Monster Minotaur

Chapter 209 Threat

The door kicked open by Mo Yan was opened as wide as possible, revealing the conditions inside the entire Abundance Temple. Piles of pendants were piled up on the hill like treasures. Because the vault was facing the temple gate, almost all the magic pattern elves guarding the door saw the metal gate of the treasure house that had been cut into pieces with a sharp blade, and blue metal fragments were splashing everywhere. .

Okay, okay. Following the gazes of the elves, Mo Yan looked at the door behind him that he chopped down in anger. He raised his hands in embarrassment and said, I admit that I have forgotten how to open the lock. Just pretend you didn't see the door that I chopped open. Well... there are really a lot of people outside the door. Do you plan to celebrate my success? It's the first time that so many women are looking at me, and I'm a little shy. ”

Put down what you have in your hands! Damn the thief! After seeing this change, the six elders came to the front of the team, pointing the weapons in their hands at the tauren and shouting loudly. Mo Yan didn't know who the six people in front of him were, but he knew that their strength was not weak. In the vision of their souls, their souls were like huge torches that overwhelmed the others.

This is different from what was planned. I thought that your powerful queen would come for this important event. Mo Yan looked at the six people in front of him indifferently, shook the abundance pendant in his hand and said with a smile: I didn't expect that she still wouldn't show up. Does she think that the six of you can keep me? I want to negotiate with you who can manage things. I know that you must want your treasures back.

We can represent the queen with full power. The sword-wielding elder looked at the tauren after hearing what he said: But we will not negotiate with thieves like you! Now you can only hand over the Pendant of Plenty that you robbed. Maybe we I will also give you a happy death! The sin you have committed is unforgivable!

Then there's no point in talking about it? Mo Yan pulled the pendant back into his palm, put the black sword in his hand on it and said, Although this pendant is also very strong, you should know that the weapon in my hand is not even Your treasure house is also cut with a sharp knife. If you really don’t want this pendant, then I can only destroy it. Anyway, you want to kill me no matter what, why don’t you all fight to the death or something? , it’s nice to get excited once in a while…”

Mo Yan knew that they would definitely choose to compromise, because he had something that others valued in his hands, but the other party did not have something that he valued in their hands. After being exposed, the reason why Mo Yan did not choose to retreat was because of this blackmail. He only needed to get the Pendant of Abundance and everything would be easy to operate.

There was no tension on the tauren's face, which made the elders of the magic pattern elves unsure of his thoughts. Although most creatures in hell believe that the queen of the magic pattern elves has the strength of the hell monarch, in fact the queen has almost no fighting ability, and this is an inside story that only the magic pattern elves know. Originally, the elders planned to use threats to make him surrender in fear, but it seems that this method is not feasible.

This is a battle of wisdom and courage, and Mo Yan is not lacking in either of these two things. He is extremely skilled in threats like this. He slowly retracted the smile on his face, and his originally open shoulders began to close in, as if he was about to exert force. These details were deliberately made by Mo Yan for them to put pressure on them.

Stop! The tauren's silent coercion worked. The elders of the magic pattern elves could no longer support it. The fertility pendant was too important to them. They could not afford any loss. They looked like they were holding the staff. The oldest elf elder said: Just tell us what you want, and we will fulfill your wish. But... you must hand over the pendant here!

You have no choice. Mo Yan put down the sword in his hand and said with a smile: You can only obey my orders to ensure that I will not destroy this ring. As for handing over the ring now... you Do you think I'm a stupid person? Now first... I want to meet with your Queen. It's an insult to me to not show up after something like this happened in her castle. I want to talk to her directly. Sign a magical contract to ensure that you will not go back on the promise you made when the time comes.

The Queen will not see you!

Then I will destroy this necklace, and let's all have a big fight together. Mo Yan once again put the magic sword in his hand on the pendant and said: I have already said, you have no right to choose! I I’ll give you twenty minutes to call the Queen here, and by the way… don’t try to deceive me with fake things, I know what she looks like.”

Threatening others is a very enjoyable thing. Although the people being threatened are extremely angry, they have no other choice. Their angry roars can only satisfy the demands of others. In addition, threats are also a way to make people surrender without fighting. The organization that forced Mo Yan to join the gang liked to do this very much.

During a mission, the upper-level personnel of the organization accidentally killed several important personnel of Hope Country, so the entire Hope Country was clamoring for revenge. To deal with this unprecedented tense situation, most of the top leaders of Maozi's organization took advantage of the characteristics of a fighting nation and obtained a few things similar to Big Ivan, intending to negotiate with the world's largest gangster.

But... being the world's biggest gangster is not easy to talk to. The biggest threat made by Mo Yan's organization got away with it. While talking about reconciliation, the Americans secretly carried out quick beheading operations in the dark. No one knows who betrayed them. Maybe it was the Maozi Kingdom that provided them with asylum, or it might be some people within the organization. In short, as the largest private agent organization in the Maozi Kingdom, the top brass were slaughtered almost instantly. . And just when Mo Yan was facing the American guy's gun, he smiled and twisted the key in the lockbox in his hand.

Mo Yan didn't know what happened next, because when he woke up again, he was already in a dilapidated cave. Not only had he turned into a tauren, but he was also surrounded by dirty goblins. But you can roughly guess what happened next. A large bomb with the equivalent of nearly 50 million tons of TNT could almost level the entire Volgograd.

However, no matter who detonated the nuclear bomb, Mao Ziguo must find a scapegoat for its citizens. Now the organization has been completely destroyed, and most ordinary people actually don't know the existence of this organization. They are more willing to believe that everything was done by Americans, and then Maozi Country and Hope Country went to war to trigger a world war or something. , the final nuclear war and all mankind entering the third era of radiation or something...

But now all this has nothing to do with Mo Yan. Although what he is doing now is also very dangerous, Mo Yan has enough experience and lessons. At least he will not make the same mistake twice. The time ring and hand The magic sword makes it impossible for even the Lord of Hell to kill him immediately, and he has enough capital to threaten.

Finally, twenty minutes later, a woman who looked exactly like Joanna came to the underground square under the escort of a brigade of guards. The atmosphere was as solid as ever. And Mo Yan also saw something was wrong. The strength of this woman's soul was no different from Joanna's. Even if she was stronger, it wasn't much stronger.

Is your queen so weak? Mo Yan looked at the two identical girls standing not far from him and said with a frown: I thought your queen was so powerful, but I didn't expect that she was just a good-looking girl. It's just a vase, she is not the result I want, who is the strongest among you.

No need to waste your efforts there. The elder of the magic pattern elves holding the sword said sternly: Although it is a secret that we have kept for a long time, in the entire magic pattern elves, we elders have the highest fighting power. Together, we can be the king of hell. It can’t be defeated, so if you have anything to do, just talk to us directly.”

This news came as a bit of a surprise to Mo Yan, but there was nothing to worry about. The plan could still go ahead. In fact, this is even better. The elders in front of him don't seem to be gathered together, which means that they are not particularly powerful yet, which gives Mo Yan more cards to play.

My request is actually not too much. I need the magic pattern elves to become my allies. Mo Yan stated the conditions he had already thought about: At some point in the future, I will need the help of your entire clan. , win a must-win battle for me, at that time... I need you to be able to obey my orders completely.

Is it just a battle? The tauren's words made the elders don't know how to answer. Originally, the tauren would make some excessive request, but it turned out to be just such a request. After all, battles happen almost all the time in hell, but there is nothing special about a battle. Is this why he took such a big risk?

Do you think it's easy? Mo Yan smiled and said, If the enemies I mentioned were the gods, maybe you would pay attention to my request? In the future... maybe I will fight with the gods in the divine world. In the first battle, I need you to provide me with help at that time. After all... I still feel very distressed after losing this pendant. I risked my life to get this...

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