Gu Jingyan said matter-of-factly, Jiang Fengnian calls me brother, what's wrong with me calling his son nephew?

Yes, yes, you are the most reasonable. Qiao Ruoxing coaxed the person and pushed him onto the chair, Eat, I'm starving to death.

Gu Jingyan reluctantly agreed to this coaxing method, took the menu and started ordering.

While he was checking, he asked Qiao Ruoxing, What do you want for soup?

After asking for a long time and seeing that she ignored him, he looked up and saw Qiao Ruoxing scrolling through Weibo with his head down.

@Shi Qi has posted another article.

The other party questioned Qiao Ruoxing’s lawyer’s statement that it would be handled privately. Since they wanted the police to come to the school during normal school working days, why?

When the police come, the parents will definitely become suspicious and ask questions, and the matter will definitely not be handled in a low-key manner.

She also said that she herself did not expose Qiao Ruoxing's name in the article, but Qiao Ruoxing came anxiously to claim it. Isn't it a common hype method in the entertainment industry?

Romance can be hyped, variety shows can be hyped, and disaster relief donations can be hyped, so it is not surprising that kindergartens are used for hype.

But education is not a child's play, nor is it a toy used by people in this circle to hype it up.

Talking about properly solving the problem of children’s education, how to solve it?

If you don't provide a solution, it's all a blank check.

The education problem of so many pre-school children cannot be solved with a simple question of land ownership.

Later, many positive comments about Chenguang Kindergarten were posted on the official forum.

[My baby is very picky about food at home, but he can take the initiative to eat at school. The teacher took a picture of the child eating for me. When he came back, he told me that the chicken meatballs at school were delicious. The old mother shed tears of joy and hoped that she would be happy soon. Grow up soon~]

[My family also said that the meatballs were sour and tastier than the ones I made. As the children got older, talking about them started to hurt my heart. 】

[Before coming to Chenguang, our family went to three kindergartens. Because the child would not sleep in school and was noisy, the school felt that it was affecting the rest of other children, so they contacted us to transfer schools. Until we came to Chenguang, the teacher said that the child slept soundly. , I just don’t know if I slept too much at school, but I don’t sleep well at home. Now I just hope that Teacher Huanhuan wakes up the child early and doesn’t sleep too long, otherwise it will take a long time to coax him at night. 】

Below are screenshots of many comments that gave the school teachers good reviews.

Then he concluded that Chenguang Kindergarten has been well-known in the industry since its establishment until now, and has received numerous praises from parents.

All this is not just related to the geographical location, it is inseparable from the leadership of the dean and the dedication of the teachers.

How can Qiao Ruoxing, an artist with a low level of education, manage this school?

Now that this matter has caused such a big fuss, if the school becomes a place for Internet celebrities to check in in the future, who will be responsible for the trouble it causes to parents?

Shi Qi is obviously well versed in Internet traffic passwords.

Since evidence can't beat it, let's beat feelings.

When it comes to relationships, Qiao Ruoxing doesn't have much of an advantage.

Because her identity as an artist is too sensitive.

In recent years, there have been too many unscrupulous artists in the entertainment industry. Among them, actors above the waist have high incomes. However, some artists cannot even do the most basic laws and regulations. However, the people at the bottom, working hard, The income earned is just enough to survive.

They save money on themselves in order to provide their children with a good education, so that when they make a living in society in the future, they will have an easier time than themselves. However, such ordinary and simple wishes will be rejected by this group of privileged high-income earners. The crowd compresses the living space.

It is too easy for the public to empathize with people whose experiences are similar to their own.

Therefore, even though what Shi Qi said was not based on evidence, he still gained a lot of support with his inflammatory statements.

Among the three pillars of education, medical care, housing and people's livelihood, education plays a very important role, because people buy houses mainly to facilitate their children's schooling.

Shi Qi relied on her excellent rendering skills to elevate this post to a level of people's livelihood issues, and soon attracted major blue Vs to rush to report on it.

Qiao Ruoxing finished reading with a dark face and couldn't help but cursed, Silly——

Before B came out, Gu Jingyan interrupted the spellcasting, No swearing.

Qiao Ruoxing swallowed the word hard, gritted her teeth and said, It belongs to his ancestors!

Gu Jingyan...

This Shi Qi is like a dog! She's still crazy. She bites people randomly when she catches them. After all the evidence is presented, she starts playing the emotional card. Does the kindergarten run well, does it conflict with her occupying my family's land? What do you mean? , what she said is simply confusing the public and intensifying the conflict here!

After Gu Jingyan heard her rant, he asked, What kind of soup should I drink?

Qiao Ruoxing?

Aren't you willing to scold me?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Why do you need to evaluate other people's excrement? No matter how high or low the evaluation is, it will not change its properties.

Qiao Ruoxing...

If she wasn't wrong, what Gu Jingyan meant was, why should he evaluate the shit that Shi Qi spewed out? No matter whether he scolded it or not, it wouldn't change that it was shit, so why waste time?

What kind of soup?

Gu Jingyan asked for the third time.

Qiao Ruoxing then said, Let's have corn soup.

Gu Jingyan added two soups on the ordering screen, and then confirmed the order.

Not long after, the waiter came to serve the food. After the food was ready, he left the box with the words I wish you a pleasant meal.

Gu Jingyan tied the napkin, picked up the knife and fork and began to cut the steak.

His dining etiquette is very good, and the knife will not even touch the bottom of the plate, unlike her, who always makes strange sounds when cutting.

Gu Jingyan quickly divided the steak and handed it to Qiao Ruoxing, Eat this and give me that.

Qiao Ruoxing raised her eyes to look at him and suddenly smiled, I suddenly became considerate. I'm not used to it.

Gu Jingyan took the plate and said calmly, I have always been considerate, but you don't feel it.

Qiao Ruoxing?

When were you considerate before your divorce?

Gu Jingyan said, Have I never peeled a shrimp for you?

Qiao Ruoxing immediately said, What you gave me was shrimp shells!

Gu Jingyan paused for a moment, then used his excellent memory to refute her, That's because I said you like to chew shrimp shells.

Qiao Ruoxing...

She didn't admit that this was considerate, Then I asked you to peel melon seeds. Did you peel them?

Gu Jingyan said heh but said nothing.

Qiao Ruoxing hummed, You have nothing to say, right?

Gu Jingyan glanced at her, What can I expect your mind to remember?

Of course he had peeled it. One year, he was watching the Spring Festival Gala at his old house during the Chinese New Year. He peeled off a lot of it and gave it to her while watching TV. She took one look at it and said that he had drool on it and wouldn't eat it.

Heartless thing!

There were no outsiders to disturb me. I had a very leisurely meal today and filled my stomach. Qiao Ruoxing couldn't help but take out her mobile phone to check it.

After all, donations depended on when the officials were willing to issue them. She couldn't take the initiative before the procedures were completed.

But I couldn't help but want to see the direction of public opinion. At this time, a big melon was exposed.

# Morning Kindergarten may be involved in food safety issues #

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