The Winnie the Pooh made by the blue enchantress was not a bit more luxurious than the big flower basket at Han Lie's house. The opening ceremony simply earned her enough cards.

As a result, when the big mango came, all her cards were taken away.

And that mango is so immortal that it is placed next to Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh is as tall as 1.34 meters, and Big Mango is at least 2.34 meters tall. The comparison is as tragic as a dwarf standing in front of an NBA star, forcibly suppressing her reputation.

The media were interviewing Qiao Ruoxing while filming Mango.

Teacher Qiao, how do you feel about attending the opening ceremony of a major movie for the first time?

Teacher Qiao...

Qiao Ruoxing inexplicably thought of Gu Jingyan calling him Teacher Qiao.

Of course, what he asked was not something a serious teacher could answer.

Qiao Ruoxing cleared her throat and said warmly, Everyone can just call me by my name. Call me teacher. I'm very scared. I'm new to the film and television industry and I don't have the qualifications to be a teacher yet.

Then, I felt very happy and excited. I am very honored to be able to work with a great director like Director Wang and with all the outstanding filmmakers, and I look forward to the 'collision' with everyone in the film.

I don’t know when the habit of calling people teachers became popular in the circle. Qiao Ruoxing understood that teachers are either those who educate people and teach people their skills, or they are masters of Chinese opera. Such talents can bear the title of teacher.

She didn't deserve the title of teacher. She just felt it was an insult and she really didn't deserve it.

The media also followed suit and immediately changed their tune, Sister Xing, what do you think of the photo incident on Weibo two days ago?

Qiao Ruoxing had a premonition that she would be asked this question. She said seriously, I sat and watched.

The unforeseen cold humor caused silence in the surrounding area, and then there was a burst of laughter.

Qiao Ruoxing smiled and said, Actually, everyone really overthought it. That was just a random group photo taken when everyone visited Han Lie. It was not considered a promotional photo of the crew at all. The positions were changed several times.

After saying that, he looked to the side, Yao Kexin, whose expression management was on the verge of losing control, Really, Sister Xin? Didn't we change positions several times at that time?

Yao Kexin's eyelids twitched. She really underestimated Qiao Ruoxing's face. She knew that she and her were incompatible, but she still dared to cue her!

She suppressed her emotions and smiled, Yes, actually it was not good to take that picture at the beginning. Miss Qiao was standing relatively far back and was a little blocked, so Han Lie pulled her to the front, and then everyone The photo I saw is not that Ms. Qiao insisted on standing in the middle. Please stop making groundless speculations. We have a very good relationship in private.

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at her and sneered in her heart. She knew that Yao Kexin would never let go of such an opportunity.

On the surface, it seemed like he was clarifying it for her, but in fact, it hinted that her relationship with Han Lie was not simple, and immediately provided new ideas to the media.

Sure enough, someone soon asked, Han Lie rarely interacts with actors on Weibo. Does Star Sister have a good relationship with him in private?

Qiao Ruoxing cautiously avoided the trap set by the media, Han Lie is a very good colleague. When taking photos, he will take into account the people in the back row and say what they have to say. He is really good-natured.

Because we played a couple in the play, he enthusiastically invited me to play together and discuss how to act. He understood the role very deeply. I think he is very dedicated and I am very honored and cherished to be able to partner with him. .

The media were a little disappointed. They thought he was a newcomer, but they didn't expect his answers to be so precise.

After Qiao Ruoxing finished speaking, he added another piece of firewood, Han Lie often praises some of the actors he has worked with. He rarely criticizes others. I was worried and nervous at first, but after getting to know him, he is really a good-tempered person. people.

Good temper?

It’s not like the media have never seen him criticize others. As for making accusations, they have indeed never seen Han Lie say anything bad about anyone. The person on Weibo two days ago was definitely the first one.

The fast-thinking media immediately put the microphone in front of Yao Kexin.

Sister Xin, some netizens said that the person Han Lie mentioned on Weibo who had bad lines was you. What do you think?

Qiao Ruoxing raised her eyebrows.

After looking at the icon on the reporter’s device, Orange Heart Entertainment.

He really asked this question sincerely, and he is a brave man.

Yao Kexin's heart sank, and the expression on her face almost became unbearable.

She clenched her hands, controlled her expression, and smiled slightly, This question is so boring. I don't want to answer this boring question.

Entertainment reporters have long had a strong heart in this industry. When Yao Kexin refused to answer, they were not angry and continued to ask the next question, There were rumors before that you had a falling out with Han Lie's team because of CP speculation. This time the two The second partner, have you reconciled?

Agent Yao Kexin tried her best to control her expression, but the corners of her lips still couldn't help but pull down.

First, you also said it was a rumor. There can be hundreds or even thousands of rumors like this a day. Do I have to answer them one by one? Second, this is the launch ceremony of The Killing. I hope everyone will ask more questions. Something related to the work, rather than asking irrelevant questions.”

The reporter kept up his efforts, Your previous film and television dramas all used dubbing. I heard that you want to use the original voice for the movie Murder?

Was it because your former dedicated voice actor switched to filming, so you had to use the original voice?

Your original lines that were exposed before are very different from the dubbing. Do you have confidence in playing with your own voice actors using your original lines?

Yao Kexin finally lost control of her expression and said with a sullen face, Don't you have any other problems?

The media were stunned and immediately captured Yao Kexin's expression.

Yan Xiaoou quickly stepped forward to block the media's lens and took Yao Kexin backstage.

After working hard for so many years and being so easily offended by the media, Yao Kexin is really getting older.

In the distance, Shen Qingchuan came over and handed Gu Jingyan a bottle of water, How about it? The reporter I arranged is awesome, right?

Gu Jingyan took the water and said, It's just public revenge, right?

What Gu Jingyan said was to ask him to arrange reporters to block some boring questions from other media outlets. The people arranged by Shen Qingchuan did so, but transferred the firepower to Yao Kexin.

Of course he didn't hold grudges against Yao Kexin for not renewing her contract. He had no intention of renewing her contract in the first place. He did this because Yao Kexin, a bitch, spread bad words about their company in order to find Xiaojia.

She wanted to go to Huangdu Entertainment before and had a heated relationship with the manager there, but she changed her mind when it came time to sign the contract and gave the money to Song Tianjun.

Although Huangdu Entertainment has always been in competition with them, work is work, and privately, the relationship between them is not that bad.

Yao Kexin let go of Huangdu and signed with YaTV Media. Huangdu was holding their breath, and when everyone was drinking, they complained to Shen Qingchuan.

Shen Qingchuan is a man who always insists on retribution. Since you don't miss your old feelings, I won't make you happy.

What does public revenge mean? Look at your wife, she's smiling like a flower. She's also been blaming her. Why don't you talk about her?

(Updated at 3:00 or 4:00, try to be as early as possible, please update more often)

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