Movie Master

Chapter 541: Shocking

Lance did not live up to his expectations. Even this seemingly unremarkable story is still closely related to the plot, and truly presents the face of Sin City, not a special individual or a specific small group of people , but the whole city, the whole world. When the story advances to this moment, the whole picture of Sin City is truly revealed to the audience.

Emerson couldn't help becoming curious. Now the scenes and stories have begun to get out of control. The whole city has been plunged into a whirlpool of violence, and it seems to have become a battlefield. The city of sin has fallen into an overwhelming cloud of blood. So, how does Lance end up? How should the story go on?

As soon as the picture turned, Hardigan actually appeared in the camera. He was lying on the hospital bed, pale and weak, as if he couldn't even move a finger. Unexpectedly, when almost everyone had forgotten about Hardigan, he reappeared at a most inopportune time.

"pulp Fiction"! This is Chloe's first idea. Such a circular structure of narrative techniques was used as early as 1994 in the film history classic "Pulp Fiction" directed by Quentin. However, "Pulp Fiction" is more daring. The hero Vincent died in the third act, but he was "resurrected" in the fourth act. People are overwhelmed.

"Sin City" obviously took a similar approach, opening a second story that all viewers thought was the end—Hardigan's heroic death and Nancy's rescue. Although in the following two stories, Nancy appeared as a bar dancer/girl, but no one connected Nancy with Hardigan.

In fact, Chloe has always had this doubt: is the role of Nancy really useless? It's not like Lance's approach. Lance is not the kind of director who randomly intersperses characters and uses empty shots at will. His script may not be meticulous without any loopholes, but it is definitely meticulous, and every detail will serve the work as a whole. So Chloe was curious and waiting.

Now, she finally got the answer.

After Hardigan successfully rescued Nancy, he couldn't resist Roger Jr.'s senator father. Little Roger's father used his power to force him to take the blame for his son. Hardigan has always refused to give in, but the past mistakes still made Hardigan enter the prison and stayed there for eight full years.

After Nancy escaped from birth, she did not return home, but wandered around in the city of sin. Alcoholism and drug use were just pediatrics. Later, she even started an illegal business and became a member of the gang of prostitutes. of******. In Nancy's dark life, Hardigan is the only sustenance. She uses the pseudonym Clydia and keeps writing letters to Hardigan.

Letters from Nancy, the only consolation for Hardigan to persevere.

But one day, Nancy's letter was interrupted, and he didn't hear any news from Nancy for two months, which made Hardigan very disturbed. He chose to give up resistance, plead guilty in exchange for parole, and seek to protect Nancy . When Hardigan saw Nancy, who was safe and sound, he realized that Roger, who had turned into a yellow bastard, had been spying on him secretly, and he was taking the yellow **** to find Nancy again. However, it was too late.

The yellow **** had captured Nancy, and had also captured Hardigan.

Looking at the yellow **** on the screen who looked like a fluorescent lamp, the mustard yellow color was completely incompatible with the surrounding black and white, like a sudden alien, more ferocious than Muffle, more evil than Dee White, more evil than Kay. Wen is even more disgusting, majestic but not allowed to exist in the world. Chloe's stomach started to roll.

The yellow **** is a monster, not just a monster, but also a freak bred by a distorted society. He not only represents the deformed mentality of molestation/children, but also represents the deformed pervert born under the persecution of society! Chloe couldn't help but think of the news reports of the "Boston Globe", Catholicism, priests, sexual/child abuse...disregard, silence, connivance...all of them have evolved into yellow **** on the big screen, as if yellow **** are all that Evil Incarnate is average, disgusting, and more frightening.

Clearly, Chloe is not alone. Depressed low cries resounded in the entire auditorium. The stomach cramps burned the internal organs of the body, bursting out with anger, shame, repulsion and fear, as if he was in the city of sin, as if he had been captured The yellow bastard's greasy eyes stared at General, goosebumps quickly appeared on the surface of his skin, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The yellow **** took Nancy away and left Hardigan. He decided to slowly enjoy the pleasure of torturing Nancy, and handed Hardigan over to his own hands.

But Hardigan survived tenaciously, and tracked down the yellow **** all the way, desperate to save Nancy, again and again. But Hardigan was seriously injured and dying, which gave the yellow **** a chance to breathe. He struggled and wanted to kill Hardigan. At this moment, Nancy rushed over desperately and stopped the yellow bastard.

In grief and anger, Nancy raised her fist, one after another, and slammed the yellow **** hard; one punch after another, smashed the whole head of the yellow **** hard, and finally only A puddle of yellow mud was left, which was disgusting. Nancy was covered in yellow meat sauce, and she sat on the spot in a collapsed state. Her long golden hair gradually faded and gradually turned into black and white.

The whole world has lost its color.

"Goodbye. Little Roger, it's an honor." A bright smile formed on the corner of Nancy's mouth.

"Oh." Chloe couldn't bear it anymore, let out a low cry, looked at Nancy sitting in a ball of mustard yellow mud, although it was not bright red, but the strong visual impact still made her stomach no longer Overwhelmed, he retched. It wasn't just Chloe, the gasp of exclamation was clearly audible in the projection hall, and then everyone stared at the big screen dumbfounded, suppressing the discomfort in their hearts, and watched Nancy **** The yellow **** smashed into a puddle of mud, the shock mixed with pleasure swept over, and the inexplicable taste jumped on the tip of the tongue.

But one thing is for sure, this is definitely a movie not suitable for children, "Rated", really? Shouldn't it be "NC-17 grade"?

The desolation after the violence reached its extreme silenced the audience. On the one hand, the yellow **** is a real deformity, and it seems that everyone wants to destroy him, and the pleasure of justice stretches closely; on the other hand, Nancy's hands are really stained with blood. Fresh life was smothered, and since then it has been completely integrated into the city of sin, and that kind of uncontrollable sadness comes leisurely. Everyone was stunned by the mixed emotions, and there was no suitable word to describe it.

The yellow **** is dead, and Hardigan's fate seems to have come to an end. Even though he spent his whole life atoneting for his sins, the blood that has turned from bright red to dark has lost the chance to be whitewashed.

Hardigan knew that the yellow bastard's senator father would never let go of the murderer who killed his son, which also meant that Nancy would be on the run from now on. Therefore, Hardigan took the blame on himself, and after sending Nancy away, he chose to commit suicide.

"An old man dies, a young woman lives. Fair trade."

After Muffle was sent to the electric chair, Hardigan chose to commit suicide in fear of guilt. It seems that in the whole "Sin City" story, the relatively righteous party who seemed less evil did not end well in the end, and even the road of self-salvation was blocked. Cut off. Hardigan's death was not a sacrifice, but a kind of despair and cruelty. In this city, justice has no way to survive. It can only become evil, more evil, and more evil, otherwise it will only perish.

After the death of Hardigan and Muffle, they both walked into the grave with their own sins. In this city, it seems that even the last hope has been completely extinguished, leaving only endless darkness. Now, only a group of prostitutes, a group of thugs, a group of murderers, and a group of corrupt cockroaches are left in Sin City. Deep powerlessness.

Emerson fell silent. After the story was pushed to the extreme, Lance collected all the clues in a circular structure. After seeing the big from the small, it returns to the individual from the overall situation, and tells the details of this sinful city in a true and specific way. The strong sense of reality makes people feel immersive, as if they are one of them, maybe It was Nancy, maybe Hardigan. I raised my head, but I couldn't see the sun or the future.

The society is made up of people, and the disasters of the society will be refracted to each individual individual. All these are caused by them, and the consequences must be borne by themselves. This is a cycle and a reincarnation. Perhaps Lance's use of the circular structure is not as bold as "Pulp Fiction", but Lance's deepening and sublimation of the theme is far better than Quentin's. The aftertaste left by the tongue is intricate and shocking. , so that the brain could not stop at even made him unable to breathe.

Maybe, he needs a little time to digest it.

Emerson thought this was the end, but he didn’t want to go back to the story, and the male killer in the opening story appeared again—this is the real circular connection point, where it starts and ends.

The traitor among the prostitutes showed up in the hospital safe and sound, having narrowly escaped the hail of bullets. This seems to be the norm in Sin City—the criminals always get away, but the righteous have disappeared. The prostitute walked into the elevator, and the killer dressed as a doctor looked up at her.

"At that intersection in Sin City, you can find anything." The killer called out the prostitute's name, she turned around, her soul-stirring blue pair was like bright stars, the killer handed over a pack of cigarettes, Showing a charming smile, the prostitute hung up the phone and looked at the man in front of her in confusion and amazement, but it was difficult to hide the surprise that flashed in her eyes.

Everything was so familiar, "Anything." The killer's narration fell, and the big screen fell into darkness. No other sounds, no other hints, no other plot, the movie, it's over. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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