Monster Minotaur

Chapter 236 Jones is coming of age

August suddenly said these two pieces of news, which made Mo Yan feel that happiness came too suddenly. If the railgun built in Elam can hit the center of the continent, then if it is built in the center of the continent, it can almost cover the entire continent. August is indeed a lich who has lived for a long time. Originally, according to Ryze's expectation, the design of such a thing would not be completed until at least next year, let alone starting construction. Such a very mentally demanding task, the Lich completed most of it in just a few days after coming to Thunder Bluff.

Then that guy Ryze can die with peace of mind. Just now, I was still hesitating whether to execute him. After confirming that August has talents that far surpass Ryze, Mo Yan, who originally cherished his talents, The decision was made immediately. If Ryze hadn't caused so many things, those guys from Maro wouldn't have found mercenaries so quickly and turned the entire Thunder Bluff into a mess.

That mage has extraordinary talents. He can come up with these weird things, but he is quite good. August looked at the tauren and said: But even so, the mistakes he made must be punished. , rewards and punishments are obviously the most basic way to control your subordinates. If you are worried that he is unwilling to serve you, maybe I can use his soul to make a soul servant. Although it is not as powerful as a lich, it is still a mage and can serve Thunder Ya continues to contribute his talents.”

I'll leave these matters to you to decide. I will publicly execute him in three days. You can hand the soul-collecting instrument to the executioner, and he will collect his soul after hanging him. Mo Yan After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, Then you and I can go to Jones' place to have a look. I don't know what disease he got. First he fainted for no reason, and now he is extremely weak even though he has woken up.

Compared with powerful weapons, Mo Yan cared more about the people around him. After all, no matter how powerful the weapons are, no real emotion can warm people's hearts. Jones is an important person to Mo Yan. Mo Yan is also very worried when she becomes so ill. Of course, he is not willing to delay for a moment and wants August to see Jones immediately.

So there is a black dragon beside you? August asked with interest: It seems that Thunder Bluff is much more powerful than I imagined, and this may be the reason why you can defeat the Salt people. The reason why the territory is established. Please wait a moment. I will draw a few important locations, and then I will go with you to see the black dragon. If possible, I want some dragon blood. I haven’t gotten it so precious for a long time. With the materials, there are several conceivable experiments that can be done.”

Mo Yan waited for August for a while, and then walked towards Jones' room with the Lich. On the way, Mo Yan had a brief chat with August about the weapon and learned some about the current design of the weapon. August also learned that the idea of ​​this weapon was actually proposed by Mo Yan for Ryze to design. Except for the specific design related to magic, all the ideas were proposed by Mo Yan himself.

Precisely because it was the idea proposed by Mo Yan, of course it was Mo Yan who did the naming. He called the weapon that Lich had 80% completed called the Magic Energy Electromagnetic Railgun. Some of it was second-rate. The disease is cheesy but the most relevant. During the brief conversation with August on the road, while Mo Yan understood the usefulness of the weapon, he also learned that there were actually many problems with the weapon. Even though its design drawing is now 80% complete, it is not yet the final version.

The entire weapon still needs a long time to optimize, remove some unnecessary things, or develop a better magic system to replace some overly bloated magic circle structures. But no matter how this thing is ultimately optimized, the most important part will not change much in the near future. Mo Yan needs many, many precious magic materials to build the most important core part.

The price of anything that has anything to do with magic is terrifying. Even Thunder Bluff, which is making huge profits, does not have enough financial resources to support such a large project. What's more, ordinary people cannot be used for construction. A large number of spellcasters are needed to ensure the speed of construction. If you only plan to rely on August alone, then you may not be able to use this thing for thousands of years.

At the same time, although this weapon can shoot cannonballs very far, if the power of the cannonball is too small, the entire weapon will be meaningless. Even if the cannonball can be fired into someone else's capital, what's the use if it can't cause any damage? If the railgun was in hell, the demons of Metropolis Magic might be able to build it, and the range would even be farther, but this is an extremely difficult project in the main plane.

Is the result just a delicious pie that can be seen but not eaten? Mo Yan, who stood in front of Jones' door for the second time today, said after listening to August's explanation: But it's not that What is there to worry about? As long as black technology exists, even if it cannot be built, it is still a good progress. Thunder Bluff's current advantages are already very obvious, and it is one or two hundred years ahead of the level of those Central Plains countries.

Such a thing that looks quite powerful turns out to be limited due to insufficient productivity. Of course, Mo Yan felt quite sorry, but there was no way around it. Some things could not be solved in a short while. He could only use the excuse that Thunder Bluff's technology was already very powerful to comfort himself for his disappointment. .

The two people who had arrived at Jones's door pushed the door open and walked in. Jones, who was already very weak, was already closing his eyes to rest. Hearing the sound of opening the door, he opened his eyes and looked at the two people who walked in with some curiosity. . The night was getting a little late now, and Mo Yan should have gone back to the bedroom to rest. Why did he come here to himself again? Mo Yan looked at the confused Jones and explained the situation briefly, asking Jones to cooperate with the Lich to check his body.

Because it was Mo Yan's permission, Jones cooperated with the Lich's inspection. After a while, the lich who came to treat the black dragon took one last look at the black dragon's eyes, tongue and teeth, then nodded and said: You almost know what the situation is, so answer a few questions from me. How many years have you lived since you were born? You should know that when dragons are about to reach adulthood, they need to return to Dragon Island for their own coming-of-age ceremony.

Are you saying that the reason why Jones is like this is because he has reached adulthood? Mo Yan asked after listening to August's words. Hearing Mo Yan's words, August floated to Jones, who was still in the dragon body. He grabbed her scales with his hands and pulled them off easily without using any strength. He said to Mo Yan: Yes, this is easy. The fallen scales are the most direct proof that he has now reached the stage of starting to shed his scales, and he will be officially an adult after completing the scale replacement.

I don't want to leave Thunder Bluff. After hearing the Lich's words, Jones looked at Mo Yan. Knowing that the matter could no longer be hidden, he said a little aggrievedly: I know that I have reached the age to return to Dragon Island, but I don’t want to leave the master’s side. I can spend my adulthood even here, not to mention the master made me optimistic about his power when he left.”

What nonsense! Mo Yan reprimanded angrily after hearing what August and Jones said: Since you have reached the age where you must go back, why are you still hanging around here? If something goes wrong with you during this period, What can you ask me to do to save you? Your life is important in terms of strength and so on! I will send you to Dragon Island in a few days.

The coming-of-age ceremony is not a simple process. Although not many people know the specific process, it is certain that it is very important to the Dragon Clan. August continued to explain to Mo Yan: It is not necessary to complete the coming-of-age ceremony on Dragon Island. Dragons can also survive, but their strength will be much worse than other adult dragons, and the strength of their scales will also be greatly affected. Even if they are used as materials in the future, they can only be regarded as inferior products. Although Ogu St's words are a little strange, but they also illustrate the importance of this coming-of-age ceremony.

Jones has now lost the strength to fly back to Dragon Island. Even with such a huge body, it would be very troublesome for Mo Yan to get him to Dragon Island. And if Jones changes back to a human body, although the size problem is solved, he will also lose the ability to fly. Although Dragon Island is called an island, it is not on the ocean. There is a place on the mainland that is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round. The Dragon Island is located 10,000 meters above the ground.

The entire Dragon Island is made of a strange stone that can float above the ground without being affected by gravity. Because the long-term fog on the ground blocks the view, almost no one knows the location of Dragon Island, and even if they know it, it is of little use. Dragon Island is a gathering place for the most powerful creatures on the mainland, even if it is the mainland The most powerful warrior in the world would not be willing to break in there.

That's it. Mo Yan, who understood the problem, said without giving Jones any rebuttal: I will use Nightmare to send you there myself. As my mount, you must remain strong, otherwise you will be of no use to me. , and I will ruthlessly abandon people who are of no use to me.

Mo Yan's merciless words made Jones distressed, but there was a strange sweetness in her heart. This was the feeling of being cared for by someone she had never experienced before. Just like when she and Mo Yan first met, everything Mo Yan did for her made her feel happy and moved from the bottom of her heart.

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