Monster Minotaur

Chapter 211 Return to Batar

A hundred years of war? And that's when everything goes well? Mo Yan felt that this must be teasing him. He didn't have so much time to spend here and let the barrier of the gods turn into a rainy season. He wouldn't wait until Mo Yan finished everything. If he missed the goddess' transmission, Mo Yan would have to wait until next year's rainy season before he could return to the main plane, and anything could happen in a year.

Isn't there a faster way? For example, within a month, this long-lasting battle can be completely ended. Mo Yan heard Diack's words and said: A hundred years is a long time. , I don’t have much time to waste here. Maybe I can convince Arena to come here directly to attack, so that our battle can be accelerated a lot.”

Actually, we can't do that. A flower charm came in from outside the tent and brought some food and wine to Mo Yan and Diack. Diack picked up the glass wine bottle on the table. He poured some blood wine for Mo Yan and said: It is not that simple for the monarch to go to war. They need to preserve their strength until the decisive moment. Wasting precious power on siege will make the master lose the ability to fight Saladus. It’s a time of being at a disadvantage.”

There are strong and weak powers among the hell monarchs, but in fact the strength gap between most monarchs is not particularly large. Nowadays, there is no particularly big conflict in hell. It is because of their unique strength or diplomacy. A full-scale war against a hell monarch like Ariana has been very rare in this thousand-year history. Rare behavior.

And it is precisely because of the balance of strength among the hell monarchs that they pay special attention to the preservation of their own strength in a total war. If they want to kill ordinary demons, although it is as simple as slaughtering pigs, sheep and domestic animals, it will also consume their own strength. If it were in their own city, killing eight or nine hundred demons would not be a big deal. They would need to show their strength to maintain their rule.

But if the two monarchs have started a full-scale war, then every ounce of strength may become the key to determining victory or defeat. They must save their own strength as much as possible and use it in the final confrontation. What's more, there are many magic devices in the city, and even the monarch will be affected. Those devices require the demons as soldiers to use their lives to clear the way forward for their monarch.

After eating something simple in Diak's tent, Mo Yan decided to go back to Batar first. He must think of a way to resolve this war as soon as possible, otherwise it would be impossible to obtain the Heart of Teroran and return to the main plane before the end of this rainy season.

Fortunately, there is a giant star gate teleportation array in the military camp, and it takes almost no time to travel to and from Batar. Mo Yan will not be more useful than other high-level demons on this battlefield until he thinks of some good method. As the commander, Diack cannot leave the military camp. The nightmare knights who are still alive are also training in the military camp. Except for Ariana who still stays in Batar, all the soldiers who can fight are here.

Although the star gate teleportation array has not been interfered with yet, we still have to guard against possible threats. After all, if most of the combatants are resting in Batar and the portal is interfered with, then the military camp will not have any assistance. Perhaps because it was not plane teleportation, Mo Yan's teleportation in hell had always been very fast, and he returned to the outskirts of Batar in almost the blink of an eye.

You can stay here during this period. After returning to Batar Castle, Mo Yan took Joanna back to the room where he had hardly slept and said: There is everything you will use here. , if you still need something, you can report it to the maid here. And I will also arrange some protection for you. If you want to go out in the future, let them follow you. This is not the city you are in, Ba Tal is much more dangerous.”

Then...will you accompany me here? Joanna stared at the tauren in front of her with wide eyes and said, If you don't accompany me, I will escape on my own. No matter how many you send It’s useless for people to follow me! The Queen knows the most magic for escaping.”

Then you can escape. Mo Yan smiled nonchalantly and walked outside and said: It would be good if you escaped. If you escape, it will be a violation of the contract. The power of magic will directly transport the pendant. When it comes into my hands, you are like giving the pendant to me with your own hands, and it’s too late for me to be happy.”

The tauren's words made the magic pattern elf speechless. As he said, she was part of the contract, and any breach of contract would make the contract effective immediately. Originally, she just wanted the Minotaur to stay with her. She was a little scared of this strange castle that she was not familiar with. Although the Minotaur was not a good person, at least he was familiar with it after having been together for many days. Even if you occasionally use your hands and feet, it's not too much. Obviously, the threat from the magic pattern elf was stupid, and Mo Yan didn't care whether she would escape or not.

After leaving his room, Mo Yan went to the top floor to find Ariana, but she was not in his bedroom or the hall where he handled affairs. In the end, Mo Yan could only ask the succubus who was tidying up the bedroom, hoping to get Ariana's location in the castle. However, succubi living in such a complex environment were extremely cautious.

Maybe she really didn't know where Ariana was, or maybe it was due to some kind of taboo in the palace. In short, she just said she didn't know when Mo Yan asked. Mo Yan had no choice but to give up when he couldn't find Ariana. He came to the office of the interior minister of the castle and saw his predecessor, Balu, who was now his deputy, with eighteen hands and five heads. demon.

In the more than half a month after Mo Yan left, he continued to handle all the affairs in the castle. In fact, while Mo Yan was still staying in Batar, Mo Yan also took care of most of the affairs. Leave the official documents to him for processing. Eighteen input and writing tools plus a five-core processor can handle massive official documents very quickly. Mo Yan only needs to pay a little attention to some important things. .

This thing... you must take one with you when you go back! Mo Yan looked at the office full of bookcases. His long arms kept processing each official document and placing it in the bookcases that should be classified. , as fast as the fastest file processor.

You're back. The demon lying in the middle of more than a dozen tables raised his head when he saw the minotaur walking in and said, During the time you left, nothing special happened. .The measures you arranged have also been implemented, and I will show you those documents now.

No need. Mo Yan shook his head and said, As long as you have arranged things, isn't someone else responsible for the inspection? If something goes wrong, although I am the person in charge here, you should know It's you who will die in the end, not me, so you should be more focused on this.

The Minotaur's words sent a chill through Demon Balu's body, because he was always worried about being replaced by the Minotaur who was suddenly transferred from his position. When Mo Yan was still here, he might still put a little effort into doing things, but since Mo Yan left, he has slacked off, and even handled some important things carelessly. But now the Minotaur's words reminded him that if something really happened, the Minotaur when he was favored would definitely push him out and take the blame. Ariana would choose to believe the Minotaur in front of her instead of him. .

Demon Balu, who realized in a hurry, quickly corrected his attitude, thinking about the things he had missed during this period, and thinking of other solutions to see if he could undo his mistakes. Mo Yan smiled and didn't pay attention to the demon who suddenly became serious. Instead, he asked him to call up the supplies consumed in the recent battle in Saladus territory.

If you want to know the intensity of the battle, it is most intuitive to look at the material consumption. What Mo Yan looked at was not a detailed account, because the consumption of more than half a million demons every day was huge. Mo Yan might not be able to figure out how much the army consumed in a month.

Both the consumption of magic items and the consumption of soldiers' armor and weapons is very low. After spending nearly a day, Mo Yan read the dictionary-like account book in his hand and came to a very simple conclusion: The battle was not going well. It was not as intense as I imagined. When I saw the bodies piled up like a hill on one side of the city wall, I was surprised at how intense the battle was.

However, Mo Yanhua had some misunderstandings about Diak. The speed of combat attacks in the distance was not slow, although it was still smaller than the entire production capacity of Batar, and the materials consumed were also a huge number. . Mo Yan didn't understand that because of the richness and variety of hell's magic, Diak had to consider more defensive measures.

Although there are many demon soldiers in Batal, they are unable to surround the entire huge city. What they are fighting against Batal's army now are just the defenders on a wall of the city. They are far smaller in number than Batal's army. Demon, but it relies on strong walls to hold on. Diak must consider the defense of the barracks. In addition to the soldiers responsible for siege, most demons are wandering far away to ensure that no one else will attack.

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