Monster: Summon Godzilla at the Start

Chapter 624: Li Tiance slays himself, the inheritance of war!

Looking at Li Tiance in front of him, Luo Xiu couldn't help frowning.

To be honest, he couldn't judge whether the other party was playing mystery or really knowing some secrets.

However, in any case, he would not let Li Tiance go.

After all, the two of them have different positions.

Since Li Tiance is a member of the Universe Cultivator Alliance, it means that they must be in opposition.

What's more, the other party chose to backstab him when he needed help the most.

However, what Luo Xiu did not expect was that when he was about to kill Li Tiance, the other party directly raised the Chiyan Dragon Spear in his hand.

Then, before Luo Xiu could react, he directly pierced this long spear into his body!

No one could have imagined that at the last moment, Li Tiance would forcibly end his life in such a decisive way!

"This guy... actually committed suicide?"

Looking at Li Tiance whose vitality was fading away, Luo Xiu's eyes could not help showing a touch of astonishment.

In his opinion, with Li Tiance's character, even if he is in a desperate situation, he will still choose to fight to the end. How could he give up so easily, even at the expense of his own life?

If you really want to speak, there is only one possibility.

That is, the situation in front of him has made him desperate to think that he is powerless.

But the question is...what is it that makes him feel so desperate?

Is it just because you killed Ye Linyuan?

Although Luo Xiu had many puzzles, he still chose to temporarily accept the situation in front of him.

He came to Li Tiance’s corpse. After confirming that the latter was not a suspended animation, but had truly lost his vitality, he raised his head and shouted: "Senior, this last round of trials is my victory. NS!"

When Zhan opened this golden space, he said that if the four of them are allowed to fight, whoever can win the final victory is eligible for his inheritance.

It now appears that Luo Xiu won.

After all, the Dark Annihilation Domain Lord, Ye Linyuan, and Li Tiance all died in his hands.

Within the huge golden space, only Luo Xiu was left.

After his words were spoken, the voice of war soon sounded from above the sky.

"What a wonderful matchup."

"I didn't expect it to be you who had the last laugh in the end."

When the voice fell, the figure of Zhan also emerged.

His face was majestic, and his body shone with dazzling golden light.

I saw it waved his hand, and the golden space around it was immediately shattered.

Afterwards, Zhan came to Luo Xiu's body and stood opposite him.

However, before Luo Xiu could speak, the Slaughter in his body spoke first.

"Old ghost warrior, don't be unharmed."

There was a slight smile in Slaughter's voice.

There is not only the joy of reunion of old friends, but also a bit of inexplicable ridicule.

After all, Luo Xiu was about to accept the inheritance of war.

Before that, he had already accepted his inheritance.

In that case, wouldn’t it be equivalent to eating his own leftovers?

No matter how tough you are during your lifetime, you still have to drink Lao Tzu's footwash after death.

Thinking this way, Xuan couldn't help but feel very good.

Although both of them are strong people from the same birth in the sixth era, there is always a mentality of comparison between people.

When I thought that he had overwhelmed Zhan Yi on the matter of choosing his successor, Xuan couldn't help feeling a burst of refreshment in his heart.

"Old Slaughter, if I'm not wrong, this kid should be your inheritor, right?"

In the tone of war, he couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness.

To be honest, he had seen some clues as early as when Xiu took the initiative to solve the extremely evil beast for Luo Xiu.

He obviously did not expect that he had been waiting for the inheritor for hundreds of millions of years, but he already had the inheritance of others.

Slaughter was not polite, and said carelessly: "Old ghost Zhan, don't chirp like a maiden, whether your inheritance will be given to this kid or not, hurry up and give you a happy and accurate word."

He and Zhanben belonged to the powerhouses of the same era. Even before the Sixth Era had died, the two of them had already met each other. Naturally, they would not be too polite in their words.

However, under Xuan's questioning, Zhan still did not reply.

After all, the selection of inheritors is not a trivial matter.

Anyone who is strong definitely hopes that his inheritor belongs to him alone, and only carries his own will.

Xuan didn't seem to care about sharing the inheritor with others, but Zhan still had some grudges.

However, Slaughter seemed to have seen through Zhan’s mind a long time ago. He smiled and said, “Old ghost, I want to remind you that it’s the Ninth Era now. Rumor?"

"If nothing happens, the world of great controversy is coming."

"If you continue to wait, I won't stop you."

"However, if this era is over and you can't wait for the inheritor, then you can only wait for your inheritance to rot in the ashes."

Slaughter's tone, although frivolous, was extremely accurate to poke the pain in Zhan's heart.

The reason why he hasn't waited for the inheritor for so many years is naturally because his requirements are extremely high.

Moreover, as Su said, it is now the end of the Ninth Age, and everyone is betting.

Betting on whether the Ninth Era will be like the first eight epochs, it will be ruined.

It is still true as the rumors say, it will be stabilized, and the world of great controversy will be completely opened!

Only then did Zhan realize that if he missed Luo Xiu this time, he would most likely lose... the only chance before the end of the Ninth Age.

After realizing this, Zhan's expression couldn't help becoming serious.

Afterwards, he sighed helplessly: "I didn't expect that in the end he would be calculated by a shameless old thing like you."

Xuan immediately understood Zhan's choice, and said with a smile: "How can this be considered a calculation? This is obviously a win-win cooperation."

"Think about it, isn't the successor cultivated by the power of the two of us much better than the other stinky fish and shrimps?"

"What's more, Luo Xiu's own talent is not low. With the help of you and me, he may truly be able to inherit the last wish of you and me, reach the ultimate summit, and see the end of the road of practice!"

I have to say that the words of Slaughter have a strong appeal.

Zhan was silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded calmly: "Then... just do what you said."

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