Movie Master

Chapter 175: Breaking the monopoly

The development of the awards ceremony tonight really caught people by surprise. First, they witnessed the sweeping feat of "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Return of the King", and then witnessed "City of God" unexpectedly winning two awards in a row. The strange trend added a suspense to the rest of the awards ceremony: How many surprises are there to look forward to?

"Wow..." The question had just popped up when an accident happened on stage—Francis Ford Coppola and Sofia Coppola appeared hand in hand! Undoubtedly, this is the most watched father-daughter file of this year's awards season. The prophecy that like father, like daughter has been confirmed tonight, and now that the two of them are on stage hand in hand, it can definitely be said that they are the most popular among the award-giving guests tonight. The topical group made the guests stand up one after another, applauding not only for Francis, but also for Sofia. {For the latest chapters, please go to: www.We} [updates quickly &nbp;&nbp; please search]

More importantly... the Coppola father and daughter awarded the Best Adapted Screenplay Award!

At this time, people realized that tonight's best original screenplay award belongs to "Lost in Translation", but the best adapted screenplay award has not yet been announced, and now, Sophia, who has won the best original screenplay award, has teamed up with her to become famous It is indeed a very meaningful situation to present the Best Adapted Screenplay award to my father.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Return of the King, Shining America, City of God, Mystic River and The Rising Age, these are the final five contenders for best adapted screenplay this year. However, the competition for this year's Best Adapted Screenplay Award is unprecedentedly fierce, and it is even generally considered to be the most suspenseful Oscar award. strange.

There is no dispute about the absolute advantage of "The Return of the King" in the technical department, but as an epic masterpiece that focuses on scenes and special effects, its script is indeed not its strong point. , the overall quality is inferior to the first part of the series. It's like "Titanic" back then—it wasn't even nominated in the screenplay department.

"The Return of the King" dominated the entire awards season, but nominations for screenplay were as weak as for acting. First, he missed the top five nominations for the Golden Globe Awards, and then was ignored by the Writers Guild of America Awards. If there is no distinction between original and adapted screenplays in the Golden Globe Awards, and the competition for the top five is more intense, it is understandable that "The Return of the King" was not nominated; then the Screenwriters Guild of America lost the nomination. It shows a clear trend, this work really lacks bright spots in terms of script.

So, it's more likely that "The Return of the King" will sweep the technology department awards like "Titanic." However, it failed in the acting and script departments, and finally won the best director and best picture strongly. But after the Oscar nomination list came out, "The Return of the King" unexpectedly took a place in the adaptation department, causing a moderate upset and adding suspense to tonight's awards trend.

Compared with the momentum of "The Return of the King", the absolute strength of the other top four has been recognized.

"The Pentium Era" was an accompanying runner throughout the awards season, but it was nominated for almost all script nominations other than the Golden Globe Awards. Even if it was an accompanying runner, it was also a powerful accompanying runner; Both the depth and depth have been unanimously praised. It is also the script with the most nominations and the most nominations, and it can be regarded as a big hit for the best adapted screenplay.

"America Shining" has received a lot of praise since the Sundance Film Festival. It is rumored that when the judges selected the screenwriter award, the competition between "Spiritual Station" and "Shining America" ​​was very fierce, and the latter was only defeated by one vote. , which shows the certainty of this work. After missing the Golden Globes, being nominated for an Oscar is well deserved.

The recognition that "City of God" won during the award season is undoubtedly legendary. It was unknown in the first half of the award season, but after entering 2004, it gradually gained momentum with the pace of spot screenings. First, it won the highest recognition from the American Editors Guild, and then captured the American Screenwriters Guild Award-this year's American Screenwriters Guild Awards The highest awards for original screenplay and adapted screenplay were awarded to "Lost in Translation" and "City of God" respectively.

Finally, at the Independent Spirit Awards held the day before the Oscars, "City of God" achieved a counterattack, snatching the best screenplay award from "Lost in Translation". "Lost in Translation" won three awards: Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor. However, he missed the most important script award and lost to "City of God".

All of these make the Best Adapted Screenplay Award full of suspense! Not to mention, three of the five nominees have been shortlisted for the best picture competition, and the overall strength has been affirmed!

In terms of objective quality, "Mystic River" and "City of God" won the most solid and solid reputation during the awards season. But this is the Oscars. More than 6,000 students and judges voted for the Oscars collectively. The trend of awards is unpredictable. Even the "Pentium Era", which is considered destined to accompany the run, also has the possibility of winning awards.

Francis and Sofia will present the Best Adapted Screenplay Award, which is really interesting. Is it hoped that the Coppola family will **** the upset victory of "The Return of the King" and witness Peter Jackson's crowning king tonight? Or do you hope that the Coppolas will fend off the "Return of the King" fanatics and award the awards to the truly outstanding works?

Either way, it is a great honor for Francis and Sofia to be presenters.

At the same time, the suspense has once again returned to the Kodak Theater! Not only is the ownership of the best adapted screenplay a huge suspense, but whether the 100% winning rate of "The Return of the King" can continue is a shocking suspense.

In fact, the award ceremony is here, and the suspense of the best picture and best director has basically been killed. If nothing else, the "Return of the King" that has won nine statuettes will also collect these two trophies— Otherwise, it would be one of the biggest jokes in Oscar history, where the film that wins the most statuettes is not the best picture winner. So, step by step, "The Return of the King" will win at least eleven statuettes - tying the winning records of "Ben-Hur" and "Titanic". If "The Return of the King" wants to break the record, all the suspense will be maintained In terms of best adapted screenplay, this is also the most shaky and weakest of the twelve nominations for "The Return of the King."

In other words, whether "The Return of the King" can continue its 100% winning rate, whether "The Return of the King" can create award-winning history, and whether "The Return of the King" can continue its monopoly... All the suspense is focused on this, and finally Best Adapted Screenplay Award!

Is "The Return of the King" the best? Or kill a dark horse halfway and startle the waves? The task of sniping fell on "Mystic River", "City of God", "Rushing Age" and "Shining America".

After Ryan was extremely nervous, he calmed down instead. He knew that all the awards had been settled now, and all the answers were in the red envelope in Francis's hand. His nervousness was of no avail. But rationality is rationality, reasoning is logic, Ryan can still feel a thin layer of sweat seeping from his palms, at this moment, his stomach began to churn, and an uncontrollable urge to vomit began to control his brain, He had to use strong willpower to control the convulsions in his internal organs, which made the back of his shirt soaked, and even his forehead began to break out in cold sweat.

Shame, an indescribable sense of shame swept over Ryan, almost swallowing him.

He originally thought that after taking over Diorama Films, it would belong to him; he originally thought that after driving Lance out, success would be at his fingertips; he originally thought that after leaving Lance, the success of "Lost in Translation" was enough to prove that He is wise; he originally thought that the choice of "City of God" was Lance's desperate gamble; he originally thought that the Oscar nomination list was just an accident; he originally thought...

He originally thought that tonight was a safe bet, and it belonged to the "Lost in Translation" celebration carnival. But now, he was the one who was driven to the corner. He witnessed the humiliation of the "City of God" winning two statuettes, and burned him up like a raging fire. And now, he still has to wait for another result with trepidation.

It's like waiting for your own death sentence.

This is Lance's first script, isn't it? Ryan tried to comfort himself, but suddenly he choked, he forgot "good night, good luck", doesn't matter, in the eyes of outsiders, "City of God" is Lance's first script, think If you want to rely on your debut work, you will take off the script statuette? This is not the best foreign language film award! Lance is not Sam Mendes (a-ende) and Alan Ball (alan-ball)!

This will not be his death sentence.

The corners of Ryan's mouth relaxed a little, and he turned his head to look at Tucker and Jason on the right. Tucker was still tense at this time, like a bow that was stretched to the extreme, and it only needed a little more force to collapse. ; and Jason was hidden behind Tucker, and he still couldn't see clearly. He could only vaguely feel his tension from the tightened hands.

Withdrawing his began to take a deep breath, and took another deep breath.

At this moment, not only Ryan, Tucker, and Jason, but everyone in the audience became tense. The tremendous pressure and amazing suspense of standing at the crossroads of history permeated the air at the same time, even standing on the stage Even Sophia felt a little shy - even more nervous than when the best original screenplay award was announced.

Francis, who is accustomed to countless big scenes, took the initiative to take over the important task of revealing the answer, "The 76th Oscar, the winner of the best adapted screenplay is..." Then Francis opened the envelope in his hand, took out the card and glanced at it The answer, and then handed the card to her daughter, indicating that she can just read the answer directly.

Sophia glanced at her father, the tension that was so thick that it almost turned into substance made the entire Kodak Theater explode, and it was so dull that people just wanted to run away. After seeing the affirmation in her father's eyes, Sophia looked down at the card, and read it word by word:

"Lancelot Strelow, 'City of God'."

Click, the trigger is pulled. (To be continued.)

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