Monster Minotaur

Chapter 256 Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty The Messenger

Chapter 256 Chapter 250  Messenger

Just when Mo Yan was bullying the pirates in the Anas Islands, the situation in Elan also changed dramatically. Since Mo Yan's speech announcing the war, everyone has felt the change in the city's atmosphere. Some people who are unwilling to get involved in the war or who do not agree with Mo Yan have begun to move away from Thunder Bluff. Since the establishment of Thunder Bluff, the city's population has experienced negative growth for the first time. And among those who stayed, not everyone agreed with Mo Yan. Except for some spies from various forces, there were some guys who wanted to stab the enemy when the war broke out.

Just the day before yesterday, some cities far away from Thunder Bluff announced their independence from the New Elamite Federation almost at the same time they received Mo Yan's declaration. And he made it clear that he would immediately declare war on Thunder Bluff as long as there was an order from the temple. For these cities, there was no excessive punishment for Emily who stayed in Thunder Bluff. He just followed Mo Yan's instructions and wrote letters to all the city lords close to the cities that declared independence, promising to give them the money originally allocated to those cities and sending troops to garrison them.

Most of those hesitant cities have tasted the sweetness and are hesitant to side with Thunder Bluff or the gods. After all, in their opinion, Thunder Bluff is not without a chance of winning in the war. The huge cross shining in the sky a few nights ago was like a quiet whisper in the ears, and the illnesses and wounds were healed. Everyone was I know that this is the power that only a true god can have, and no magic, no matter how powerful it is, can match it.

And in terms of strength, the Salt people know best. Thunder Bluff has advanced technology that far exceeds that of the Central Plains countries, and its weapons and equipment are also varied. In addition, the terrain of Elam is quite complex. Even if the coalition forces from the entire continent come, they may not be able to capture the New Elam Federation in a short time. The reason why the tauren told this important news before the war started is to stabilize his Clear potential threats from the base area.

Now, as long as there are people with some brains in Elan, they will not jump out to express their intentions at this time, because no matter which side they are now, they are not able to deal with it. So for now, we can only maintain the status quo and wait until the war breaks out to see how the situation turns out, so that we can finally confirm which side we are on.

For a time, the entire Salt people were divided into three types of people. One type of people was determined to follow the guidance of the gods when the Tauren declared war. This type of people accounted for the majority in Elam. The second type of people are the smart people just mentioned. Most of them wait for the opportunity in a wait-and-see state to maximize their own interests. The number of such people accounts for a part. The smallest number of people are those who support Mo Yan. Most of them live a good life and have received a lot of favors from Mo Yan to work in Thunder Bluff. They believe what Mo Yan said and are already prepared to defend their homeland.

No one cares about the changes in Elam, but there are people secretly recording everything. The SS troops belonging to Thunder Bluff have their own strongholds in all cities in Elam, and they are paying attention to the changes in the entire situation at all times. They were sneaking and observing in the darkness, judging the intentions of most citizens in a city. This would be an important basis for deciding how Mo Yan would treat them in the future. There were many positions waiting in the mines of Ironforge. Someone to fill it.

Now Elan is like a silently fermenting medicine, slowly brewing some kind of violent reaction. But in the Central Plains area outside Elam, a fierce battle had just ended. On the plains where new grass grows. Now there are naked bodies and burning flames, and some soldiers are digging caves to bury the bodies. Using decoys to lure five or six legions to the explosion area, the Lightning Legion and the unnamed Slave Legion completed a perfect coordinated operation and completely defeated Maro's legions who tried to surround them. This was a victory with a small victory. Many honorable battles.

All the Salt warriors had smiles on their faces, and they gathered around without even caring about the wounds on their bodies, opened the wine barrels to celebrate the victory, and blessed those heroic spirits who could go to the Hall of Honor of the God of War. The Salt camp located near the battlefield is now completely noisy. However, as the legion commander who planned all of this, Refola was not in the mood to celebrate. The supply airship that had just arrived sent a message, which made Refola not sure how to deal with it.

The Lord of the City respects your choice. The SS standing in front of Refola said: It doesn't matter if you want to support the gods, you just need to leave with the people you want to leave. Because weapons and armor are both It is the property of Thunder Bluff, so we need to recycle your equipment and supplies. Of course, the share of the battle just now will still be distributed, and the pensions for the soldiers who died in the battle will be distributed according to the original standards.

Why are you suddenly fighting against the gods? Glock, who had been staying aside, asked: Thunder Bluff has never done anything extraordinary. Even if it is because of the status of the city lord as a monster, the gods should not do it. Such a move. War is not a good thing for either party, let alone a confrontation with an entire continent's races. It will be difficult for us to win in a fight.

The gods are jealous of Thunder Bluff's achievements, so they want to eradicate the entire Thunder Bluff. The SS who sent the letter heard Glock's words and said: Monsters have always been monsters in the wild. Suddenly there is an alien like the Lord of the City. Maybe It will become an opportunity to change the entire continent. The gods are worried that the power possessed by the monsters exceeds that of other races, so there is no surprise in taking action at this time. As for the issue of victory or defeat, the city lord naturally has his own plans.

Refola was lying on the table in deep thought. The sudden message was so sudden that he needed some time to think about it carefully. After a while, he still didn't pay attention. He raised his head and said to the SS soldier: I will give you the answer when we evacuate tomorrow morning. I think there is no rush for this moment. Go and arrange the courier's residence, Glock.

There was no surprise to Refola's hesitant messenger. When he set out, Regal had already told him not to push too hard in this regard. He had already fought against the Central Plains people and was almost familiar with Carthage. The climate and terrain of the legion will have many benefits for the upcoming war, and even if you cannot win the loyalty of this legion, you should not let them become enemies immediately, so it is necessary to adopt a tolerant policy.

The messenger who came with the Zeppelin followed Glock and left Refola's tent. He put on his hood to cover his appearance and asked Glock as if chatting: By the way. , I heard that the one fighting with you this time is a legion composed of slaves from Carthage. Their legion leader is still a village girl. Is she really what she said, that there is a god guiding her to fight? ?I’m curious about that.”

Are the SS also interested in such information? Glock smiled when he heard the messenger's words. He glanced at the Carthage Legion stationed not far away and said, Although everyone said so, I I didn't see anything different about that girl. She was just a Carthage girl. That is to say, she was very familiar with the deployment of battles and could easily grasp the key points of the battles. But this may be because of her talent. 's sake.

In other words, she doesn't have any special power? The messenger who followed Regel and passed through the disguised camps nodded and said to himself: Hmm... does she have an accurate grasp of the battle? ? If she really has nothing to do with the gods, then she can be saved.

What are you talking about? Glock asked, hearing the messenger muttering to himself.

Nothing. The messenger smiled and said, If possible, I need to visit that lady tomorrow. I wonder if you can introduce her to me. I have some things that I need to talk to her about. Carthage said. The village girl who formed a slave army under the banner of the gods is very famous, and the SS in Thunder Bluff have certainly heard of it. And just recently, the SS received a message from someone they were lurking in Carthage. Apparently, this girl who claims to be an angel has caused dissatisfaction with the temple. If nothing else, she may be He was betrayed by his own monarch and burned to death in the so-called heresy court.

And it just so happened that the messenger needed to come to Refola, so the main mission of the messenger was supplemented with a side mission. Find out about the girl and decide whether to lure her over depending on the situation. Elan has always been short of talents who can command. If the girl's divine guidance is a lie, then it means that she has a very rare talent for command. It is better to recruit such talents to her subordinates.

After a night's rest, the messenger emerged from his tent. But he happened to see Glock coming to find him. It seemed that Refola had made his decision. Arriving at Refola's tent again, the messenger saw Refola with some dark circles under his eyes, and the candlestick on his table was also full of melted candles. It seemed that the legion commander, who was already quite old, had lost his temper yesterday. I spent a whole night thinking here.

I am willing to continue to serve the Lord of the City. This is my answer. Refola said after seeing the messenger come in. Refola thought a lot last night. He recalled all the life he had experienced in Thunder Bluff. Although he and Mo Yan had a hostile relationship at the beginning, the relationship has become very weak now. Later in life, Refola also learned a lot about Mo Yan. Mo Yan is a qualified monarch in every aspect. If it weren't for a certain reason, he would never take the initiative to challenge an enemy who is much stronger than him.

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