Reluctantly opened his sleepy eyes, Ji Wang vaguely looked at Qi Boyan in front of him, the man looked down at him, in the faint brightness of the small lamp on the bed, was Qi Boyan's sober face, not like being woken up by him, It was more like watching him sleepless all night.

When he just woke up, his mind was in chaos, Ji Wang said in a hoarse voice, "Can't you sleep?"

He tried his best to concentrate and wanted to talk to Qi Boyan. But drowsiness was raging, he didn't hear Qi Boyan's answer, instead, the headlights in the bed were turned off, and the words that fell on his ears were so soft, Qi Boyan said go to sleep, and softly hummed a sleeping tune to him.

When he woke up the next day, the privacy windows were all open, and the sunlight fell into the room. Ji Wang was in a good mood, and stretched his waist to touch the side, but there was no one there.

He walked from upstairs to downstairs barefoot, and finally arrived in the yard, and finally saw Qi Boyan sitting on a chair.

Wearing very little, hugging his knees, staring at the glass greenhouse in the courtyard.

It can be seen that the glass greenhouse used to be beautiful, but the flowers and plants inside are dead, barren, and no one cleans it, as if it was placed on purpose.

Because everything in the yard is clean, except for the greenhouse.

Ji Wang walked over and sat down with Qi Boyan. He thought Qi Boyan would turn around and smile at him, hold his hand and say good morning, but he didn't.

So he had no choice but to take the initiative, Ji Wang moved his position, stuck to Qi Boyan, and put his arms around him: "What are you looking at?"

Qi Boyan was still looking at the flower room, deep in memory, and said softly: "That's my mother's favorite place, where a lot of flowers are planted, and when that man comes, she always likes to pick a bunch of them."

"Later she found out that the man lied to her, so she destroyed the greenhouse. After so many years of hard work, she said no to it."

"Except for the greenhouse, she wants to destroy even things related to that man." Qi Boyan said with a blank expression, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Even things related to that man include him.

His body temperature is very low, probably because he got up too early, and he didn't know how long he had been sitting in this autumn morning.

Ji Wang didn't interrupt Qi Boyan's memory, but took off his coat, wrapped it around Qi Boyan, held him in his arms, and rubbed Qi Boyan's cold hands.

His movements made Qi Boyan's trance disappear, and he refocused his eyes on the person in front of him.

Qi Boyan said: "Brother, you said she likes her so much, how could she be willing to ruin it?"

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's fingers and pondered for a long time: "Maybe I'm sick in my heart."

Depression, bipolar disorder, it's all possible.

Just like what Qi Boyan said, his mother was not living happily, and the behavior of destroying the greenhouse may be a kind of loss of control. In a depressive environment for a long time, it is impossible not to get sick.

Ji Wang thought of what Ji Wang had told him six years ago, when Qi Boyan said it was just a joke, but thinking about it now, the possibility of it actually happening is too high.

That is, after Qi Boyan split into alpha, his mother wanted to kill him, is it true or not?

At that time, Qi Boyan was only so young, could he really bear so many things?

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan, but found that his face was very pale: "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Is your stomach upset? How long have you been sitting here!" Ji Wang was anxious.

Qi Boyan was quite happy to see Ji Wang worried about him, and he obediently was held by Ji Wang's hand and left the yard.

He looked back at the greenhouse while walking, and finally, slowly turned his gaze back to Ji Wang.

Boil the noodles, then fry the eggs. Ji Wang's mobile phone was placed beside him, and Li Feng's contact information had been added to his WeChat, to confirm Qi Boyan's itinerary, whether he could take a break, or just playing willful and absenteeism.

After cooking breakfast, Qi Boyan complained of a headache again after finishing his meal, and asked Ji Wang to massage him.

Ji Wang sat on the sofa, held Qi Boyan's head in his arms, and gently rubbed it slowly.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes and said, "Will my brother always treat me so well?"

Ji Wang hummed as an answer.

Qi Boyan was still not satisfied: "Do you love me?"

Ji Wang said the answer he wanted as he wished: "I love you."

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang and pressed his hand, his eyelashes trembled, and the circles of his eyes turned red.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ji Wang steadily: "Remember what you said today, you said you love me."

Ji Wang couldn't bear it anymore, Qi Boyan was very strange since yesterday: "What's the matter?"

Like a child who lacks a sense of security, Qi Boyan turned his face away and buried it in Ji Wang's chest: "That crazy woman, she is indeed sick, and wants to drag Qi Xiangnan along with her."

"Of course Qi Xiangnan would not be willing to die with her. She died alone, in that greenhouse."

Ji Wang doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, and when he heard that someone died in the greenhouse, he didn't feel scared, only distressed.

He wiped Qi Boyan's eyelashes and felt the wetness of his fingertips: "It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid."

Qi Boyan seemed to be turned on by his words, and continued: "They all said that Qi Xiangnan was the victim because a woman almost died."

"She's crazy, so everything she does is wrong."

"Even her love is wrong, destined to hurt everyone she loves."

Ji Wang couldn't help tightening his arms around Qi Boyan: "Did she hurt you?"

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