But this incident always bothered him.

At that time, he thought Grandpa Mingxuan was just like other classmates. It was because his family made a fortune in the aquaculture business and was a bit low-class, so he didn't like him.

Later, after he graduated, started his own business, and achieved outstanding achievements in his field, he gradually understood.

What Grandpa Mingxuan looked down on was his background. Even if he climbed to his current status through his own efforts, in his eyes, his bloodline was still not noble enough to be worthy of his attention.

Mr. Mo is a typical old antique who grew up under feudal dogma. He is different from those snobbery. Snobs follow the wind and follow the trend.

As for Mr. Mo, he doesn't care what you can do in the future. The hierarchy of superiority and inferiority is his way of treating others.

In his eyes, people from a wealthy family like Gu Jingyan are respected, but someone like him who started his career by the wayside, no matter how high he climbs, is still humble.

He wondered, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for a hundred years, how come there are still such old antiques setting up ancestral halls at home?

He and Mo Mingxuan were not as close as Gu Jingyan, and they were inseparable from this old antique of the Mo family.

One summer, he went to Mo Mingxuan to fish in the river.

Mingxuan was enrolled in many extracurricular classes and had homework to do every day.

Shen Qingchuan's studies were never taken care of, and he lived up to expectations. Before high school, he was always at the bottom.

So Mo Mingxuan was encouraged to skip class, and the two of them went to Linghe River to catch fish all afternoon.

When he returned to Mo Mansion, Mr. Mo refused to let him in.

He asked his servant to get a knife and said, since he likes fish so much, he should take a good look at what the fish looks like.

He asked Mingxuan to hold a knife and disembowel the caught fish one by one.

He still remembers the way Mingxuan cried while killing fish.

Killing fish is nothing to him because this is what his family makes a living from.

But for a young master like Mo Mingxuan who has no fingers in the water, this is tantamount to breaking his psychological defense.

Mingxuan didn't like to eat fish later, and he thought it was probably because of that incident.

It had been too long, and Mingxuan had been abroad for medical treatment for so many years. He gradually couldn't remember it. Who knew that this old man could still take action against Mingxuan at such an old age?

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands and said nothing for a long time.

Shen Qingchuan added, I made an appointment with Mingxuan for a drink on the weekend, and we'll come together then.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, I won't go.

Okay, don't be pretentious. We have been brothers for many years. It's okay to say nice things to each other.

Shen Qingchuan came over and patted him on the shoulder, By the way, honey, don't tell the little bandit that I didn't check on Bai Huizhu for her.

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and said hmm.

Shen Qingchuan went out, and Gu Jingyan sent the audio he had just recorded to Tang Xiaoxiao's WeChat, and then edited a message in a fit of tea.

Although Qingchuan is my good friend, I don't want you to be deceived.

Editing completed.


He was forgiven by Tang Xiaoxiao too quickly, and he was also unbalanced.

As soon as Shen Qingchuan got in the car, Tang Xiaoxiao called.

Shen Qingchuan raised the corners of his lips, Little bandit, do you miss your brother?

I want to die!

Tang Xiaoxiao said with a dark face and gritted his teeth.

This bastard! Even the meals for this month were deceived!

When will you come home?

Tang Xiaoxiao asked.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, What's wrong? Why do you ask me when I will go home? Are you afraid that I won't come home at night?

I'll make chicken stew tonight. If you come back late, I won't keep it for you.

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