Movie Master

Chapter 561: big difference

In April 2005, the heat of early summer was clearly reflected in the film market. The record-breaking box office of "Sin City" kicked off with a bang in the first week, and the premiere of "Sahara Cavalry" in the second week It ignited a hot topic, and it seems that it is too late to feel the lingering/lingering spring, and summer can't wait to come, which makes people have an illusion of midsummer in June.

Everyone is looking forward to it, looking forward to the explosion of more energy in the spring file this year, which will drive the outbreak of the summer file and promote the entire movie market.

Especially "Saharan Cavalry", this work is fully capable of competing in the summer slot, but it was placed in April three weeks in advance, like a giant, majesticly dominating this weak schedule, with the ability to swallow The capacity of the entire box office market. And when "Sin City" has exploded with shocking energy, these two works with different themes, types, specifications, and audiences will collide head-on, which is likely to achieve a win-win situation and further stimulate April. The potential of the North American market has completely rewritten the history of the spring file.

However, when the single-day box office statistics on April 8th came out, everyone was stunned, their faces were full of shock, their bodies were cold, and they couldn't even react properly.

As the first day of the premiere of "Sahara Cavalry", on April 8th, this work, which cost 160 million US dollars to complete the filming, only earned 5.183 million US dollars!

Five million, it was only five million, and even the anger could not be condensed, leaving only the data of an empty smile, angry to helpless five million. The so-called 5 million single-day box office, reflected in the production cost of 160 million and the promotion cost of more than 50 million, looks so thin and pale. What is even more absurd is that five million is just the cost of the crew shooting in Morocco for one day. At the beginning, they spent two million to film the scene of the plane crash, but in the post-production process, all the pictures were cut drop, nothing left.

Now that the movie is released, everyone expects the film to break out to a single-day box office of 20 million, but the result is only 5 million, ridiculous 5 million, pale 5 million, unbelievable five million. Five million like shit/shit!

This also means that this film does not need to wait for the box office on Saturday and Sunday at all. The estimated box office data for the opening weekend can be directly lowered to less than 20 million, although the specific results depend on the increase on Saturday. But what is certain is that the height predicted by the media is impossible to achieve.

At this moment, even the most conservative "New Yorker" in the forecast stage, their forecast of 35 million seems exaggerated and outrageous.

Even "Waterworld", which was a disastrous box office failure, had $21 million in its opening weekend, but now "Saharan Troopers" seems to be struggling to reach such heights. Does this mean that "Sahara Troopers" The final box office of "Cavalry" may be even more miserable than that of "Future Water World"?

It is worth mentioning that the single box office of the film on Friday was only US$1,643. Comparing horizontal data, the single-house box office of "Sin City" premiered last week was 18,000.

The "Chicago Tribune" joked about this, "At least, 'Sahara Cavalry' can breathe a sigh of relief. It belongs to the Guinness Book of Records for the most money-losing film in film history of 'Cut Throat Island', and the winner should not be changed in a short time. Because' "Cutthroat Island' made just over $2 million in its opening weekend, and 'Sahara Troopers' landed on Friday with a strong showing at the box office."

Shame, this is the real shame, "Saharan Cavalry" ushered in a vigorous disappointment under the vigorous momentum, Friday's box office can be called abysmal, and everything seems to indicate that this movie will Ushered in an avalanche of fiasco. The journey had just begun, and the curtain fell in a blink of an eye. The disappointment and anger were so extreme that the clenched fists became weak for a while, and they could only loosen weakly.

For laymen, "Saharan Cavalry" and "Sin City" are just two ordinary works that were released around April, and they don't have any special meaning. But it should come as no surprise that this sort of thing happens almost every day on Wall Street.

But for industry insiders, they know the grievances between Diorama Films and Chaos Films. What they care about is not the final outcome, but the sparks that emanate from this duel, just like a Colombian soap opera. Forced battles can always make the blood of the onlookers boil.

Everyone is looking forward to a close and evenly matched duel, a bayonet battle between "Saharan Cavalry" and "Sin City", just like "Twelve Oceans" and "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" in December last year "Similarly, they fought each other until the last moment before deciding the winner. But the result disappointed people. This is more like a one-sided **** massacre-although it is only the box office released on Friday, and there are two days of fighting in the next two days. It seems too early to draw conclusions, but Reality is always crueler than imagination.

"Sin City" grossed 10.33 million on Friday alone.

10.33 million, almost twice the single-day box office of "Sahara Troopers", and this is the second week of "Sin City"'s release against the opening weekend of "Sahara Troopers", such a huge gap almost makes All sophistry, all excuses have become pale and powerless, leaving only a feather in the ground. This data is so dazzling and dazzling that there is no need for redundant explanation at all. It is just a direct comparison of a series of cold data, and the judgment can be judged.

What's even more ironic is that the premiere of "Sahara Cavalry" has been a huge success—accurately speaking, "Sahara Cavalry", which has been promoted since the beginning of the year, can be regarded as one of the most anticipated works in the first half of the year , even compared to "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith" and "Batman Episode 3: The Mystery of the Shadow" in the summer file, it seems that all signs are indicating that this will be A box office bomb.

Some people even expect that "Sahara Trooper" will explode with 60 million energy in its premiere weekend, which is two grades higher than the April premiere box office record just set by "Sin City". This shows that people have high expectations for this work.

But the theory of everything is like this, the higher the expectation, the higher the disappointment; the higher you stand, the harder you fall.

Originally, people expected the "Saharan Cavalry" to crush the entire market, but in the end they were crushed by "Sin City". Friday's box office of 10.33 million US dollars, which also means that the box office of "Sin City" is expected to cross the 30 million level again, which will undoubtedly create the second-week box office of April's premiere works New Records - Now that people have started to shift targets, if "Sin City" can really set records again, then all audiences will be a part of making history, which is really exciting.

From 10 million to 5 million box office in a single day, from leading all the way before the premiere to catching up from behind, from soaring into the sky after the premiere to slumping, from advancing in controversy to collapse in anticipation, "Sahara" "Cavalry" and "Sin City" have walked out of two different development trajectories, and are galloping in different directions. The gap is getting bigger and bigger, and they have replaced each other in two completely different and very different positions. It perfectly interprets the invisible blood in Hollywood.

Overnight fame comes with overnight collapse. The success and failure of Hollywood is like this, like a tornado, it hits quickly and catches people off guard.

Although it is just a Friday box office data, let alone the future box office trend, even the box office on Saturday and Sunday has not been released, it seems a bit too hasty to judge the outcome now; but the media seems to be impatient. It concluded, as the first batch of reviews hit the ground running, and they not only showed no surprise at the poor performance of the market box office, but actively gave strong support.

"Saharan Cavalry" was under the spotlight, and the first batch of comments attracted 33 media outlets. It was a surprise that this data was lower than that of "Sin City", but compared to the ratings of the media, this small Small accidents are not worth mentioning. Among the 33 media outlets, only one media outlet gave good reviews—"San Francisco Chronicle". The ratings of the other 32 media outlets were all below the passing line. The **** scene is even more violent than the movie screen of "Sin City".

This makes people involuntarily compare the situation when "Ocean's Twelve" was quality of the finished product of "Ocean's Twelve" is not satisfactory, but at least it still maintains the entertainment of popcorn, so Film critics have found a foothold for praise in the criticism, which makes the film's media review less embarrassing.

However, the quality of the finished product of "Sahara Cavalry" can be described as horrible, even if it is against conscience, it is difficult to say more good things. This has nothing to do with the confrontation between the East and the West, the intricate network of people in the industry, or even the community of interests between companies. A bad movie is a bad movie, and you can’t say much good things with your eyes closed.

Even the "Los Angeles Times" who supported "Saharan Cavalry" before it was released, couldn't say anything good at this time. They just gave it a moderate score of 50, and didn't have the heart to join in the large-scale criticism. Ranks, this is already the best of benevolence.

But not only the "Los Angeles Times", even all the news media on the East Coast couldn't bear to see the **** media comprehensive list, because it was like bullying an unarmed disabled person. Not only will the behavior of throwing stones into trouble not give oneself any pleasure/feeling, it will even produce a terrible sense of guilt. This is the status quo of the "Saharan Cavalry", cruel and terrible, helpless but ridiculous. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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