In that video, Qiao Ruoxing was wearing a red suspender dress and was dismembering expressionlessly.

Naturally, the drama promoted by the law will not be so bloody, and you can't actually see her divided body on the screen, but her face is too scary, her expression is numb, and her eyes are cold. When the corpse is cut, the blood splashes along her The cheeks were dripping down, and the whole face had a cruel beauty.

As she was cutting up the body, the doorbell rang.

Qiao Ruoxing got up and washed her face, grabbed a shawl and covered her body with perfume. She calmly used perfume to cover up the smell of blood on her body. She didn't forget to put on lipstick before opening the door.

She cares about her image.

Facing the courier, she changed her gloomy and cold face, took the courier with a smile, and thanked him softly.

There was a noise in the room, and the courier was curious and wanted to stretch her neck to look inside. She sighed and said, The newly raised puppy at home peed everywhere, so I put it in a cage. It seemed quite unconvinced.

Her voice was very thick, a bit like a man trying to imitate a woman's speech. The timbre was completely different from her usual speech, as if she had deliberately changed her pronunciation.

But her behavior was very feminine.

The courier said, The puppy has to be tame. Wherever it pees, you can catch it and beat it to make it realize its mistakes. After a few times, it understands that even children make mistakes. You have to be beaten to remember it, let alone a dog?”

Qiao Ruoxing nodded thoughtfully, It is indeed a solution.

In the living room behind her, a man was bound and gagged, his eyes wide open in horror. The pool of blood in front of him seemed to be hinting at what happened here not long ago.

The man struggled wildly, but the TV was so loud that the courier couldn't hear him at all.

Before closing the door, Qiao Ruoxing also gave the other party a box of desserts made by herself.

After the courier left, she turned around and took off the wig on her head, revealing an inch of her hair. She had sharp eyebrows. She raised the corners of her lips and squatted next to the person who was being tied up. She picked up the other person's chin with a knife and raised the corners of her lips, Everyone. You told me to be nice, why don't you obey?

At this moment, her voice had completely changed into a male voice.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and stared at the strange yet familiar face in the video, his heart suddenly beating erratically.

Shen Qingchuan's call came over. He came to his senses. As soon as he picked it up, the other party said, Your wife looks like she has experience in dismembering corpses. You should be careful when you sleep at night.

Gu Jingyan hung up the phone directly.

Shen Qingchuan opened the door and walked in. When he posted the video, he was downstairs in the company.

As soon as he entered the door, he sat on the coffee table and raised his lips, Legacy is on the air, and the first case is your wife's role in it. She played a serial murderer in it, and she also played a cross-dressing transvestite. The Internet is searching for her information, and everyone is guessing whether she is a boy or a girl.

The director of Legal Area is not easy. It is not easy for a legal program to become popular on the entire Internet, so he used a gimmick for his first case.

This case is the serial murder case of a transvestite anchor that caused a sensation in Jiangcheng a few years ago.

The suspect was repeatedly sexually assaulted and domestically abused by his stepfather when he was a child. He hated men and longed to become a woman. His behavior always imitated women. Because he was good-looking and very capable, he soon entered a good company after graduation and lived a good life. When he was gradually getting on the right track, his stepfather came to him and asked for money. He made a big fuss in his company and spread photos of him wearing women's clothing everywhere. The company felt that the impact was not good and fired him.

Colleagues who had a crush on each other at the time parted ways with him because of this.

The stepfather was addicted to gambling. He sold all his belongings and owed a lot of foreign debts. He even dug up the bones of his dead mother and arranged them for marriage in exchange for money.

After being subjected to domestic violence again, the suspect couldn't bear it anymore. While his stepfather was drunk, he suffocated his stepfather to death with a pillow.

Because his stepfather was very unpopular during his lifetime and was addicted to alcohol, and he drank a lot before his death, his death did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

The pleasure of committing the first crime stimulated the suspect's nerves. After a period of silence, he quickly began to commit the second crime.

He transforms into a beautiful anchor, dresses up as a woman and scouts for victims online. After getting to know the victim, he arranges to meet offline. After killing the victim, he plunders the victim's belongings to maintain daily expenses.

From the beginning, he screened out those victims who were similar in character to his stepfather, and ended up committing crimes indiscriminately.

Everyone thought that the other party was a vicious person, until the video of the suspect's trial was exposed, instantly sparking a wave of heated discussions on the Internet.

Because the suspect looks very shy and can even be called beautiful, he behaves exactly like a woman, and speaks softly and softly. He doesn't look like a murderer in any way.

Qiao Ruoxing's acting skills are very good. She interprets the suspect's crazy state very penetratingly. In addition, she is extremely beautiful, especially in the scene where she picks the person's chin with a knife, which is completely indistinguishable between male and female.

The director of this show really knows what the current audience likes to watch.

Therefore, within just a few hours of the show being aired, it was on the charts across all platforms. While the show became a hit, it also made the audience frantically search for this murderer.

No one expected that a legal program would become so popular.

The number of views of the official short video exceeded 10 million in half an hour, and there were hundreds of thousands of comments underneath. In addition to asking for more updates, the other most popular message was - within five minutes, I want everything about this sister (brother) material.

The film and television group that Shen Qingchuan belongs to has also exploded a long time ago.

A French popularization drama, with such a low cost, has achieved such results after only broadcasting one episode. How can it not make people in the film and television industry envious?

While they were envious, they also asked each other which actor this was. When they found out that he was not an actor, they began to discuss how to recruit people. A group of people even started bidding each other in the group.

Shen Qingchuan was almost suffocated, thinking that her identity is not something you can just sign if you want.

He came to the desk and said half-jokingly, Sign your wife to me. I promise that in three years, no, in two years, I will make her a superstar.

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