Han Lie glared at him and said, Did you call this guy?

The agent naturally refused to admit it, Jiang Sheng's young boss, how can I contact him?

Han Lie didn't believe it. Who else would leak the fact that he was dating the goddess except this shady manager?

Then why did he come?

The manager said, Look at the look in my ex-wife's eyes. She is not blind. She has been guarding against you. You and Qiao Ruoxing did an intimate scene before. Do you know why Qiao Ruoxing keeps being negative?

Han Lie looked confused, obviously not knowing.

The agent hates the irony, Because her ex-husband is standing above you two with a reflector! If she is a stranger to her ex-husband, how come she can't talk to you in front of him?

Han Lie was startled, and a man wearing a mask vaguely appeared in his mind. The man's eyes slowly overlapped with Gu Jingyan's.

Han Lie's face turned green. He finally understood why Qiao Ruoxing's behavior was so abnormal that day.

Hold! What a dog!

In the car, Qiao Ruoxing turned back and forth like she had ADHD.

Gu Jingyan pressed her shoulders and asked in a low voice, What's wrong?

Qiao Ruoxing frowned and whispered, There is something under the neck.

Gu Jingyan was puzzled. He stretched out his hand and touched it, but found nothing.

Then he coaxed, Take it away and lie down.

Qiao Ruoxing lay down again, then immediately sat up again, frowning and saying, There's more.

Gu Jingyan was puzzled. After searching around, he couldn't find what Qiao Ruoxing was talking about.

Just when Qiao Ruoxing said there was something under her neck for the third time, Gu Jingyan suddenly realized something, touched his pants pocket, and took out a ring.

This was the reason why Qiao Ruoxing repeatedly said that there was something there. Every time she put it off, the ring was right on the back of her neck, making her uncomfortable.

Qiao Ruoxing looked at the ring and was stunned, Why don't you wear it on your hand and put it in your pocket?

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and said softly, Have you forgotten? You divorced me. This is a wedding ring. I can't wear it now.

Qiao Ruoxing's mind was a little slow and she didn't hear the sadness in Gu Jingyan's words. She raised her hand to show Gu Jingyan, I'm not wearing it either.

Gu Jingyan...

He sighed and pretended to be pitiful with the drunkard. She was the only one who could get him.

Gu Jingyan rubbed her face and whispered, Go to sleep.

Qiao Ruoxing covered her mouth, leaned into his ear and whispered, Let's buy a new pair and wear them, secretly, don't tell anyone.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched and he asked in a deep voice, In what name?

Qiao Ruoxing tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said, Is an engagement ring good?

Gu Jingyan's heart was racing, he cleared his throat and said, Yes.

Then he said to Lin Shu, Go to the jewelry store.

Instead of going to the jewelry store, Qiao Ruoxingshen said mysteriously, I will take you somewhere.

So after Lin Shu stopped the car near the university town, Qiao Ruoxing pulled Gu Jingyan out of the car and walked towards the bustling crowd.

Qiao Ruoxing smelled of alcohol, and people passing by looked at her. Gu Jingyan calmly blocked her and put the mask on her.

When there were many people, wearing a mask made it a bit suffocating. Qiao Ruoxing subconsciously wanted to pull it off, but Gu Jingyan stopped her hand and whispered, Don't let them see, I'm jealous.

Qiao Ruoxing made a move and whispered, Childish, but didn't reach out to pull anymore.

She pulled Gu Jingyan through the streets and alleys, and finally found a small shop that made gold and silver jewelry in a deep box.

It was so late, the lights were still on, and the boss was lying on a wicker chair, playing Linglong Biography.

Hearing customers entering the store, he put down the remote control, stood up and said, Whether you want to see the goods or pick them up.

Qiao Ruoxing said, Look at the goods, boss, take out all your gold rings and let me look at the rings.

The boss responded, then took out several jewelry plates with glass covers and placed them in front of the two of them one by one.

Gu Jingyan took a look and found to his surprise that the styles in this store were pretty good-looking.

Many styles are not available on the market, some are simple, some are retro, and even the small textures are very delicate.

Qiao Ruoxing lay on the counter, choosing very carefully, but every one seemed to disappoint her.

The boss asked, What do you two want? You can tell me and I will help you find it. If we don't have what you want, we can also make it here. We can make it according to the drawings.

Qiao Ruoxing said, Be plain, simple, and correct.

When the boss heard this, he took out three different styles and handed them to Qiao Ruoxing, What do you think of these?

Qiao Ruoxing looked down and immediately fell in love with a half-thrown, half-frosted ring with a carved auspicious cloud at the interface. It was simple and full of design.

She hurriedly asked the boss, Do you have this men's model?


He took out both rings and said, This ring is sealed. If it doesn't fit, I can tailor it according to the comforting finger circumference.

Qiao Ruoxing picked up the men's ring, took Gu Jingyan's hand and put it on him.

It's a coincidence, not too big, not too small, just right.

Gu Jingyan looked down, and when he raised his head and was about to speak, Qiao Ruoxing took another ring and put it on herself.

Gu Jingyan...

Is it so unceremonious?

Just put the engagement ring on casually?

how much.

Qiao Ruoxing asked the boss while lying on the cabinet.

The boss calculated the weight and gave a price.

The price is so expensive. Make it cheaper, boss.

The boss smiled and said, Gold is expensive now, so I don't even count your labor costs. You have to let me earn some, beauty.

The price of gold is only more than 400. Your price is already 600. Make it cheaper, boss. We need to buy three gold when we get married. Just treat it as a repeat customer.

Gu Jingyan was silent.

Wasn't she drunk?

I wasn't confused at all when bargaining.

The boss smiled bitterly, Sister, this gold is not a diamond. It's as high as the head. I can give you less. Look at our craftsmanship. It's made by ancient methods. I really don't give you much.

Qiao Ruoxing frowned and dragged her cheeks with her hands. Even though she was wearing a mask and couldn't see her expression clearly, Gu Jingyan could guess that her mouth was definitely pursed at this moment, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

Seeing that the price was not affordable, Gu Jingyan was about to pay, but Qiao Ruoxing suddenly said, Boss, are you also chasing Linglong Biography?

Yes, this drama looks very good, especially the actress who plays the queen, the crying scene is great.

Qiao Ruoxing said, I also like that queen very much. My friends also said that I look like her.

The boss thought she was talking nonsense, laughed and said nothing.

Don't you believe it, Qiao Ruoxing said, taking off her mask, Take a look, do you look like me?

As soon as the boss raised his head, he was stunned.

But it’s just like, it’s exactly the same!

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