to bind you? Get out of here, you scumbag!

After that, he hung up the phone.


Qiao Xusheng never dreamed that he would be taken to the police station for investigation because of He Yurou's car accident seven years ago.

He sat in the interrogation room, rubbing his knees with his hands, nervousness, fear, and all kinds of emotions rushing into his heart.

I thought about it for a while, how much did this bitch Bai Huizhu tell the police?

I thought for a while that they did a very clean job in the accident seven years ago and there was no evidence at all. The police couldn't blame Bai Huizhu based on his words, right?

After a while, I thought again, this woman Bai Huizhu is a poisonous snake. What she committed this time was a murder case, the kind that lost her head. With her characteristics of a poisonous snake, there is no guarantee that she will not back someone up. Does he know that he confessed to the police about her and Li Tai's contact?

Besides her, who would know what happened back then?

It must be her!

Since she was unkind in the first place, don't blame him for being unjust!

Anyway, the car accident that year was not his fault. Even if he was convicted, if he found a better lawyer, he would be just an accessory who knew and failed to report it!

After a lot of random thoughts in my mind, the door of the interrogation room was finally pushed open.

The police began asking him for personal information as a routine matter.

Qiao Xusheng was extremely nervous. After answering, he said without waiting for the police to ask, Comrade police, has Bai Huizhu been arrested? Did she report me to you? What did she tell you? Did she put all the blame on you? On me?

The policeman paused, raised his eyes and said, Sorry, it's not convenient for us to disclose this.

When Qiao Xusheng heard this, he immediately confirmed his guess and said emotionally, Comrade police, she is framing me and wants me to support her! You must be aware of everything!

The policeman said calmly, We will not unjustly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go. All you need to do is certify and confess, and we will investigate thoroughly and we will naturally clear your name.

In fact, it is not easy to convict a case with incomplete evidence as long as they do not admit it.

But Qiao Xusheng was too selfish. He knew that Bai Huizhu could not escape death penalty, so what he wanted in his heart was not to appease her, but to find ways to protect her and protect the two of them as much as possible.

What he was thinking was that you were going to die anyway, so you weren't afraid of being charged with this additional crime.

As long as the crime is pinned on Bai Huizhu, he will be safe for the rest of his life.

So he told the truth about He Yurou's car accident.

In his story, he is a good man who cares about his family. Because of a mistake, he had a relationship with Bai Huizhu and has been obsessed with her ever since.

Men can't help but be tempted. He and Bai Huizhu gradually formed a lover's relationship, but Bai Huizhu was greedy. She knew she wanted a son, so she got pregnant with another man and lied that he was his son and wanted him. Give her a title.

He loved his first wife and did not want a divorce. Bai Huizhu was so jealous that she found someone to tamper with He Yurou's car, causing her to have an accident.

He didn't find out until much later, but it was already done and he didn't want the child to be without a mother, so he didn't expose her.

Qiao Xusheng burst into tears, The thing I regret most in my life is mistrusting her. If I had known she was so vicious, I would have severed ties with her no matter what. The police informed me that I am guilty and I am guilty of shielding her. Please be sure. We must bring the murderer to justice and give my wife justice!

The two police officers looked at each other.

Both of them saw one word in each other's eyes - fake.

It's so fake, I can't cry without crying.

They didn't catch Bai Huizhu. Someone else called the police. They just brought him back to make a record as a routine matter. As a result, Qiao Xu Shengbing was not tired of deception and confessed to the car accident case.

What he said was definitely not the truth, but one thing was certain - that car accident was really not an accident.

I thought it was just an ordinary murder case, but I didn't expect that it also involved a seven-year-old traffic accident.

Li Tai's death is probably related to the case seven years ago.

Qiao Xusheng was temporarily detained, and the police quickly contacted Qiao Ruoxing.

She was a survivor of the car accident and the daughter of the deceased. She must know something.

When Qiao Ruoxing received the call, she was extremely excited.

The case from seven years ago could finally be reopened. She didn't even have time to change her clothes and hurried to the police station.

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