Monster Minotaur

Chapter 258 The former Poseidon

It is not difficult to know the location of the seal. Mo Yan only needs to inquire about the Anas Islands. If there are those places where death is inevitable, then nine times out of ten it will be the right choice. After taking down the pirates, Mo Yan started looking for the seal that maintained the barrier between the main plane and hell based on the legends circulated among the pirates. I have to say that Mo Yan's luck is really not that good. After he destroyed an undead fleet that killed everything it saw, he killed three sea monsters as huge as hills, and explored a sea monster in the most brutal way. Behind the empty maze.

Mo Yan finally touched the right place and stood in front of the ruins where the seal was located. Mo Yan, who came down from the dragon's claws, shook the water on his body, almost despairing of his bad luck. He looked at the dilapidated ruins gate in front of him and said to Jones, who had transformed into a human being: The palace of Poseidon, this is Ana This is the last legend of the Islands. It is a legendary place that almost no one can reach, or no one has ever returned alive. If there is still nothing here, then I really have to talk to our goddess and see. Am I cursed by some god of bad luck?

Mo Yan, who has visited almost all the dangerous places in Anas, is now at the deepest point on the seabed of Anas Islands. Although this ruins is located on the seabed in the center of Anas, it has a layer of magical power that will All sea water is separated by an invisible barrier. Some strange-shaped plants grew in this dark and deep underground, emitting some colorful dim light, allowing Mo Yan to barely see clearly the huge white marble building standing in the darkness.

Huh... Mo Yan focused all his attention on the building, trying not to let himself look at the surrounding sea water and said, Let's go in. Because of Mo Yan's severe and abnormal deep-sea phobia, he can be regarded as a After being caught by Jones and diving into such a deep seabed, Mo Yan was almost no different from a piece of wood sculpture after contacting the sea water. He could only endure the fear and hold his breath and hope that this uncomfortable feeling would pass quickly. Fortunately, Jones gave himself the power of magic, and that painful and unusual journey ended soon.

It seems that the waterproof layer has failed, and even the sand has entered the hall. Jones, who followed Mo Yan into the ruins, looked at the white gravel accumulated in the hall and said, This should be a Good news, right? Being soaked by sea water will render many traps ineffective, and maybe the guardians of the ruins have also been drowned.

Little fool, these are not just sand. Mo Yan knelt down and grabbed a handful of white sand and said with a smile: These are the ashes of dead people. Judging from this amount, a lot of people must have died. Here, the thing that killed them must have lost all their flesh. There is a legend of Poseidon's Palace among pirates, which means that many people know about the existence of this place. Guys who are looking forward to becoming a nouveau riche will definitely not let it go. Here, greed is always the first factor in human death.”

Stepping on the ashes of many pirate braves, Mo Yan and Jones entered the depths of the large square. There they saw two steel giants, each broken into several pieces. Its eyes had been gouged out by someone unknown, and some remaining metal structures were in the eye sockets, indicating that it was made of some kind of technology. An inanimate construct created. It can be seen from the thick dust that fell on the giant body that this huge golem has been damaged for some time.

It seems that the pirates or some adventurers who came here in the past did not achieve anything. At least they have killed the huge guards guarding the hall. Mo Yan, who had no idea about these technologies, did not intend to pay enough attention to the broken big toy. However, just when he was about to leave, the habit of careful observation he had developed for a long time allowed him to discover something about the giant. Traces of freshness.

These are very new footprints. It seems that there is someone who got there first. Mo Yan looked at some of the footprints on the giant's body and some traces left nearby, and said to Jones who was still looking around: The next journey We have to cheer up. No matter what, there are six guys running in front of us. I bet they are not here to help us. Calculating the time, those gods' men are almost there, so they should send people here. Stopped us.”

It is impossible for the gods to ignore a black area that they cannot see through and wander around under their noses, especially when this dark area abducted the entire Dragon Island not long ago. Originally, Mo Yan planned to complete everything quickly without giving the gods any chance to counterattack, but unfortunately, he was really unlucky. He explored three or four legendary places but could not find the so-called seal, and in Ah The Nass Islands delayed.

Jones nodded after hearing Mo Yan's words, cast a few defensive spells on herself, followed Mo Yan closely, ready to attack anyone who appeared in front of her. The two people continued to walk towards the depths of the ruins, which the pirates called the Poseidon Temple. Along the way, the two people kept seeing destroyed traps and the corpses of some strange creatures lying on the ground. In terms of equipment and body shape, he is not a weakling.

Mo Yan was not happy because all these guards had been killed by the forerunners, but as he saw more and more corpses, his mood became more and more serious. No matter who these six people are, they all possess the strength that Mo Yan must pay attention to. Apart from the corpses of the damaged or dead guards along the entire road, Mo Yan never saw other corpses. After overcoming so many difficulties, Mo Yan never saw any other corpses. , the six of them didn’t even lose any one.

Near the end of the journey, Mo Yan and Jones came to a strange hall. In the center of this golden hall, there is a red diamond-shaped stone floating on a strange device, exuding some strange power, and some strange words are constantly flying out of the red stone. If It disappeared into the air like steam. The strange device was based on the power of these runes, flashing some electric sparks from time to time. No matter from which aspect, this should be this ruin, something important that is still in operation. equipment.

Jones, do you know what this thing is? Mo Yan, who thought he had obtained a few certificates and was considered half a scientific researcher, had no idea what this thing did. He could only turn to Jones, who was considered an expert. Asked: Or is this the so-called seal? Well... although the probability of this is not too high, after all, the six people have not missed the meeting yet. If this is the seal, they will definitely be waiting for us here. That’s right.”

I'm sorry, Master. Jones looked at the strange suspended red stone in front of him for a while, and finally shook his head and said: This is not a magical creation. Maybe the elders of the Dragon Clan know what it is, but I don't know anything about it. I don’t even have a clue. But since it is in this ruins, it should be related to the lost technology of other intelligent races, and it is probably some kind of instrument that relies on the power of runes.

That's a rune shield. A man's voice said from above Mo Yan's head: It's something we made by imitating the magic shield of monsters, but unfortunately we only succeeded in making this one, because The world was destroyed and all materials were lost. Mo Yan, who heard the voice, almost didn't even raise his head, and used the magic in his hand to shoot a slashing line, slashing at the stranger above his head.

What a rude guest. The slashing pattern of the magic sword had no effect, and the voice revealed some playfulness and said: If I wanted to kill you, you would have died just now. Like the sound of a slime falling to the ground, a man with dark green skin and eight octopus claws on his lower body fell from the ceiling and looked at Mo Yan, hidden in his thick brown beard, smiling. His mouth was full of black rotten teeth.

I don't have any good impressions of the owner who hangs himself on the ceiling and peeks at the guests like a pervert. Mo Yan looked at the man in front of him and raised his eyebrows and said, In addition, six of my friends should have come first. Where did you get them all? Their strength is not something you can easily grasp.

Lie! Lie! Lie! Monster, this is not a good habit. The man's eyes were crazy. He walked quickly in the hall and destroyed many decorations. Looking at Mo Yan's face, he said with ridicule: Those guys' Lackeys and monsters have always been mortal enemies, how could they become partners with you? Even if I have been imprisoned here for thousands of years, monsters can never become partners of the warriors of the gods! And... we know that you are all fighting for the same reason. Their idea, the safety of that seal is related to whether the monsters they drove to hell will come back to take back what they lost.

Listen to your words... You must have some grudges with those gods? Mo Yan heard the man's disdainful tone towards the gods and said, Then why not destroy the seal and let those gods get the punishment they deserve? I can even do it. Get you out of here and you will have the power to do a lot of things you want to do.

No one can try to destroy the seal! Six figures walked in from another door in the hall. The stains on their bodies and some damaged equipment showed that they had just experienced a battle. Standing among the six people In the first position, a warrior wearing an armor with angel wings, a voice coming from under the mask shouted: As long as we still have breath, no one can try to destroy the seal!

Hahaha... It seems that my little pet failed to kill you and kill you lackeys. The man laughed wildly and clapped his big hands in appreciation. In front of him were the six brave men who had just killed a powerful monster. But then he immediately looked at Mo Yan with crazy eyes, licked his lips with his tongue full of black mucus and said, Those bastards and I are not just having a holiday, I am Poseidon, the god of the sea who once controlled the entire ocean!

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