Monster Minotaur

Chapter 217 Provoking Saladus

Ever since Mo Yan and Ariana made a plan to anger Saladus, they came to the barracks outside Saladus city to carry out the operation. If it comes to how to win a war in hell, Mo Yan is definitely an amateur among amateurs. But if it comes to how to anger an arrogant guy, then he can boast that no one is more professional than him.

The demons that took off from the military camp every day when attacking the city began to bring some leaflets printed with new technologies. They would scatter these leaflets into the city when they flew within the city. Let the siege soldiers or ordinary demons in the city learn some very interesting stories so that they will not be too bored after the battle.

The pattern on the back of these flyers is of a sturdy minotaur holding two succubi. The two succubi are no different from Lilith and Vivian in terms of hair color and face. Their expressions are more charming and coquettish. There is even an arrow pointing to the tauren's crotch on this pattern, and on the other end of the arrow is written a mean word: Saladus, you know why they left you!

On the front of the leaflet, there are some short stories written. Although each story only has a few sentences, the central idea is extremely clear. The main characters of the story are also four creatures, one or They are a demon that is useless, ugly, disgusting and mentally retarded, a tauren who is fully developed in moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills and laughs at demons, and two charming succubi with beautiful looks.

Everyone in the territory of Saladus will know who the demon in the story is as long as they see this flyer. Mo Yan's humorous language and subtle sarcasm mean that no matter how broad-minded a person is, when he becomes the ridiculed devil in these stories, he will immediately go crazy with anger and seek revenge on the instigator.

In fact, these leaflets were only distributed for two days and then stopped. Because the flying demons of Saladus began to target these Ariana soldiers carrying leaflets, leaving them no time to scatter leaflets, and there were also patrols on the ground. Team, any demon who dared to pick up these flyers would be killed immediately, so no one dared to touch these things in a short time, but these stories were still circulating secretly.

Some people even saw a big hole being destroyed on the top floor of Saladus' castle. Needless to say, only Saladus could do it. The story in the flyer and the pattern made him Furious. He wished he could immediately cut the tauren into pieces and use his most cruel methods to torture him forever! However, Saladus finally resisted the urge. He knew that Ariana had arrived outside the city at this time.

These leaflets and stories were nothing more than traps set to get him out of the city. Although Saladus didn't want to admit it, he was actually no match for Medusa. He may be able to cause her to suffer some serious injuries, but he will definitely be the one who dies in the end. Saladus cannot die for such reasons. He still has some courage that a hell monarch must have. , although most of the time he did not use this energy.

But Saladus did not rush out of the city, and Mo Yan was not particularly disappointed. Because he also knows that it is not that easy to anger a hell monarch, not to mention that Mo Yan's method is not limited to leaflets. Just as the demons were delivering leaflets to the city, Mo Yan had already asked the mages in the military camp to build a sound amplification array. This array could emit sound that could be heard in half the city. It could not only propagate sound waves in a directional manner , and even used two Hills crystal pillars frantically.

These crystal pillars with huge magical energy are very difficult to make even in hell. They can provide huge energy for the semi-permanent star gate teleportation array. At this time, providing energy for an enlarged version of the amplification array is simply like adding aviation gasoline to a tractor! Although sufficient kinetic energy is guaranteed, it is definitely a very dangerous thing. But Mo Yan didn't care about the danger. He had to ensure that most people could hear the sound coming from the amplification magic.

Just after the amplification magic was set up, Mo Yan's taunting broadcast began. Almost every day, Saladus was scolded in different ways, from ridiculing his length to his insect-like IQ. His words were gorgeous and well-educated. The same curse words came from the mouths of knowledgeable people. It was different from what an uneducated person would say when he said it. He didn't use any curse words but his words were harsh. The harsh words even made Ariana feel a little sympathetic to Saladus.

Tomorrow will be the middle of this month. After finishing the day's ridicule, Mo Yan returned to his tent, took a sip of ice water, and said to Ariana, who was resting there and reading a book: I thought Saradu Si is such an arrogant person, he would have been unable to hold back the idea of ​​killing me and would have rushed out. I didn't expect that he could endure it. Is it because what I did was not excessive enough?

No one can bear the words you said. Ariana closed the book and looked at Mo Yan with a smile. Maybe it's because I'm in the camp. The fear of death made him restrain himself. Angry, after all he is just arrogant and not stupid, he knows he can’t defeat me.”

Ariana's words made Mo Yan feel a little frustrated. Half of the last month had passed, but not even the biggest wall had been broken through. We don't know how long it will take to capture the huge city in front of us. Mo Yan doesn't have much time to waste here. He sighed and said, I gave Saladus a gift just now. Although it is not a unique idea, this is the last way I can think of. If he can still hold it back, then I will give up, pack the things I want to take away, and wait to leave.

Asshole! I must kill that bastard! The flames ignited from Saladus's hand, burning the cuckold in his hand to ashes, and a green gift box had been stepped on by Saladus. Stepping on it, the hard black wood under the green paint was trampled into pieces. A short letter fell on the ground not far away. The content on it was not much, but it was a detailed introduction to cuckolds. The meaning of tauren, and another meaning represented by the tauren.

Saladus' anger made Lilith, who was still hanging on the stone pillar, want to smile, but she couldn't smile without a chin, and the exposed trachea could only make strange sounds due to the atmosphere in her lungs. She never She didn't expect that the tauren would chase her here, regardless of whether he was here to save her and Vivian. Being able to make Saladus unhappy at this time is her greatest happiness. Now Lilith wants to kill the demon in front of her more than anyone else.

Although she had her ears deafened by Saladus a few days ago because of the tauren's words, she could still tell how angry he was at this time from the fluctuations in his soul. This was a ploy used by the tauren, and Lilith knew that the tauren had succeeded. Saladus could no longer bear the insult he brought, and he would push himself into the abyss because of his anger.

It's all you! It's all your fault! Saladus heard the strange noise made by Lilith, and his anger instantly transferred from the tauren outside the city to Lilith. He rushed to Lilith's body. The person beside her vigorously stirred the steel needle inserted into her body and shouted: Do you still think you can survive? After I kill the tauren tomorrow, I will eat you alive together with the tauren. !”

Saladus said, grabbing Lilith's still existing left leg, biting it and starting to eat it to vent his anger. He would not kill Lilith yet, but he would eat her remaining arms and thighs. Drop it, she doesn't need these things anyway. And tomorrow her body will be eaten away, and her soul will be played with by him until it disappears!

The night passed like this, and Mo Yan was still resting in the barracks outside the city. He spent the night with Ariana last night, and returned to his tent to rest in the early morning. Although Ah Ruina also let him stay in her tent, but in fact if Mo Yan stayed there, he would never be able to really rest. After Mo Yan said that he was leaving hell, Ariana would It was as if he wanted to squeeze it dry.

Not long after Mo Yan lay down, he felt panicked for no reason. The feeling that he was being targeted by some extremely dangerous creature made Mo Yan wake up from his sleep. Then he saw the flaming ball of light below his head. His huge fear made him activate the time ring as if instinctively, freezing time so that he had enough time to think about what happened.

Being able to sneak into the military camp without alerting the guards is not something that ordinary demons can do, so the only person who can cast such powerful magic is Saladus. Mo Yan knew that the gift he gave yesterday had an effect, but he put himself in a huge danger. The ability contained in the light ball on the top of the tent has been destroyed. Even Mo Yan, a person who doesn't know much about magic, can feel the power contained in it.

Using the time ring gave Mo Yan some breathing time, but it was just breathing time. Now he is unable to resist such an attack. Once he removes the protection of the time ring, he will face a close attack. The attack range of the huge light ball is very huge. His speed cannot avoid such an attack.

Time passed quickly. In the blue time shield, Mo Yan had the most time. He thought of countless ways over the course of a year, only to be overturned again and again by himself. The magic sword is the sharpest weapon, but it cannot give him invincible protection. In the end, when Mo Yan studied the ring in his hand, he discovered a new way to use it...

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