Movie Master

Chapter 466: look up to the giant

Businessmen are always good at fabricating traps with sweet words, luring their prey into the traps, reaping their own interests, and walking away. This is true in all walks of life, and Hollywood is no exception.

When Barry Meyer found Lance, the rhetoric easily achieved a deterrent effect, but after peeling away those good promises, one can see the cruel truth hidden in it—the so-called "300 million" cost is actually only "250 million million" plus the fifty million that evaporated.

Of course, 250 million is still the current top production in Hollywood. The cost budget of the last two sequels of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is 500 million, with an average of 250 million each. For Lance, this is still a huge challenge; for Chaos Pictures, it is still a rare opportunity.

But the problem is that Lance holds 250 million to invest in filming, but Warner Bros. will assume that Lance has 300 million, and they expect the box office of this work to reach the huge benefits of "300 million investment". One hundred million may just be the bottom line. In other words, the evaporated 50 million is like a debt, and Lance is required to hand over double, even triple, or quadruple the interest to repay this "debt."

The invisible pressure will further change the balance of cooperation between Chaos Films and Warner Bros.

"That's true." Cole immediately understood the meaning of Lance's words, and shook his head helplessly. A big company like Warner Brothers would never show kindness and pay the "fifty million" money out of its own pocket. In terms of filling in the loopholes, "Disney really made a good move."

The most important part of the news revealed by Eric is not at all that Brett became the successor of "X-Men 3", nor did Bryan become the director candidate for the Superman reboot project, but the $50 million loophole. Even if this will not make Lance quit and give up the Superman restart project directly, it will allow "Pirates of the Caribbean" to take more initiative in the next competition.

Lance rubbed his temples lightly, and then heard Cole ask, "So, what are you going to do?" Lance let out a soft breath, "Let me think about it."

After hanging up the phone, Lance fell into deep thought.

Giving up is the last resort. Lance has not considered this possibility at all at the moment. Risks must be borne when shooting any work. The greater the risk, the greater the benefit. This is an eternal law.

What is certain, though, is that it also strengthened Lance's refusal to shoot "Superman Returns." Leaving aside the failure of "Superman Returns" in the previous life, Lance read the script that Warner Bros. handed him before. The whole script seemed complicated and fragmented. The role of Superman is almost tailor-made after Christopher Reeve as a model—

This shows that the previous screenwriters were too conservative. Faced with such a classic screen image as Superman and the determination of Warner Bros. to 300 million US dollars, everyone seemed timid, lest they destroy the Superman in people's minds. Resulting in the disastrous failure of the work.

In fact, adapting classic images is an eternal topic. How to balance the classic impressions in the minds of traditional audiences, the modern elements that cater to the new generation of audiences, and innovation on the basis of retaining classic images can be called a balance. No solution.

Therefore, Lance will not go to this muddy water. The failure of "Superman Returns" was almost doomed.

In fact, after talking with Ian, Lance had already made a decision deep in his heart, but now this news has further promoted Lance to advance the plan: abandoning "Superman Returns" and also abandoning "Superman: Man of Steel" , Lance hopes to construct the film framework of the first phase of the DC universe, and then determine the core of the Superman story based on this framework, and finally rewrite a brand new Superman script.

If "300 million" is placed in the context of the entire DC universe, the debt of 50 million is insignificant, because the Superman restart project will be the first step in the DC universe, and the big explosion is still the ultimate goal, but But it is no longer the minimum consumption. As long as the film doesn't lose too much money, it can be called a success.

Intuitively, it can be understood that Warner Bros. may have hoped for a box office of one billion, but looking at the entire DC universe, even a global box office of 900 million... or even 800 million is acceptable. Because follow-up movies and peripheral effects will continue to generate more benefits.

This will take a lot of pressure off the entire Superman project.

However, the implementation of this plan is really too huge. Lance is not omnipotent. At least when facing the world of comics, he is blinded. The time development line is smooth, not to mention the DC universe that has not been able to come out before his rebirth.

Before building the DC universe, the correct preparation should be to sort out the relationship between the characters, the timeline of the universe, the relationship between the pros and the villains, and the main characters of the Justice League, even if you don’t have to read every comic—this work cannot be done by one person Yes, but an outline is also required.

This work takes a lot of time, and it needs to be sorted out slowly. It is best for professionals with in-depth research on comics to be responsible. But the problem is that Lance has no time first, and secondly, he is not professional enough. What's more, "Sin City" is still the most important job at present.

What cannot be ignored is that at the same time, Warner Bros. is also investigating Brian. If Brian successfully accepts "Return of Superman" according to the historical trajectory, Lance loses the directing of a work with an investment of 250 million US dollars. It's a trivial matter; the important thing is that since Brian became the director of "Superman Returns", on the one hand, Lance's plan to implement the DC Universe will inevitably require Brian's cooperation, from script revisions to character placements, and even the villain's design. Certainly, they all need the same front, but Brian certainly doesn't want outsiders to dictate, which will inevitably lead to more obstacles.

On the other hand, once "Superman Returns" fails, it will affect the next series of plans of the DC universe, causing the entire plan to be dragged down. It is more likely that Warner Bros. chose to be conservative and wait for the results of "Superman Returns" before deciding whether to promote the DC universe plan. This also means that Lance needs to wait at least another year, and within this year, The uncontrollable nature of things will be completely unpredictable.

In short, reaching a cooperation with Warner Bros. before Bryan can save countless troubles for Lance. After reaching a consensus, even if Lance does not direct the Superman project, hand over the guide tube to Brian, Lance retreats to the position of producer, and let Chaos Pictures and Warner Bros. work together, there is no problem.

So, things came back to the original point: time, Lance needed time, manpower, wisdom, and knowledge.

After careful consideration, Lance decided to write down the entire framework of the DC universe first. No flesh and blood, just a skeleton, record his ideas and thoughts on building the DC universe, explain the benefits and impacts of this idea in the form of investment promotion projects, and convince Barry Meyer and many shareholders of Warner Bros. behind him They, not just 300 million, but spend 3 billion, 30 billion, to establish an entire comic kingdom, a kingdom that can rival Disney.

In fact, Warner Bros. fully owns such capital. They not only own DC comics, but also the "Harry Potter" series. If according to the development trajectory of the previous life, Warner Bros. finally chose to cooperate with Universal Studios to establish the "Harry Potter" theme park, in other words, the interests are divided; but if Warner Bros. seizes the business opportunity, they can completely China's power to build theme parks rivals Disney.

Therefore, this is not just a cooperation in film projects, but also a cooperation at the company level. This also means that the contribution that Lance can make is very limited. Even if it is a script, because he knows little about comics, Lance needs to solicit a lot of opinions from others; as for the company's cooperation project proposal, it needs to be handed over to Theo and Ian is in charge.

Standing in front of Warner Brothers, Chaos Pictures is like an ant looking up at a giant. It is almost impossible for the two parties to talk on an equal level. The question is, how much benefit can Chaos Shadow Industry get from it, and how much effect it can have on future development.

As for the details of the script, we will wait for the cooperation case to be negotiated before looking for a solution—if Warner Bros. agrees, given the huge resources Warner Bros. has, writing an adapted script under the guidance of Lance is not an easy task. difficult thing.

Unprecedentedly, Lance felt that he was not omnipotent, and neither was he Especially in the face of unfamiliar comic adaptations, Lance felt a sense of powerlessness that was difficult to overcome. Not to mention comparing with Warner Brothers, even compared with Diorama Films, Chaos Films' current scale is far too small.

If Chaos Films wants to grow, it must absorb more talents, just like the trailer soundtrack company, they need to set up various departments and rely on everyone's strength to drive the company's development. From screenwriter to director to producer, including all positions in the crew, there is no exception. At the company level, one person's power is limited after all.

If there are several other screenwriters in Chaos Films at this time, they can divide the work and invite professional fans who know comics well to build the DC universe together and complete the script of Superman's restart. After having these bargaining chips, go to Warner Brothers to negotiate. Their confidence will be stronger and their persuasion will be more solid, but he is only one person now...

screenwriter? Why can't Chaos Films start recruiting screenwriters and form their own screenwriting team? Even if Chaos Films can't shoot, they can still cooperate with other big companies, or sell scripts to other companies. More importantly, the value of talent gathering to the company's development is immeasurable! A flash of inspiration flashed through his tired brain, and Lance caught a glimmer of inspiration, and he sat up!

He figured it out! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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