Monster Minotaur

Chapter 233 Unexpected Guest

Ryze's power is considered powerful among mages. Because he likes to travel around and learn all kinds of knowledge, the magic categories he masters are more extensive. If he is classified according to his own internal classification among these mages, he should be regarded as a battle mage. Compared with those academic mages who prefer to study the principles of magic and take it as their mission to promote the progress of the entire magic world.

The combat skills of battle mages are even more powerful. They are the most dangerous existences among spell casters. Most of the magic they prepare in their spell casting equipment is used to kill enemies. With the battle mages fighting at full strength, even a group of monsters will have a hard time getting close to them. The power of the elements is very intuitive and extremely destructive. Even for a creature as powerful as Mo Yan, if those battle mages studied it carefully for a period of time, they would be able to come up with a plan to defeat him.

But obviously Ryze didn't expect Mo Yan to come to him. This powerful tauren was not in his plan. Having escaped from Thunder Bluff for nearly half a month, he thought that his whereabouts were already very hidden. And even after Mo Yan came back from hell and knew his location through the SS soldiers following him, it would still take several days to get here from Thunder Bluff, and by that time they were already at the beach. In the big city, there are many Salters who provide them with shelter. No matter how powerful Mo Yan is, he cannot act recklessly in the city. He knows that Mo Yan cares about the belonging of these Salters.

But now that the tauren has appeared in front of Ryze, it seems a bit stupid to say It can't be like this! Ryze could only fight with his own strength, starting with the most powerful killing move he had prepared. However, even so, he still underestimated Mo Yan's power. Now that he has no trump card, he can only choose to activate his second plan. A gem at the top of the magic circle flashes, and Ryze moves to the distance like a phantom. Transformation is always the favorite of mages. One of the magic spells, it can immediately distance yourself from the opponent rushing in front of you. It is also a good escape magic.

You can't escape! At the moment when Ryze transformed and changed his position, Mo Yan also kicked the ground and rushed towards him. The huge force caused the ground to shatter and Mo Yan disappeared like an afterimage. When he reappeared, he was already gone. In front of Ryze, he rushed toward him very quickly. Because Mo Yan still wanted to capture him alive, he did not stab him with the magic sword in his hand, but grabbed Ryze's staff with his big hand.

The most important thing for a mage is the spell-casting item he uses to prepare and store magic. Once they lose this weapon for casting spells, almost all the magic they prepared during meditation the night before will be taken away. gone. Most spellcasters prefer to use wands, or magic balls, and magic books. But it does not exclude a small number of weirdos who will use some weird things as spellcasting items.

And facing the tauren's robbery, as the most important thing for a spellcaster, how could there be no means of protection? Just when Mo Yan's big hand was about to touch Ryze's staff, the original physical magic circle suddenly turned into a phantom. Mo Yan's big hand passed through it without catching anything. This was a virtual magic circle imposed on the staff. Transformation technique.

Under the influence of his own inertia, Mo Yan's body rushed forward for a while before stopping. When he turned around to catch Ryze again, he found that he had already transformed and returned to where he was just now. . The move that seemed to be about escaping just now was just to lure Mo Yan away from the camp. He would not give up on the three girls who fainted in the camp.

Mo Yan, who knew he had been fooled, was not impatient. Before he could stand still, he pounced back again and took out a magic-breaking arrow that he got from Regel and smeared with magic-forbidden potion from his waist. , was thrown from his hand like a dart and shot towards Ryze's knee.

Ryze, who had already picked up a girl, quickly applied a frost shield to himself with the staff in his hand. However, the magic-breaking arrows he made were not inferior products. Under Mo Yan's huge power, the Demon-Breaking Arrow penetrated the thick ice floating around him without any hindrance, and inserted itself into Ryze's knee.

Looking at Mo Yan who was already in front of him, Ruiz endured the pain and no longer wanted to save the next one. A complete magic array shot out from the tail of his staff, and a complete teleportation array instantly appeared on the ground. Looking at this familiar thing, Mo Yan immediately knew what Ryze was thinking. He waved the magic sword in his hand towards him without caring about anything else. Since he could no longer be captured alive, he could only kill him!

Although Mo Yan was extremely fast, a stone wall suddenly rose up blocking his view. The long sword in Mo Yan's hand remained unchanged like cutting butter, cutting the solid stone wall into two pieces with one stroke. Mo Yan didn't see Ryze when he regained his vision. In this gap of almost a second, Ryze behind the wall had teleported away, and no one knew where he had teleported. Although you can also use the power of magic to trace the fluctuations of magic power to find their transmission location at this time, there is no mage here now.

I still cherish talents too much. Mo Yan kicked the broken stone wall away and said helplessly with a sigh. As the chief researcher of Thunder Bluff, Mo Yan has been relying on him to develop new weapons and some small items that are very practical for production. This makes Mo Yan a little reluctant to kill him immediately. After all, no matter in that century Talents are scarce. Now Ruiz no longer knows where to escape, just because Mo Yan wanted to capture him alive.

Perhaps in the future, I will have to contend with the coalition forces led by a large group of divinely chosen warriors. Mo Yan looked at the two girls who were still in the camp and thought: My lady goddess, can you still track me? Are you going to Ryze's position? If not, you have to think about how to help me get through this difficulty.

Do you know how to call me Goddess now? The goddess in my mind said with a smile: But unfortunately, even if your attitude has changed now, I have no way to find him there. He has not put his The souls merged together. And the only one who was the beacon is here now, not taken away by him.

Seeing that the battle was over, Regal came over from a distance with the escaped Bellica who had escaped at the beginning. The rope had already tied up the woman who looked extremely angry and was quite strong. Mo Yan ignored it. Bellica, who stared at him, thought for a moment and said, Does that mean we can only prepare for war? To be honest, Thunder Bluff is far from ready now. If a war starts, it will only make people miserable. We are at a disadvantage. Not to mention that Ryze still knows so many secrets. The secret weapons I have prepared will become useless or be easily copied by others. It is not possible to compete with the entire continent in terms of productivity in Thunder Bluff.

I may be able to provide you with some advantages. When you go back this time, put Tai Ruolan's Heart in the temple. Mo Yan's words made the goddess think for a moment and then said: Those intruders are now imprisoned by me in the God Realm. In , they don’t have many ways to influence the world. And I have already separated the control of the entire Elam from the entire divine power. Having gained greater power, I will make all the monsters in Elam, They all become your helpers.”

Mo Yan felt a little confident about the goddess. Now that things have developed like this, it is already very good for the goddess to provide such help. With hordes of monsters that can regenerate themselves, coupled with Thunder Bluff's production capacity and advanced weapons, it may be too ridiculous to defeat the coalition forces across the entire continent, but it can still be done to defend the entire Elan. And just when Mo Yan had decided to secretly prepare for a large-scale war after returning, he received an unexpected guest a few days later.

Implement these things and start delivering weapons and equipment to the border from now on. Mo Yan looked at the ministers he selected in the conference room and distributed the documents he had spent time writing after returning to Thunder Bluff. He put it into their hands and said: You must be nervous from now on. Our grain reserves are still too small. I plan to build several large granaries on the outskirts of the city. I hope that next year our grain output will be able to Fill it all up.”

Several ministers looked at the documents in their hands. Most of them were instructions to expand weapons production facilities and output, and to recruit more craftsmen. When related to the food problem just mentioned, these not-so-stupid people smelled something like war. They knew that they were preparing for a war, but they couldn't figure out who their enemy was.

Today's Elam can be regarded as the only one in the Thunder Bluff family. Even other cities that have not joined the New Elam Federation are now relying on Thunder Bluff to make a living. If Thunder Bluff doesn't like anyone, it only needs a slight economic adjustment to cause them to suffer huge losses immediately.

If there are any questions that need to be raised, you can raise them now and I will make some adjustments, but my minimum requirements... Mo Yan looked at these department leaders and was about to continue talking when the door of the conference room suddenly opened. Being pushed away. Reger came in from outside, came to Mo Yan's side, and said something in his ear.

Why is he here? Mo Yan frowned and said after being interrupted. He knew that Reger was not such a ignorant person. Now he was holding an important meeting. Unless it was something particularly important, he should not interrupt him at this time. Regel said something more in the Minotaur's ear. Mo Yan was stunned for a moment and then a happy smile appeared on his face. He looked at the ministers who didn't know why and said with a smile: This meeting is cancelled. The things inside are useless. Everything is still developing steadily as planned before. I have some important things to deal with, so that’s it.”

The atmosphere that was about to break out of a war immediately dissipated after Mo Yan smiled. After the tauren left, the ministers, all of whom held considerable power, discussed what had happened. No matter what happened, it must be a good thing not to have to fight.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone. Thank you to the readers who recommended it and the friends who sent me mooncakes.

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