Monster Minotaur

Chapter 272 Halloween Joke

At this time, Mo Yan looked very confident, but in fact, he did have the capital to be confident. After being trained by the demon soul of the demon sword, the combat experience gained from killing thousands of times, and the power contained in the body created by the goddess, Mo Yan rarely has an opponent in a single battle on the entire continent, let alone There are also Ellie, Jones and others beside him. As long as there is no lack of intelligence, Mo Yan is not afraid of a group fight.

The last part of the demon sword is the core part of the entire demon sword. Without that thing, the so-called god-killing demon sword, it would not be able to complement it at all. At most, it can only be regarded as a sharper one, which is a bit weird. Just a powerful weapon of strength. Solomon, who created the God-killing Demonic Sword, would certainly not be able to challenge the gods with such a thing, so if Mo Yan wanted to fulfill his promise and help the goddess fight the gods, then that important core must be retrieved.

The core of the God-Slaying Demonic Sword is called the Soul, and it is said to be something like a golden energy ball that contains all the power necessary for a god. The divine power contained in it is even much more powerful than the divine power of some weak gods. Theoretically speaking, the gods who are combined with the broken divine power, the so-called godhead, have become a conceptual entity. Therefore, if you want to kill them, you must have a virtual conceptual entity. This contains The rules are not understandable to ordinary mortals.

To put it simply, the godhead can be regarded as their control over the world to a certain extent. They can use their power to have some influence on the mortal world, and this is the miracle that exists in history. When the ancient gods were first imprisoned and entered the divine realm, in order to maintain their authority and influence, the gods had to use some miracles to show their existence.

So things like crucified priests were resurrected, water turned into sweet wine, and wheat matured overnight. However, the appearance of miracles is a heavy burden for the gods. They need to channel their power through the godhead. To be transported to the mortal world and then have an impact on the entire world requires a lot of power.

Although they have the right to control the world, they do not have the power to continuously activate this ability. To put it in perspective, it is a device that requires two brand new batteries to operate. Now it only has two batteries that are almost dead, and it is very laborious to have any impact on the world. So now there are very few gods who are willing to spend their energy to perform miracles, which has also led to some people's unsteady beliefs.

As the most important component of the God-killing Demonic Sword, the Divine Soul was made by the great alchemist Solomon, and the material used was the Godhead. No one knows where or from whom Solomon obtained this thing that the gods fought for, just as no one knows where the Goddess of Pain used to become a god. But what can be confirmed is that the time they got is the same, but the methods used are different.

The goddess, who had disappeared for nearly two years, smiled and said nothing at what Mo Yan said. She, whose scheming has permeated the entire history, who created the body that Mo Yan currently uses, and who guides Mo Yan step by step, can be said to be the one who is most familiar with Mo Yan. If even she thought it would be difficult for Mo Yan to win, then this shouldn't be a joke. Looking at the goddess's smile, Mo Yan didn't change on the surface, but his heart did become wary.

Mo Yan has never been an arrogant person, and he has always been cautious about tasks. However, his caution is not expressed out loud, but hidden in his mind. To despise the enemy in terms of attitude and to give full attention to the enemy in terms of strategy is what Mo Yan learned from Taizu. So after finishing his big words, Mo Yan began to inquire about the enemy he was going to face to decide how he should face it.

No one is more familiar with this enemy than you. After hearing Mo Yan's inquiry, the goddess said: I have nothing more to reveal to you. When you see him, you will naturally know what I said. So are you going to deal with him now, or are you going to do this crucial task after you are more confident? I am also very curious about the two of you, who will win the final victory.

The goddess's words made Mo Yan even more confused. After he came to Hill Continent, he had not seen any old enemies. And some other guys whose names are worth remembering have been completely killed by him long ago. It is difficult to say that there is anyone who he is very familiar with. Mo Yan was not sure what the goddess said, but according to analysis, it was probably not the person around him. Otherwise, the goddess would not need to accumulate any power, she would just tell him who it was.

I can't think of who you are talking about. I may have a few familiar enemies on Earth, but I have no impression here at all. Mo Yan, who had no clue after thinking for a moment, said decisively He gave up this question that was destined to be fruitless and said: You can just send me there directly, as long as you don't send me in front of the enemy. This way I still have some time to figure out what riddle you are trying to play with me. .”

No problem. The goddess agreed to Mo Yan's request without hesitation: Before I send you away, you must pay attention to one thing. I can't provide you with any help on this mission. You have to rely on yourself to complete it. If you are killed by that person, everything here will belong to him, and he will take your place to complete the mission of killing gods.

Then can we go with you? Jones and Ellie, who had been listening to the goddess, asked, If the enemy is strong, we should be able to help. Obviously, the goddess's words frightened the two girls. The goddess rarely said such words. Even when she deprived Mo Yan of his power and sent him to hell full of vicious demons, the goddess did not say such an instruction.

My power can only send him there alone. The goddess shook her head and said, And facing such an enemy, you can't do much to help. The only thing you can rely on is Mo Yan's own power. But it's a pity that he is now Still unwilling to face it, the disharmony between body and soul prevents him from exerting his powerful strength. If he wants to come back alive, he must fully admit who he is now...

If it really comes to a critical moment of life and death, I will not give up using the method you mentioned. Mo Yan said after hearing the goddess's words that were like a reminder: Since it is a task that can only be completed by me, then I can't do it alone. There’s nothing more to say, just send me there directly.”

Mo Yan was fully mentally prepared. Judging from the goddess's words, there was only one enemy this time. Mo Yan believed that with his own means and strength, as long as he didn't start a war recklessly, he should still have a good chance of winning. After confirming that Mo Yan was ready, the goddess floated towards Mo Yan and stretched out her white hands in front of him to cover his eyes.

Mo Yan, whose eyes were covered, felt dizzy. When he came back to his senses and regained his vision, he was startled by the scene in front of him. The familiar decoration pattern, the long bright red carpet spanning the entire room, and the somewhat old desk. He didn't move at all and was still in his office. The only difference is that the large map he hung in his office was replaced by one of the entire continent at some point.

This joke is not funny at all. Mo Yan sighed and shouted into the air as he walked to the huge office window and looked down at the familiar city area he had seen countless times. Mo Yan's first thought about this situation was that the goddess was playing a harmless joke with him, or that she had joined forces with Ellie and the others to play a hide-and-seek game with him, but soon he discovered that there were many Something is wrong.

This place was familiar to him, but there was always a sense of incongruity. Not knowing what was going on, Mo Yan walked towards the door of the office, and after walking a few steps, he discovered something else wrong. He leaned down and looked at the red carpet under his feet. The material used was not the spider silk produced in the dungeon, but a strange kind of leather dyed.

And if Mo Yan saw it correctly... it was a material he was familiar with. When he was on a mission in Uncle Hei's territory a long time ago, he had seen some lamps or sofas made of human skin by some local warlords. Tools, Mo Yan also got a lampshade when he left, but because the performance was not very good, and Mo Yan was not a bloodthirsty pervert, he threw it into the sea when the helicopter was halfway through the flight.

Counting the's almost Halloween. Mo Yan stood up and pushed open the door, looking at the dark and lifeless corridor, thinking in his mind: Some time ago, I was talking to Jones and the others whether they wanted to come. A Halloween party or something. Maybe this is a surprise for me from their joint goddess? Under the guise of looking for the last part, this is a pretty good idea.

However, this idea completely changed after Mo Yan saw the decorations placed or hanging on both sides of the corridor. This idea could not be a Halloween joke. Mo Yan looked at the skull specimen of the five-color dragon clan elder hanging directly opposite the office and said, At least they won't joke about this...

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