The story is a story because it can be repeated many times.

It is also because it can be repeated many times in the hearts of many people.


It's cold.

The winter didn't start long, but Guan Pippi felt that today must be the coldest day of the year. A heavy snowfall last night, according to the older generation, was a rare encounter in 50 years. Because most of the city C has no snow in winter. If there is, it won't last long. The thin underground layer will melt away the next day. Despite this, many parents have specifically asked for leave, intending to accompany the children to make snowmen and snowball fights. In the end, they are mostly in vain. But today's snow is half a foot thick, glowing with blue light, stepping on one foot and one hole, and it makes a rattling noise, as if stepping on a foam board. Compared to the north, this is not too cold. People in City C were caught off guard looking for scarves, gloves, and warm hats from the box. Guan Pipi found them all, and forgot to wear gloves when he went out. It only takes ten minutes to walk from her home to the subway station, and she was so cold after only five minutes. I had to fold into a breakfast shop and ask for a cup of warm soy milk in my hand, take a big sip, and warm my stomach before I can move on.

This is a busy Monday. The blue sky was like washing, and the sun was dazzling. The snow on the branches of the roadside was shaken by the footsteps of pedestrians. Guan Pippi checked his watch. It was just after half past seven. At the pre-editing meeting at 8 o'clock, the president will visit in person and make a transcript. You must not be late.

Guan Pipi took the main street leading to C City. During the rush hour, the traffic on the road is crowded with pedestrians. At the key intersection, you can almost walk side by side, like a group of black penguins. Passing the Fuxuan Department Store and turning into a residential area, there are fewer pedestrians, and the subway station signs are also exposed. Guan Pippi is a little pleased. It only takes four stops on the subway to get out of the newspaper office building without crossing the street.

At this moment, someone came over and suddenly stopped, asking for directions. Immediately afterwards, Guan Pipi smelled a strange aroma, a bit like the smell of deep mountain wood fern.

"I'm sorry, miss."

Guan Pipi was immersed in the last sip of soy milk, and Leng might as well be forced to stop and almost choked.


He was a man with a young voice, wearing a thin windbreaker, with his collar upright, a gray scarf enclosing most of his face, and wearing a black sunglasses.

"Can you help me?" The sound from the scarf was very low, as if all the noise was filtered out, and it became clearer and more beautiful, like an FM stereo evening show.

"What's the matter?" She stopped.

"I need to take a taxi right away, but I can't see the way. Can you stop the taxi for me?"


Guan Pippi couldn't help looking at him again. Not like it. The speaker was a head taller than her, was thinner, and had no blind cane in his hand.

Maybe she has serious glaucoma like her aunt, Guan Pippi asked embarrassedly.

"No problem." She smiled, "Come with me, slippery, be careful."

She went backhand and held his hand. He wears a pair of very thin gloves, almost silky. Pippi felt a little strange. In such a cold winter, these gloves can never keep out the cold. But the man realized that she was holding herself with bare hands, took off her gloves, and went to hold her with bare hands. The cold fingers were held up, and she shivered with the cold. Pippi didn't mind, and took him to the side of the road, reaching for the car.

After waiting for two minutes, I didn't see the empty car. The man was calm, but the hand that was holding her tightened and became a little nervous. Guan Pippi had to say: "It's the rush hour for work, it's not easy to take a taxi."

The man gave an "um" and suddenly asked a very strange question: "Are you afraid of dogs?"

She shook her head: "Not afraid."

The man said, "I'm afraid." After a few seconds, he turned around nervously, as if listening to something, and said, "If a dog chases me, will you protect me?"

Guan Pippi turned his face to look at him, wanting to laugh, but afraid that he would hear it. His face was wrapped in a scarf, his expression was invisible, and there was expectation in his words.

"Of course." she said.

An empty car on the opposite side saw them, waiting for the green light to turn. Guan Pipi raised his arms to look at his watch when he heard a dog bark.

Looking back, a gray shadow flashed in the distance, and a half-human wolfhound rushed towards them, and immediately arrived in front of them. A dozen steps away from it followed a middle-aged fat man, probably the owner of the dog, holding an empty dog ​​Lian in his hand, sweating profusely, panting, and shouting in a rough voice: "Joy! Joy! Stop!"

Because this street is close to a park, many people walk dogs. Pippi used to work in a pet shop and knew that this German wolfhound was of superior quality: tenacious, confident, not easily excited, on the contrary, most of the time it was relatively indifferent.

And this wolf dog rushed at an unexpected speed, with a hideous face, not like a dog, but like a hungry wolf that found its prey.

Guan Pipi only felt his arms tighten, and the people around him stiffened all over, putting on a posture of resistance. She twisted her palm unconsciously and almost broke her arm.

Guan Pippi has never been afraid of dogs, and she knows that well-trained German wolfhounds are very disciplined. The master does not speak, and will not attack at will. There are many pedestrians on the road, and more pedestrians across the street. She thought that neither she nor the man was the target of the wolf dog.

However, seeing the dog rushing towards them without error, she decided to take the thirty-six strategy as the best, and quickly pulled the man towards the taxi. As soon as the car arrived, before it stopped, Guan Pippi rushed to open the back door, pushed the man into the car, and got in immediately. When the door was about to close, the dog rushed into the back seat and put his front legs on Guan Pippi's shoulders, barking at the person inside through her.

"Drive! Drive!" She screamed at the driver, her voice louder than the dog, nervous and nervous.

"How to drive with a dog in the car!" The driver felt distressed about the seat cover he had just changed, and he was angry.

The dog was half a person tall, so Guan Pipi had to hold up his shoulder bag against the wolfdog's head to prevent it from crawling past him and injuring the blind man. However, when she looked back, she couldn't help being annoyed. A big dog weighing a hundred kilos pressed on him, and that person didn't come to help. I was sitting in jeopardy, watching his nose and heart, the old monk looked at his fingers as if there were flowers on them.

"Hey, can you help?"

The man didn't even look up, as if he hadn't heard him, and continued to look at his fingers, with a solemn expression and ignorance.

Fortunately, the owner of the dog had already caught up. Pulling Goulian violently, the dog couldn't help but back up two feet, and Guan Pipi quickly closed the door.

As soon as the driver stepped on the gas pedal, he quickly left amidst the sound of apologies from the dog owner.

Everyone was relieved. At the same time, Guan Pipi also smelled a dog's smell on his body, and there were several dog's paw prints on the snow-white down jacket.

"It didn't hurt you?" The man asked after regaining his composure.

"No." She was still gasping for breath.

"Where are you going? I will ask Mr. Driver to see you off."

"No. 107, Youth Road, C City Evening News." She looked at her watch, five points to eight. Oops, I must be late.

The man turned around, his sunglasses reflected the snow light outside the window: "Thank you for what happened just now."

"You're welcome."

"What do you call Miss?"


The man's face was still wrapped in the scarf, but he seemed to smile and took out his wallet from his arms. He took out a business card from his wallet: "This is my business card. If you need help, please come to me."

She took it, looked at it, and couldn't help smiling.

Only a phone number is printed on it, and the rest is a few rows of small dots, braille. It may be name and address.

"Oh, good." She answered casually.

No words all the way. Guan Pippi wondered if his friend Tian Xin could buy her a 40% discount on the NK concert. The car will arrive soon.

Guan Pi got out of the car. The man had been looking forward blankly. Although he could not see anything, he politely turned sideways and said to her solemnly: "Goodbye, thank you for saving me."

Guan Pippi smiled, the word "save" is too serious. She was a little bit angry that this person would not help. After thinking about it, he was afraid of the dog before he came to beg, but at the time he was afraid that he couldn't stay away from the dog and had to help her resist, which was too difficult. Besides, he also gave himself a chance to be a hero, so he stopped complaining.

"Small things. Next time you go out, remember to bring some self-defense."

"Definitely." The man agreed and asked: "Then you, there is nothing uncomfortable, right?"

Guan Pipi shook his head: "No."

When entering the newspaper's gate, Guan Pippi was still holding a paper cup of soy milk in his hand. She wanted to throw it away, but she didn't find the trash can. Passing by a trash can, she threw the paper cup and the business card into the trash can.

Then, she didn't even take off her down jacket, and rushed to the conference room on the third floor at the first speed. He met Director Zhang, who was standing at the door. A cold face on his face:

"Guan Pippi, you are late."

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