Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched and he repeated his words, Do you have men's clothes there?

Qiao Ruoxing said, I was shooting an advertisement for a domestic clothing brand before. They had a very nice style, so I bought you two sets. The fabric is quite soft, but the price is not too expensive. If you don't like it, forget it.

Gu Jingyan paused and said, You haven't bought me expensive clothes, have you? Why do you need to be so subtle?

Qiao Ruoxing...

She gritted her teeth and said, Why haven't I bought you expensive clothes? There are hundreds of pairs of your socks, but the ones I wear cost a few yuan a pair!

Gu Jingyan said, Except socks.

Where are the underwear? Aren't there hundreds of pairs? Some cost thousands!

Gu Jingyan...

Except for the underwear.

Qiao Ruoxing opened her mouth and finally said, I bought it cheap not because I couldn't bear it, but because of the cost-effectiveness. You know, big-name clothes have brand premiums. Clothes costing tens of thousands of yuan only cost a few hundred yuan. Money, for daily wear, why should I be taken advantage of? The more she talked, the more she felt that she was very reasonable, and finally she became righteous, Every time I buy, I shop around. Aren't I tired? I'm not here to give it to you. Save money? You are too cautious.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, Shopping around, comparing a pair of swimming trunks that have faded?

Qiao Ruoxing...

Lin Shu couldn't hold back his laughter.

As we all know, Gu Jingyan can't swim, but sometimes some partners like to go to some clubs to play ball, swim, etc. when discussing business, and talk while having fun.

Gu Jingyan naturally wanted to accompany him throughout the whole process, but he usually stayed out of the water.

But one time I met a client who was particularly good at swimming. The client knew that Gu Jingyan couldn't swim, so he insisted on teaching him, promising that as long as he learned how to swim, the contract would be settled.

Gu Jingyan's position in the company was not stable at that time, and he needed such a big deal to support his appearance, so even though he was afraid of water, he still agreed to learn swimming from others, and contacted his wife and asked her to send him a pair of swimming trunks. .

His wife knew that he wanted to learn to swim, so she was very enthusiastic about choosing swimming trunks for him.

However, my wife’s eyes are so evil that I can’t compliment her. They are either superhuman, or have a fart pattern on the butt, or an elephant trunk or a banana on the front.

There are always styles that cannot be worn.

The key point was that Gu Jingyan made an appointment with the client and was waiting for her to deliver swimming trunks. She was very confident on the other end of the phone, saying that Mr. Gu would definitely like it.

As you can imagine, Gu Jingyan's face almost turned green when he saw the pile of colorful swimming trunks.

But the customer was waiting, and he didn't have time to buy a new one, so he picked out a black and red one, and it was barely normal when he put it on - at least it was normal on the shore.

When the contract was almost negotiated, the client asked him to go into the water and taught him how to breathe.

Gu Jingyan prepared himself mentally and went into the water.

Everything was fine at first, but as the teaching continued, the customer's expression became strange.

Finally, I couldn't help but said, Mr. Gu, why don't you go to the anorectal department first? I think your hemorrhoids are quite serious, and the water is even stained red.

Gu Jingyan was stunned, and when he lowered his head, he saw a trace of red coming out of his crotch. The scene was really like hemorrhoids. The scene could be said to be quite explosive.

Gu Jingyan's face turned dark.

Although Lin Shu and the client later tried their best to explain that it was the swimming trunks that had faded, and the client responded, he always looked at Gu Jingyan with strange eyes.

Mr. Gu has a deep resentment about this incident of corporate death, and he still remembers it two years later.

But when Lin Shu thought about that scene now, he couldn't help laughing.

My wife's money has indeed been saved wisely.

When Gu Jingyan mentioned it, Qiao Ruoxing naturally thought of this embarrassing incident. She was embarrassed for a long time and said, That pair was a gift from the boss. The ones I bought don't fade. Who knew you would choose the one as a gift.

Gu Jingyan raised his eyebrows, You blame me?

Qiao Ruoxing gritted her teeth, I don't want to change it anymore, let's go!

Gu Jingyan took her wrist and said with a low smile, You said you wanted to give it to me, how could you go back on your word?

Qiao Ruoxing glared at him, Then you still waste so many words?

Gu Jingyan scratched her palm and said, Always be reserved, otherwise it will appear that I am too impatient and the price will be reduced.

Qiao Ruoxing...


Tang Xiaoxiao is not at home, she must have gone to the company.

Qiao Ruoxing opened the door, took out the slippers and handed them to Gu Jingyan, You change your shoes first, and I'll get the clothes.

Gu Jingyan responded, changed his shoes, and walked in.

He looked at the furnishings in the room, and it seemed that there weren't many changes since last time. Luna was sent back and was charging in the corner.

Gu Jingyan called out, and Luna came over and called Dad.

Gu Jingyan opened the operating port on its chest, upgraded the system, and reset the safe mode.

When Qiao Ruoxing came out with clothes, Gu Jingyan was transmitting data with his mobile phone.

What are you doing?

Gu Jingyan said, Feedback the data to facilitate adjustments.

Qiao Ruoxing said Oh and sat next to him waiting.

Will Luna spy on me?

Qiao Ruoxing suddenly asked such a question.

Gu Jingyan's hands almost shook, and he said calmly, How is that possible? Luna will be launched in the future. If basic user privacy cannot be guaranteed, how can others dare to use it?

Qiao Ruoxing didn't speak, and after a while, she said, Gu Jingyan, do you know that every time you lie, you don't dare to look at me?

Gu Jingyan...

She narrowed her eyes slightly and said casually, Do you really think I'm a fool?

Gu Jingyan...

Some data will indeed be transmitted, usually when the security settings are triggered. I always want to make sure you are safe. Also, Gu Jingyan paused, occasionally listen to your voice.

As he said that, he glanced at Qiao Ruoxing secretly.

She was not angry, touched her chin and asked, There's no surveillance, right?

Gu Jingyan said, You don't live alone.

The implication is that if you are alone, I don't mind pretending.

Qiao Ruoxing...

With the added identity of a probationary boyfriend, he became tough when he spoke.

Is it done? Once it's done, try it first. It hasn't been seven days. If it doesn't fit, I can still change it.

Gu Jingyan responded, finished updating the system, and then took off his clothes.

Qiao Ruoxing's eyelids twitched and she turned to go to the study to drink water.

While she was boiling water, her manager called her and told her that her short video account had 3 million followers and urged her to post a welfare video with one million followers to increase her popularity.

The previous short drama Legal Domain was very popular in short videos, and Qiao Ruoxing became popular on the short video platform.

Li Kai attaches great importance to the management of these platform accounts. When the number was two million, it was the welfare video Li Kai helped her shoot. That video also became a small hit. Unexpectedly, it would reach three million again so quickly.

She was a little confused, so she asked Li Kai which one to shoot to give her an idea.

Li Kai quickly shared a challenge video with him and asked her to find a model to take photos of this video.

When Qiao Ruoxing saw the scale, his blood boiled.

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