Monster Minotaur

Chapter 223 Magic Energy Core Room

Mo Yan, who was covered in wounds, looked at the three-headed basilisk in front of him, breathing heavily and feeling a little dizzy. He was playing a simple game with this strange guy, guessing which hand a golden soul coin was in the basilisk's hand. This was originally a simple game, but Mo Yan had guessed it more than twenty times and still failed to get it right. Regarding such a result, some people may say that when it comes to guessing coins, even if you choose casually with your eyes closed, there is a 1/2 chance of guessing correctly. How unlucky is a person who fails to guess twenty times? can do it.

And if the person who made such sarcastic remarks stood in front of Mo Yan, Mo Yan would definitely beat him into a pig's head, then throw him in front of the basilisk, point at his eight hands, and ask him to calculate which half he was. The probability of one! What's more, the basilisk's hand speed can even form a large whirlwind on the ground while exchanging coins back and forth. Mo Yan needed extremely powerful dynamic vision to see the alternation of soul coins. If he was confused, he would forget where the soul coins were, and in the end he could only rely purely on luck.

As for why Mo Yan wants to play this game with this basilisk that he can't seem to win? This started when Mo Yan just entered the room. Three hours ago, Mo Yan walked out from behind a statue. After passing through a not-so-long deserted passage, he came to the gate of a rich man made of silver, gold, and a large number of precious stones. If If Lilith remembers correctly, then behind this gate is the most important core area of ​​magic energy in the entire castle.

Saradus is simply the most narcissistic person I have ever seen. Mo Yan walked to the tall and luxurious door, looked at the naked demon with a muscular body painted on the door, and thought about the corridor he just walked through. On both sides, there are sculptures of the same person with different postures. Mo Yan gave Saladus the most precise definition: And he is also an extremely tasteless guy. Such a wealthy person will never know what art is.

After casually complaining about Saladus's taste, Mo Yan began to think about how to enter this gate. He had just tested it, and no matter whether he pushed hard or pulled outward, he could not open the door. Although the door was decorated with many flashy things on the surface, it had an unusually thick and strong connotation. Even if Mo Yan used the magic sword in his hand, it only destroyed the outer decoration and exposed the black metal inside.

Although the sharp magic sword can be inserted slowly, it will take a long time to completely open a passage for Mo Yan to enter. At that time, Ariana had probably finished the battle and came back with Saladus' head. Mo Yan's plan to improve his status by capturing the castle could only be considered a failure.

Is there some mechanism that I don't know about? Mo Yan stood in front of the door and thought carefully, stroking his chin and observing some details that he had overlooked, and thought: I should have asked Lilith just now. She must know what to do. How to open this door. Now I have an intuition that I seemed to have overlooked some important details just now, but what is it...

And just when Mo Yan seemed to be grabbing something, the gorgeous door suddenly opened, opening like automatic doors on both sides, as if mocking Mo Yan's IQ. This made Mo Yan look extremely embarrassed. He was just thinking about whether there was some mystery on the mural, or some other secret mechanism, but he didn't expect that it was just the way he opened the door that was wrong!

It's not stupid to be confused occasionally! Hmm! Putting away the feeling as if ten thousand grass-mud horses were running through his heart, Mo Yan walked into the suddenly opened door and entered the most important area of ​​the entire black castle. The bright spherical space appears very huge, but the hugeness here cannot be seen from the outside. Mo Yan thinks this is probably some kind of space magic. Even if it looks small on the outside, it can be huge on the inside.

The entire magic energy core room is like a spherical interior. The walls are filled with powerful Hills crystal pillars, which are as dense as if they cost nothing. The light blue light makes this room extremely bright even without any lighting equipment. The materialized particles of energy are scattered everywhere, making the entire space feel like a dream.

A long and narrow corridor leads directly from the door to the middle of the sphere, connected to a square crystal platform. On this crystal platform are all kinds of magic circles, as if they are alive and breathing. Flashing very rhythmically. There is a strange hollow sphere in the center of the platform. Most of the energy particles scattered by the Hills crystal columns inserted into the walls of the spherical room are absorbed by it, and are eventually compressed into a bright energy ball in the center.

Are you the last guards? Mo Yan looked at the three humanoid creatures standing on the only passage, pointed at them with the magic sword in his hand and said, I thought I could directly destroy the core, but it seems that I What you want can always come true. But I am not disappointed. Now your monarch cannot survive tonight. I think you should have heard of Queen Arena's strength. Although it may be possible to say it out There will be some embarrassment, but I can actually say something to her. If I am very angry, you will not have a good life in the future.

At this time, Mo Yan was like a fox pretending to be a tiger. He could only rely on the power of others to intimidate others, but Mo Yan was not ashamed of this. No matter what method is used to solve the problem, it is considered a success. Why bother to fight and kill a problem that can be solved with words? Mo Yan is not the kind of muscular man who only uses violence to solve problems, although his muscles do look very big now.

Do you think... we are Saladus' men? Among the three creatures, a lion-headed guy looked at the tauren walking towards them and said in a deep voice: Then you are totally wrong. We are here to help him guard the magic core, which is nothing more than an equal exchange. What's more, after the battle with Saladus, how much power does your queen have left? Maybe the three of us can connect her Kill together.

Mo Yan did not turn on his soul vision here, or in other words, he turned off his soul vision after entering here. There are a lot of high-energy things here, and even if you open your mind, you won't be able to see anything. So Mo Yan doesn't know the strength of the three people in front of him, but for the lion-headed guy, Mo Yan thinks he is a little arrogant. Yes, Ariana may be a little weak after the battle, but she still has many strong men under her, and even if she doesn't do anything, someone will be able to kill these three guys.

Haha... Raku is a little irritable. Standing in the middle of the three people, the creature with three snake heads stuck out its long tongue, looked at Mo Yan in front of him with evil eyes and said, Just as Raku said That way, we are not Saladus's men. We have signed a contract with Saladus to guard this place for him for a thousand years, and he will fight for us against a hellish lord. We are not unwilling Let you destroy the harmony, but the contract is very strong. If we violate the contract, we will only lose our lives in vain.

The three-headed basilisk seemed to be the one talking to these three people. His body was as slender as a snake and looked very flexible. The black robe he was wearing made his body invisible, but Mo Yan was sure that there was something about it under the robe. There are some weapons hidden there, because they look like they have some strange bulges. Standing to the left of the basilisk was the lion head who spoke first. Shining metal armor covered his whole body, but there were no weapons on his body, only a pair of hands with sharp claws.

Standing on the right side of the basilisk was a man covered in white scales. He was also wearing a robe and he never said a word. Among the three people, perhaps he was the only one who looked the most similar. Human beings. But that expression that looked like he was about to cry at any moment, seemed to have an extremely tragic past and the weight of life that had taken over him, as if he could take out a sword and hit him with it at any time. These three people did not look like ordinary people, and Mo Yan had no intention of treating them as ordinary creatures.

Then... there's no more talk? Mo Yan sighed, put on a fighting stance and said, Although it will be very difficult to deal with three people at once, there is nothing we can do about it. I must destroy the demon you are protecting immediately. Energy core. Since there is no way to overwhelm them with power, they can only use pure violence.

No, no... we don't want to fight you. The three-headed snake shook its head and said with a smile: As you said, Saladus is about to be finished. And we don't want to offend Ariana's favor. Sir, we have all heard your insults outside these days very clearly. Since Saladus cannot fulfill his promise, we still plan to rely on the power of Queen Arena to realize our desire for revenge.

Then let me destroy the core. Mo Yan was a little confused as to what the guy in front of him wanted to do.

But now we are still bound by the contract. Breaking the contract will directly kill us. The snakehead shook his head again and said: Perhaps you can wait until Queen Arena kills Saladus, and after the contract After the power is released and the core is destroyed, we will even help you destroy this thankless thing. Of course...if you don't want to wait, we don't actually have no workarounds. You...just need to defeat us. ”

If you have any evil ideas, just tell me. Mo Yan, who had no time to talk and run around, looked at the basilisk in front of him with some boredom and said. The basilisk has just made it clear that he does not want to fight, so the defeat here cannot be a fight. He must be trying to break the contract in some way, or... he is just playing tricks on Mo Yan. If It was the latter Mo Yan who would let him know the price of playing tricks on him.

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